(sec:compound.detailed)= # Compound Methods ## Commands Below is a list of all available commands available in *Compound* **--------------------------------- Dataset Related --------------------------------** - Dataset({ref}`sec:compound.commands.dataset.declaration.detailed`) - MakeReferenceFromDir({ref}`sec:compound.commands.dataset.makeReferenceFromDir.detailed`) - Print({ref}`sec:compound.commands.dataset.print.detailed`) **------------------------------ File Handling Related -----------------------------** - CloseFile ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.closeFile.detailed`) - OpenFile ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.openFile.detailed`) **------------------------------- *For* Loop Related -------------------------------** - Break ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.break.detailed`) - Continue ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.continue.detailed`) - EndFor ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.endfor.detailed`) - For ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.for.detailed`) **-------------------------------- Geometry Related -------------------------------** - Geometry({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.detailed`) - BohrToAngs({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.BohrToAngs.detailed`) - CreateBSSE({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.createBSSE.detailed`) - FollowNormalMode({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.followNormalMode.detailed`) - GetAtomicNumbers({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.getAtomicNumbers.detailed`) - GetBondDistance({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.getBondDistance.detailed`) - GetCartesians({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.getCartesians.detailed`) - GetGhostAtoms({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.getGhostAtoms.detailed`) - GetNumOfAtoms({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.getNumOFAtoms.detailed`) - MoveAtomToCenter({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.moveAtomToCenter.detailed`) - Read({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.read.detailed`) - RemoveAtoms({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.removeAtoms.detailed`) - RemoveElements({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.removeElements.detailed`) - WriteXYZFile({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.writeXYZFile.detailed`) **------------------------------ *If* block Related ------------------------------** - If ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.if.detailed`) **---------------------------- Linear Algebra Related ----------------------------** - Diagonalize({ref}`sec:compound.commands.linAlgegra.diagonalize.detailed`) - InvertMatrix({ref}`sec:compound.commands.linAlgegra.invertMatrix.detailed`) - Mat_p_Mat({ref}`sec:compound.commands.linAlgegra.Mat_p_Mat.detailed`) - Mat_x_Mat({ref}`sec:compound.commands.linAlgegra.Mat_x_Mat.detailed`) - Mat_x_Scal({ref}`sec:compound.commands.linAlgegra.Mat_x_Scal.detailed`) **--------------------------- ORCA calculation Related ---------------------------** - ReadMOs({ref}`sec:compound.commands.orca.readMOs.detailed`) **----------------------------- Program flow Related -----------------------------** - Abort ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.abort.detailed`) - End ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.end.detailed`) - EndRun ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.endrun.detailed`) - GoTo ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.goto.detailed`) **--------------------------- Property File Related ----------------------------** - GetNumOfInstances({ref}`sec:compound.commands.propertyFile.getNumOfInstances.detailed`) - Read({ref}`sec:compound.commands.propertyFile.read.detailed`) - ReadProperty({ref}`sec:compound.commands.propertyFile.readProperty.detailed`) **-------------------------- String Handling Related --------------------------** - GetBasename ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.getBasename.detailed`) - GetChar ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.getChar.detailed`) - GetSuffix ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.getSuffix.detailed`) - Print ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.print.detailed`) - Write2File ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.write2file.detailed`) - Write2String ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.write2String.detailed`) **--------------------------------- Step Related ---------------------------------** - & ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.ampersand.detailed`) - Alias ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.alias.detailed`) **----------------------------- Timer Related ------------------------------------** - Timer ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.timerrelated.timer.detailed`) - Last ({ref}`sec::compound.commands.timer.last.detailed`) - Reset ({ref}`sec::compound.commands.timer.reset.detailed`) - Start ({ref}`sec::compound.commands.timer.start.detailed`) - Stop ({ref}`sec::compound.commands.timer.stop.detailed`) - Total ({ref}`sec::compound.commands.timer.total.detailed`) **--------------------------- Variables Related ----------------------------------** - Variables ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.general.detailed`) - Variables - Assignment ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.assignement.detailed`) - Variables - Declaration ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.declaration.detailed`) - Variables - Functions ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.detailed`) - Variable - With ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.with.detailed`) - GetBool() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getBool.detailed` - GetDim1() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getDim1.detailed` - GetDim2() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getDim2.detailed` - GetDouble() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getDouble.detailed` - GetInteger() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getInteger.detailed` - GetSize() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getSize.detailed` - GetString() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getString.detailed` - PrintMatrix() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.printMatrix.detailed` - Write2File ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.write2file.detailed`) - Write2String ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.write2string.detailed`) (sec:compound.commands.ampersand.detailed)= ### & The *&* symbol has a special meaning in the compound block. Using this symbol inside the *New_Step* - *Step_End* block the user can use variables that are defined outside the block. Both string and numerical variables are allowed. **Syntax:** **&{*variable*}** **Example** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/ORCA_Test_0958.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.abort.detailed)= ### Abort *Abort* is used when the user wants to exit the program instantly. **Syntax:**\ Abort;\ **or alternatively:**\ Abort **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_abort.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.alias.detailed)= ### Alias *Alias* is used to replace an integer number with a more representative string. It is useful when one performs more than one calculations and the step numbers become too complicated to evaluate. In this case using Alias_Step after the Step_End command will connect the preceeding calculation step number with the provided name. **Syntax:**\ Alias $name$;\ **or alternatively:**\ Alias $name$\ **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/0960.cmp :language: orca ``` *NOTE* for the **Alias** command the final ';' is optional. (sec:compound.commands.break.detailed)= ### Break *Break* can be used inside a *For* loop (see (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.for.detailed`)) when one needs to break the loop under certain conditions. The syntax is the following: **Syntax:**\ *For* *variable* *From* *Start value* *To* *End value* *Do*\ *commands*\ **break ;**\ *commands*\ *EndFor;* **NOTE** both versions *break* and *break;* are legal. What break actually does is to set the running index of the loop to the last allowed value and then jump to the *EndFor* (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.endfor.detailed`)). **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/ORCA_Test_1796.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.closeFile.detailed)= ### CloseFile When a file is opened in *Compound* using the *openFile* command (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.openFile.detailed`), then it must be closed using the *closeFile* command. **Syntax:**\ *closeFile*(file); *file* is the file pointer created from the *openFile* command. For an example see paragraph {ref}`sec:compound.commands.openFile.detailed`. (sec:compound.commands.continue.detailed)= ### Continue *Continue* can be used inside a *For* loop (see (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.for.detailed`)) when one needs to skip the current step of the loop and proceed to the next one. The syntax is the following: **Syntax:**\ *For* *variable* *From* *Start value* *To* *End value* *Do*\ *commands*\ **continue ;**\ *commands*\ *EndFor;* **NOTE** both versions *continue* and *continue;* are legal. What continue actually does is to jump to the *EndFor* (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.endfor.detailed`)). **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/ORCA_Test_1797.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.dataset.declaration.detailed)= ### Dataset In *Compound* we have *Dataset* objects. These objects can be treated like normal variables of type '*compDataset*'. An important difference between normal variables and *Dataset* variables is the declaration. Instead of the normal: ``` Variable x; ``` we excplicitly have to declare that this is a dataset. So the syntax for a dataset declaration is: **Syntax:** ``` Dataset mySet; ``` **NOTE** in the case of datasets we do not allow multiple dataset declarations per line. Below is a list of functions that work on *Dataset*. - MakeReferenceFromDir({ref}`sec:compound.commands.dataset.makeReferenceFromDir.detailed`) - Print({ref}`sec:compound.commands.dataset.print.detailed`) **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_dataset_declaration.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.dataset.makeReferenceFromDir.detailed)= ### D.MakeReferenceFromDir *MakeReferenceFromDir* command acts on a dataset object (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.dataset.declaration.detailed`). It creates a json reference file based on the *xyz files of the current folder. **NOTE** By default all charges and multplicities will be set to 0 and 1 respectively. **Syntax:**\ *mySet.MakeReferenceFromDir(dirName);* Where: - *mySet* is a dataset object that is already declared - *dirName* The name of a directory that should contain some xyz files. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_dataset_makeReferenceFromDir.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.dataset.print.detailed)= ### D.Print *Print* command acts on a dataset object (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.dataset.declaration.detailed`). It prints all details of the specific dataset object. **Syntax:**\ *mySet.Print();* Where: - *mySet* is a dataset object that is already declared **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_dataset_declaration.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.linAlgegra.diagonalize.detailed)= ### Diagonalize *Compound* can peform matrix algebraic operations, one of the available algebraic operation is matrix diagonalization. Be carefull that the matrix, that is to be diagonalized, **must be** a square symmetric matrix. It is also important to remember that only the upper triangle part of the matrix will be used for the diagonalization. If everything proceeds smoothly then the function will return the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the matrix. **Syntax:**\ *A.Diagonalize(eigenValues, eigenVectors);* Where: - *A:* The matrix to be diagonalized. - *eigenValues:* The vector with the eigenvalues - *eigenVectors:* The square matrix with the eigenvectros of the initial matrix. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_linAlgebra_diagonalize.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.end.detailed)= ### End *End* is the final command each compound script must have (unless there is an *EndRun* command (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.endrun.detailed`)). After *Compound* executes what is written in the script then it passes control again to normal ORCA input reading. ORCA will continue analyze the input that rests after the *Compound* part but it will not run any calculation. (sec:compound.commands.endrun.detailed)= ### EndRun #EndRun* is an alternative to the *End* command (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.endrun.detailed`) for ending the execution of a *Compound* script. The difference between *end* and *EndRun* is that *EndRun* ignores everything after the *Compound* block. This makes it even easier to use *Compound* as a full workflow run. (sec:compound.commands.endfor.detailed)= ### EndFor All *For* loops (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.for.detailed`) must finish with *EndFor*. The syntax and an example is shown in the *For* section (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.for.detailed`). **NOTE** For *EndFor* both *EndFor* and *EndFor;* are possible. (sec:compound.commands.for.detailed)= ### For *For* loops are used to perform repetitive tasks. The syntax is the following: **Syntax:** **For** *variable* **From** *Start value* **To** *End value* **Do** *commands* **EndFor** or **EndFor;** *Variable* should be a variable name not previously defined. *Start value* and *End value* should be integers defining the start and end value of the *variable*. *Start value* and *End value* can be numbers, predefined variables or functions of previously defined variables. The only requirement is that they should be **integers**. Keep in mind that the loop will be performed from the first value to the *End value*, including the *End value*. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/0977.cmp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.geometry.detailed)= ### Geometry In *Compound* we have *Geometry* objects. These objects can be treated like normal variables of type '*compGeometry*'. An important difference between normal variables and *Geometry* variables is the declaration. Instead of the normal: ``` Variable myGeom; ``` we excplicitly have to declare that this is a geometry. So the syntax for a geometry declaration is: **Syntax:** ``` Geometry myGeom; Geometry myGeom1, myGeom2; ``` Using the second definition one can define two geometry objects in the same line. Below is a list of functions that work on *Geometry* objects. - BohrToAngs({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.BohrToAngs.detailed`) - CreateBSSE ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.createBSSE.detailed`) - FollowNormalMode ({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.followNormalMode.detailed`) - GetAtomicNumbers({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.getAtomicNumbers.detailed`) - GetBondDistance({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.getBondDistance.detailed`) - GetCartesians({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.getCartesians.detailed`) - GetGhostAtoms({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.getGhostAtoms.detailed`) - GetNumOfAtoms({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.getNumOFAtoms.detailed`) - MoveAtomToCenter({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.moveAtomToCenter.detailed`) - Read({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.read.detailed`) - RemoveAtoms({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.removeAtoms.detailed`) - RemoveElements({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.removeElements.detailed`) - WriteXYZFile({ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.writeXYZFile.detailed`) (sec:compound.commands.geometry.BohrToAngs.detailed)= ### G.BohrToAngs *BohrToAngs* command acts on a geometry object (see see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.detailed`). It will transform the geometry of the loaded geometry object from Bohr to Angstroms. Practically it will just multiply the coordinates with the factor *0.529177249*. **Syntax:**\ *myGeom.BohrToAngs();* Where: - *myGeom* is a geometry object that already contains a geometry **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_geometry_BohrToAngs.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.geometry.createBSSE.detailed)= ### G.CreateBSSE *CreateBSSE* command acts on a geometry object (see see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.detailed`). In the case that the geometry object contains *ghost* atoms then *CreateBSSE* will create five new files: - myFilename_FragmentA.xyz - myFilename_MonomerA.xyz - myFilename_FragmentB.xyz - myFilename_MonomerB.xyz - myFilename_Total.xyz **Syntax:**\ *myGeom.CreateBSSE(filename=myFilename);* Where: - *myGeom* is a geometry object that already contains a geometry - *filename* is a base filename for the created files. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_geometry_createbsse.inp :language: orca ``` **NOTE** The files will contain XYZ geometries in **BOHRS**. (sec:compound.commands.geometry.followNormalMode.detailed)= ### G.FollowNormalMode *FollowNormalMode* command acts on a geometry object (see see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.detailed`). It will displace the loaded geometry following a chosen normal mode of vibtation **Syntax:**\ *myGeom.FollowNormalMode(vibrationSN=myVibration, [ScalingFactor=myScalingFactor]);* Where: - *myGeom* is a geometry object that already contains a geometry - *vibrationSN* is the serial number of the vibration. **NOTE** Please remember that counting starts with 1. - *scalingFactor* is the scaling of the normal mode of vibration. This argument is optional. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_geometry_followNormalMode.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.geometry.getAtomicNumbers.detailed)= ### G.GetAtomicNumbers Function *GetAtomicNumbers* acts on geometry objects and returns and array with the atomic numbers of the elements in the working geometry. **Syntax:** *atomNumbers = geom.GetAtomicNumbers()* *atomNumbers* A variable that will be filled with the values of the atomic numbers *geom* A geometry object that should already be loaded. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_geometry_GetAtomicNumbers.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.geometry.getBondDistance.detailed)= ### G.GetBondDistance Function *GetBondDistance* acts on geometry objects and returns the distance between two atoms **in Bohrs**. **Syntax:** *res = geom.GetBondDistance(atomA, atomB)* Where: *res* The distance between atoms atomA and atomB. *geom* A geometry object previously loaded. *atomA* The index of atomA in the geometry. *atomB* The index of atomB in the geometry. **NOTE** indices start counting from 0 **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_geometry_getBondDistance.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.geometry.getCartesians.detailed)= ### G.GetCartesians Function *GetCartesians* acts on geometry objects (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.detailed`) and returns the distance xyz cartesian coordinates. Please remember that it alsways returns the cooridnates in **BOHRS**. **Syntax:** *coords = geom.GetCartesians()* Where: *coords*: A (*nAtoms*,3) array with the cartesian coordinates in **BOHRS**. *geom*: A geometry object previously loaded. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_geometry_GetCartesians.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.geometry.getGhostAtoms.detailed)= ### G.GetGhostAtoms Function *GetGhostAtoms* acts on geometry objects (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.detailed`). It returns a vector of size nAtoms where for each atom the value will be -1 if it is a ghost atom, otherwise the atomic number of the element **Syntax:** *ghostAtoms = geom.GetGhostAtoms()* Where: *ghostAtoms*: A (*nAtoms*,1) integer vector with values -1 or the atomic number of the atom, in case it is not a ghost atom. *geom*: A geometry object previously loaded. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_geometry_getGhostAtoms.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.geometry.getNumOfAtoms.detailed)= ### G.GetNumOfAtoms *GetNumOfAtoms* returns an integer with the number of atoms of the working geometry. **Syntax:** *res = geom.GetNumOfAtoms();* Where: *res* is the resulting number of atoms *geom* is the name of a geometry variable (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.detailed`) we are using. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_geometry_getNumOfAtoms.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.geometry.moveAtomToCenter.detailed)= ### G.MoveAtomToCenter Function *MoveAtomToCenter* acts on geometry objects (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.detailed`). It will adjust the cartesian coordinates so that the chosen atom will rest at (0.0 0.0 0.0). **Syntax:** *geom.MoveAtomToCenter(atom serial nubmer);* Where: *geom*: A geometry object previously loaded. *atom serial number*: The serial number of the atom in the geometry. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_geometry_MoveAtomToCenter.inp :language: orca ``` **NOTE** Please remember that counting **starts with 0**, meaning that the first atom is 0 and not 1! (sec:compound.commands.geometry.read.detailed)= ### G.Read Function *Read* acts on geometry objects (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.detailed`) and reads a geometry from a property file related to a previous step. **Syntax:** *geom.Read([stepID=myStepID], propertySN=myPropertySN)* Where: *geom*: A geometry object that will be updated. *stepID*: The step from which we are going to read the geometry. If not given the previous step will be used. *propertySN*: The serial number the geometry in the property file. If not given the last available geometry will be used. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_geometry_read.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.geometry.removeAtoms.detailed)= ### G.RemoveAtoms Function *RemoveAtoms* acts on geometry objects (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.detailed`). It accepts a list of atoms and removes them from the loaded geometry. In the end the geometry object will be updated. **Syntax:** *geom.RemoveAtoms(atom1, atom2, ...);* Where: *geom*: A geometry object previously loaded. *atom1, atom2, ...*: The serial number of the atoms in the geometry. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_geometry_RemoveAtoms.inp :language: orca ``` **NOTE** Please remember that counting **starts with 0**, meaning that the first atom is 0 and not 1! (sec:compound.commands.geometry.removeElements.detailed)= ### G.RemoveElements Function *RemoveElements* acts on geometry objects (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.detailed`). It will remove from the loaded geometry all atoms with an atomic number given in the list. **Syntax:** *geom.RemoveElements(atomNumber1, atomicNumber2, ...);* Where: *geom*: A geometry object previously loaded. *atomicNumber1, atomicNumber2, ...*: The atomic number of elements to be removed from the current geometry. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_geometry_RemoveElements.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.geometry.writeXYZFile.detailed)= ### G.WriteXYZFile Function *WriteXYZFile* acts on geometry objects (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.detailed`) and writes on disc an xyz file with the coordinates of the current goemetry object. Please remember that it alsways writes the coordinates in **BOHRS**. **Syntax:** *res = geom.WriteXYZFile(filename=myFilename)* Where: *res*: An integer that returns '0' if everything worked smoothly. *myFilename* The name of the file that will contain the coordinates. *geom*: A geometry object previously loaded. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_geometry_WriteXYZ.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.propertyFile.getNumOfInstances.detailed)= ### GetNumOfInstances The *GetNumOfInstances* returns the number of instances of a specific object in a propertyfile. **Syntax:** *[res=] GetNumOfInstances(propertyName=myName, [step=myStep], [filename=myFilename], [baseProperty=true/false])* *Where:* *res:* An integer that returns the number of instances of the required property in the property file. *propertyName:* A string alias that defines the variable the user wants to read. *step:* The step from which we want to read the property. If not given the property file from the last step will be read. *filename:* A filename of a property file. If a filename and at the same time a step are provided the program will ignore the step and try to read the property file with the given filename. **NOTE** please note that in the end of filename the extension *.property.txt* will be added. *baseProperty:* A true/false boolean. The default value is set to false. If the value is set to true then a generic property of the type asked will be read. This means if dipole moment is asked, it will return the last dipole moment, irrelevant if and MP2 or SCF one wad defined. **Example** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_propertyFile_getNumOfInstances.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.goto.detailed)= ### GoTo The *GoTo* command allows the 'jump' inside the normal flow of a *compound* script. The syntax of the command can be best presented through an example. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_goto.inp :language: orca ``` Please note that the variable we use as a label for the *GoTo* command should be previously defined like a normal variable. (sec:compound.commands.if.detailed)= ### If The *if* block allows the user to make decisions. The syntax in *Compound* is the following:\ **Syntax:** **If** *(expression)* **Then** *actions* **Else if** *(expression)* **Then** *actions* **Else** *actions* **Endif** Below is an example of the usage of *if block* in *compound*. ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/0976.cmp :language: orca ``` Some comments about the syntax: The *Else if* or *Else* blocks are not obligatory. The numerical operators that can be used are: *'\>', '\<', '\>=', '\<=', '='*. The available logical operators are: *'and' and 'or'*. Unfortunately in the current version multi-parentheses are not allowed. There is now the possibility to compare strings. (sec:compound.commands.linAlgegra.invertMatrix.detailed)= ### InvertMatrix *Compound* can peform matrix algebraic operations, one of the available algebraic operation is the inversion of a matrix. Be carefull that the matrix, whose the invert we are looking for, **must be** a real, square matrix. **Syntax:**\ *AInvert = A.InvertMatrix();* Where: - *A:* The matrix to be inverted. - *AInvert:* The invert of A. It can be A itself and then A will just be updated. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_linAlgebra_invertMatrix.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.linAlgegra.Mat_p_Mat.detailed)= ### Mat_p_Mat *Compound* can peform matrix algebraic operations, one of the available algebraic operation is matrix addittion. In order to add two matrices they **must** have the same dimensions. **Syntax:**\ *C=Mat_p_Mat(alpha, A, beta, B);* Where: - *C:* The resulting matrix. - *alpha:* The coefficient for matrix A. - *A:* The left matrix of the addition. - *beta:* The coefficient for matrix B. - *B:* The right matrix of the addition. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_linAlgebra_mat_p_mat.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.linAlgegra.Mat_x_Mat.detailed)= ### Mat_x_Mat *Compound* can peform matrix algebraic operations, one of the available algebraic operation is matrix multiplication. In general we can multiply each matrix with constants *alpha* and *beta* so that the general multiplication is: *C=(alpha*A)*(beta*B) In addition each of matrices A and B are allowed to be transposed. **Syntax:**\ *C=Mat_x_Mat(A, B, [transposeA], [transposeB], [alpha], [beta]);* Where: - *C:* The resulting matrix. - *A:* The left matrix of the multiplication. - *B:* The right matrix of the multiplication. - *transposeA:* A boolean to state if matrix A should be transposed before the mutliplication (default: False). - *transposeB:* A boolean to state if matrix B should be transposed before the multiplication (default: False). - *alpha:* A scalar to multiply matrix A before the mutliplication (default 1.0). - *beta:* A scalar to mutliply matrix B before the multiplication (default 1.0). **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_linAlgebra_mat_x_mat.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.linAlgegra.Mat_x_Scal.detailed)= ### Mat_x_Scal *Compound* can peform matrix algebraic operations, one of the available algebraic operation is multiplication of the elements of a matrix with a scalar. The function returns the multiplied matrix that can be the one that we use as an argument in the parenthesis, meaning it is updated, or a different one. **Syntax:**\ *C=Mat_x_Scal(alpha, A);* Where: - *C:* The resulting matrix. - *alpha:* A scalar to multiply the elements of matrix A. - *A:* The matrix to be mutliplied. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_linAlgebra_mat_x_scal.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.new_geom.detailed)= ### New_Geom *New_Geom* is a platform for geometry manipulation. The basic idea is to have functions that can read a geometry and then produce one or more new geometries with some characteristics that we need. For the moment under the umbrella of *New_Geom* fall 4 different functions, and these are: Displace, Remove_Atom, Remove_Element. (sec:compound.commands.propertyFile.read.detailed)= ### Read The *Read* command reads a property from the property file. **NOTE** This is the old syntax to read the property file and it **will be deprecated** in the next version of ORCA. For the new syntax please use the **ReadProperty** command (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.propertyFile.readProperty.detailed`) **Syntax** *Read myVar = propertyName[stepID]* *Where:* *myVar:* The variable that will be updated *propertyName:* The alias for the property we need to read *stepID:* The step to which we refer. **Example** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_propertyFile_read.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.propertyFile.readProperty.detailed)= ### ReadProperty One of the fundamental features of *Compound* is the ability to easily read ORCA calculated values from the property file. **Syntax:** *[res=] readProperty(propertyName=myName, [step=myStep], [filename=myFilename], [baseProperty=true/false])* *Where:* *res:* An integer that returns the index of the found property if the property was found in the property file, -1 if the property does not exist. This is not obligatory. *propertyName:* A string alias that defines the variable the user wants to read. *step:* The step from which we want to read the property. If not given the property file from the last step will be read. *filename:* A filename of a property file. If a filename and at the same time a step are provided the program will ignore the step and try to read the property file with the given filename. **NOTE** please note that in the end of filename the extension *.property.txt* will be added. *baseProperty:* A true/false boolean. The default value is set to false. If the value is set to true then a generic property of the type asked will be read. This means if dipole moment is asked, it will return the last dipole moment, irrelevant if and MP2 or SCF one wad defined. **Example** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_properertyFile_readProperty.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.new_geom.displace.detailed)= #### Displace The idea behind \"*Displace'*\" is to have a structure, perform an analytical frequncy calculation on it (currently we do not store numerical frequencies in the property file) and then read the Hessian from this calculation to adjust the geometry based on a normal mode of vibration that we choose. The syntax of this command is: **syntax:** New_Geom = (Displace, step, hessian, frequency, scaling) where:\ *step* is the step from which we choose the original geometry\ *hessian* is the hessian read from a property file\ *frequency* defines which normal mode we will use and\ *scaling* is a factor of how severe we want the displacement to be. We should note that *Displace* is the only command of the *new_geom* family of commands that will not store a geometry on disk but only internally pass the new geometry to the next calculation. An example of the usage of this command can be found in the script 'iterativeOptimization' that is given with ORCA. The relevant part is as follows: **example:** ```orca # Define variables Variable MaxNTries = 25; Variable CutOff = -50; Variable displacement = 0.6; Variable NNegative = 0; Variable freqs[]; Variable modes[]; Variable NFreq; Variable limit; Variable done; Variable FinalEnergy; # =========================================================== # Start a for loop over number of tries # =========================================================== For itry From 1 To maxNTries Do # ---------------------------------- # Run a geometry optimization # ---------------------------------- New_Step ! tightopt freq verytightscf nopop def2-TZVP xyzfile Step_End Read freqs = THERMO_FREQS[itry]; Read modes = HESSIAN_MODES[itry]; Read NFreq = THERMO_NUM_OF_FREQS[itry]; limit = NFreq - 1; # ---------------------------------- # check for sufficeintly negative # frequencies # ---------------------------------- NNegative = 0; For ifreq From 0 to limit Do if ( freqs[ifreq] < CutOff ) then New_Geom = (Displace, itry, modes, ifreq, displacement); ``` (sec:compound.commands.openFile.detailed)= ### OpenFile *Compound* can write text files on disk. In order to write to a file a filepointer must be created. For this in *Compound* exists the command *OpenFile*. **Syntax:**\ filePtr = *OpenFile*(*Filename*, "*open mode*"); *filePtr* is a variable previously declared. *Filename* can be a string or a variable of string type and represents the name of the file on disk. There are two available *opening modes*: - 'w'. In this mode a new file will be created and the user can write on it. If an old file with the same name exists, it's contents will be deleted. - 'a'. In this mode if a file already exists, the user will append to what already exists in the file. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/ORCA_Test_1798.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.new_geom.remove_atom.detailed)= #### Remove_Atom Remove_atom removes an atom from a geometry given its index. We should point out that counting of atoms in ORCA starts with 0. After this command is executed it will store on a disk a new geomety in a xyz format where only the atom with the given index will be missing. **Syntax:** New_Geom = ( Remove_atom, atomIndex, \"filename\", stepIndex, \[geometry Index\]); where:\ *atom Index* is the number of the atom we want to remove. It can be an integer number or a variable.\ *filename* is the name of the file that we want to use for the new xyz file. It can be a string in quotation marks or a variable already defined before. In the name the xyz extension will be automatically appended. *step Index* the number of the step from which we will get the initial geometry. It has to be an integer number. *geometry Index* In case there are more than one geometries in the corresponding property file we can choose one. If no number is given but default the program will use the last one. **example:** if we use the normal ORCA input file: ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/runRemoveAtom.inp :language: orca ``` together with the compound file \"removeAtom.cmp\" : ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/removeAtom.cmp :language: orca ``` then the xyz file 'newGeom.xyz' will be created that should look like: ```orca 2 H 2.5974927 -0.4116633 0.7667449 H 2.5931354 -0.4494962 -0.7447820 ``` where the atom with *atomIndex = 0* meaning the first atom, meaning the oxygen is removed. (sec:compound.commands.new_geom.remove_elements.detailed)= #### Remove_Element Remove_element is similar to the Remove_atom but instead of using the index of the atom we use its atomic number. Thus the syntax is: **Syntax:** New_Geom = ( Remove_Element, atomic number, \"filename\", stepIndex, \[geometry Index\]); where:\ *atomic number* is the atomic number of the atom we want to remove. It can be an integer number or a variable.\ *filename* is the name of the file that we want to use for the new xyz file. It can be a string in quotation marks or a variable already defined before. In the name the xyz extension will be automatically appended. *step Index* the number of the step from which we will get the initial geometry. It has to be an integer number. *geometry Index* In case there are more than one geometries in the corresponding property file we can choose one. If no number is given but default the program will use the last one. **example:** if we use again the input from paragraph [](#sec:compound.commands.new_geom.remove_atom.detailed){reference-type="ref" reference="sec:compound.commands.new_geom.remove_atom.detailed"} but instead of asking the compound file \"removeAtom.cmp\" we ask for the compound file \"removeElement.cmp\" that looks like: ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/removeElement.cmp :language: orca ``` then we will get again the same xyz file that was crated in paragraph {ref}`sec:compound.commands.new_geom.remove_atom.detailed` since the atom with atomic number 8 (meaning the Oxygen) will be removed from the original geometry. (sec:compound.commands.newstep.detailed)= ### New_Step New_Step signals the beginning of a new ORCA input. **Syntax:** New_Step\ *\...Normal ORCA input commands*\ Step_End There is no restriction in the input of ORCA, except of course that it should not include another Compound block. It is important to remember that a *New_Step* command should always end with a *Step_End* command. Below we show a simple example. **Example:** ```orca New_Step ! BP86 def2-SVP Step_End ``` There is only a basic fundamental difference with a normal ORCA input. Inside the *New_Step* block it is not necessary to include a geometry. ORCA will automatically try to read the geometry from the previous calculation. Of course a geometry can be given and then ORCA will use it. (sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.print.detailed)= ### Print Printing in the ORCA outpug can be customized using the *print* command. The syntax of the *print* command closely follows the corresponding printf command from C/C++. So the usage of the *print* command is: **Syntax:**\ *print(format string, \[variables\]);* For each variable there can be specifiers and flags for the specifiers. Currently *print* command supports three datatypes namely integers, doubles and strings. A format specifier follows this prototype: *%\[flags\]\[width\]\[.precision\]specifier* where details for the specifiers and flags can be found in table {numref}`compoundPrintSpecifiers` (compoundPrintSpecifiers)= :::{table} compound print Specifiers | Specifier | | | |:----------|:--------------------------------------|:----| | s | strings | | | d | integers | | | lf | doubles | | | | | | | Flags | | | | | | | | number | width | | | .number | number of decimal digits | | | \- | left alignement (by default is right) | | | | | | ::: **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/0954.cmp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.read.detailed)= ### Read There are three ways to assign a value to a variable. The first one is through the *\"Read\"* directive. Read works only for a set of predefined variables that the program stores in the property file, during each ORCA calculation, and can then retrieve from there. A list with the available known variables is given in Table {ref}`knownVariables`. **Syntax:**\ Read VariableName = KnownVariable\[StepIndex\] ;\ **Example:** ```orca variable Scale, ZPE, ZPEScaled; #---------------------------------------------------------- # (Calculation 1) # the ZPE correction from HF New_Step HF 6-31G(d) VeryTightSCF TightOpt Freq STEP_END read ZPE = THERMO_ZPE[1]; ``` The *VariableName* should be the name of a variable already defined. The *KnownVariable* should be one of the variables defined in Table {ref}`knownVariables`. The StepIndex defines for which calculation we should work. It can be either an integer or, if we have already use an *Step_Alias* before, the string of the alias. It should be noted that number counting starts from 1, meaning that the first ORCA calculation, defined through *New_Step* corresponds to number 1. [NOTE:]{.underline} Please do not forget the final *;*. (sec:compound.commands.read_geom.detailed)= ### Read_Geom Read_Geom will read the geometry from a previous step. **Syntax:**\ Read_Geom $number$ Here number is the number of the job that we want to read the geometry from. The directive should be positioned before a *New_Step* - *Step_End* block. **Example:** ```orca #Compound Job 1 New_Step !BP86 def2-SVP Step_End #Compound Job 2 New_Step !BP86 def2-SVP opt Step_End #Compound Job 3 Read_Geom 1 New_Step !CCSD def2-SVP Step_End End #Final End ``` In this case the third calculation, through the *Read_MGeom 1* command, will read the geometry from the first calculation. (sec:compound.commands.orca.readMOs.detailed)= ### ReadMOs ReadMOs reads the molecular orbitals from a previous step. **Syntax:**\ *ReadMOs(stepNumber);* Where: - *stepNumber:* is the number of the step from which we want to read the orbitals. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_readMOs.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.getBasename.detailed)= ### S.GetBasename In *Compound* strings have all the functionality of a normal variable. In addition they have some additional functions that act only on strings. On of these functions is the function *GetBasename*. This function searches the string and if it contains a dot it will return the part of the string before the dot. **Syntax:** *result = source.GetBasename();* *Where:* *result* is the returned string. *source* is the original string. **NOTE** If the original string contains no dot then the result string will be a copy of the source one. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_string_getBasename.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.getChar.detailed)= ### S.GetChar In *Compound* strings have all the functionality of a normal variable. In addition they have some additional functions that act only on strings. On of these functions is the function *GetChar*. This function searches the string and if it contains a dot it will return the part of the string after the dot. **Syntax:** *result = source.GetChar(index);* *Where:* *result* is the returned string. *index* is the index of the curracter in the string. Keep in mind that counting starts with **0** and not 1. *source* is the original string. **NOTE** If the index is larger than the size of the string or negative then the program will exit. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_string_getBasename.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.getSuffix.detailed)= ### S.GetSuffix In *Compound* strings have all the functionality of a normal variable. In addition they have some additional functions that act only on strings. On of these functions is the function *GetSuffix*. This function searches the string and if it contains a dot it will return the part of the string after the dot. **Syntax:** *result = source.GetSuffix();* *Where:* *result* is the returned string. *source* is the original string. **NOTE** If the original string contains no dot then the result string will be an empty string. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_string_getBasename.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.endstep.detailed)= ### Step_End Step_End signals the end of an ORCA Input. It should always be the last directive of an ORCA input inside the compound block that starts with *New_Step* (see paragraph {ref}`sec:compound.commands.newstep.detailed`) (sec:compound.commands.syscmd.detailed)= ### Sys_cmd Sys_cmd will read a system command and execute it. **Syntax:**\ Sys_cmd *command* **Example:** ```orca SYS_CMD "orca_mapspc test.out SOCABS -x0700 -x1900 -w0.5 -eV -n10000 " ``` (sec:compound.commands.timerrelated.timer.detailed)= ### Timer A *timer* is an object that can keep time for tasks in compound. Before a timer object is used it has to be declared. The declaration of a *timer* is slightly different that the rest of variables, because it has to explicitly declare it's type. **Syntax** *timer myTimer;* *where* *timer* is used instead of the normal *variable* command to explicitly set the variable type to *compTimer*. *myTimer* is a normal instance of the object. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/0961.cmp :language: orca ``` Below is a lit of functions that work exclusively on *Timer* objects. - Last ({ref}`sec::compound.commands.timer.last.detailed`) - Reset ({ref}`sec::compound.commands.timer.reset.detailed`) - Start ({ref}`sec::compound.commands.timer.start.detailed`) - Stop ({ref}`sec::compound.commands.timer.stop.detailed`) - Total ({ref}`sec::compound.commands.timer.total.detailed`) (sec::compound.commands.timer.last.detailed)= ### T.Last Last is a function that works on a *timer* object. It returns, as a real number, the last value of the timer. **Syntax** *myTimer.Last();* *Where:* *myTimer:* is the *timer* object initialized before. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/0961.cmp :language: orca ``` **NOTE** Before using last the *timer* object must, beside defined, be also initializee, using *Start* (see {ref}`sec::compound.commands.timer.start.detailed`) (sec::compound.commands.timer.reset.detailed)= ### T.Reset *Reset* is a function that works on a *timer* object. It resets the *timer* object to its initial state. **Syntax** *myTimer.Reset();* *Where:* *myTimer:* is the *timer* object initialized before. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/0961.cmp :language: orca ``` (sec::compound.commands.timer.start.detailed)= ### T.Start *Start* is a function that works on a *timer* object. It retunrs the *timer* object to its initial state. **Syntax** *myTimer.Start();* *Where:* *myTimer:* is the *timer* object initialized before. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/0961.cmp :language: orca ``` (sec::compound.commands.timer.stop.detailed)= ### T.Stop *Stop* is a function that works on a *timer* object. It stops the timer from counting. **Syntax** *myTimer.Stop();* *Where:* *myTimer:* is the *timer* object initialized before. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/0961.cmp :language: orca ``` (sec::compound.commands.timer.total.detailed)= ### T.Total *Total* is a function that works on a *timer* object. It returns a real number with the total time. **Syntax** *myTimer.Total();* *Where:* *myTimer:* is the *timer* object initialized before. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/0961.cmp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.variables.general.detailed)= ### Variables - General Everything in the *Compound* language is based on variables. Their meaning and usage are similar to those in any programming language: you need to declare a variable and then assign a value to it. Notably, in *Compound*, a variable must be declared before it is assigned a value, following the syntax rules of languages like C. This differs from languages like Python, where you can assign a value to a variable without prior declaration. The only exception to this rule in Compound is the index in a for loop, which does not require prior declaration. In *Compound* we support the following data types for variables: - Integer - Double - String - Boolean - File pointer In addition to these data types *Compound* supports also variables of type *Geometry* and *Timer* but these are treated separately (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.geometry.detailed` and {ref}`sec:compound.commands.timerrelated.timer.detailed`). For each variable in *Compound* there are 3 major categories of usage: - The declaration (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.declaration.detailed`) - The assignement (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.assignement.detailed`) and - Variable functions (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.detailed`) (sec:compound.commands.variables.declaration.detailed)= ### Variables - Declaration There are currently 6 different ways to declare a variable in *Compound*. Their syntax is the following: **Syntax:** **A.** *Variable name;* **B.** *Variable name1, name2;* **C.** *Variable name=value;* **D.** *Variable name\[$n$\];* **E.** *Variable name\[$n1$\]\[$n2$\];* **F.** *Variable name={value1, value2, \...}*; **NOTE** In previous versions of *Compound* for variables that were matrices but the size was not known one had to declare the variable using the following syntax: *Variable name = \[\];* This is now changed and the empty brackets are no longer needed, so that this variable can be defined like a normal variable as in case *A*. **Example** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/0973.cmp :language: orca ``` Some comments for the different cases of variable declaration.\ **Case A** is the simplest one were we just declare the name of a variable. **Case B** is similar to *Case A* but here more than one variables are declared simultaneously. In **Case C** we combine the variable declaration with the assignment of a value to the variable. It worth noting that in this case *Compound* automatically deducts the type of the variable based on the given value. **Case D** declares a 1-Dimensional array of a defined size. **Case E** declares a 2-Dimensional array of defined size. For this case, and also accordingly for *Case E*, one can use previously defined integer variables instead of numbers. **Case F** defines an array based on a list of given values. The array will automatically define it's size based on the size of the list. The values in the list do not have to be all of the same type. **NOTE** In the past for *Case F* empty brackets were needed after the name of the variable. This is no longer necessary. **NOTE** It is important not to forget the final **;** symbol in the end of each declaration because the result of omitting it is undefined. (sec:compound.commands.variables.assignement.detailed)= ### Variables - Assignment Assigning a value to a variable has a rather straightforward syntax. **Syntax:**\ *VariableName = CustomFunction;* *Where:* *VariableName* is a variable already declared. *CustomFunction* a mathematical expression. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/0974.cmp :language: orca ``` **NOTE** It is important to remember to finish the variable assignment using the **';'** symbol. (sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.detailed)= ### Variables - Functions Variables in *Compound* have a small number of functions that can help exctract information about them. In the current version of *Compound* these functions are the following: **Syntax:**\ VariableName.Function(); where *VariableName* is a variable that is already declared. Then the function will return a value that depends on the *Function* that we used. Currenlty *Compound* supports the following functions: - GetBool() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getBool.detailed` - GetDim1() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getDim1.detailed` - GetDim2() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getDim2.detailed` - GetDouble() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getDouble.detailed` - GetInteger() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getInteger.detailed` - GetSize() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getSize.detailed` - GetString() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getString.detailed` - PrintMatrix() {ref}`sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.printMatrix.detailed` **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/0974.cmp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getBool.detailed)= ### V.GetBool() This function will return a boolean value in case the variable is boolean or integer. For integers it will return *false* for 0 and *true* for all other integer values. In all other cases the program will crash providing a relevant message. **Syntax:** *myVar.GetBool();* *where:* *myVar* is an already initialized variable. **Example** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_variables_functions_getDouble.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getDim1.detailed)= ### V.GetDim1() This function works on a variable. It will return the size of the first dimension of an array. If the variable is a scalar it will return 1. **Syntax:** *myVar.GetDim1();* *where:* *myVar* is an already initialized variable. **Example** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_variables_functions_getDim1.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getDim2.detailed)= ### V.GetDim2() This function works on a variable. It will return the size of the second dimension of an array. If the variable is a scalar or a 1-Dimensional array it will return 1. **Syntax:** *myVar.GetDim2();* *where:* *myVar* is an already initialized variable. **Example** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_variables_functions_getDim1.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getDouble.detailed)= ### V.GetDouble() This function works on a variable. It will return a double value in case the variable is integer or double. In all other cases the program will crash providing a relevant message. **Syntax:** *myVar.GetDouble();* *where:* *myVar* is an already initialized variable. **Example** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_variables_functions_getDouble.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getInteger.detailed)= ### V.GetInteger() This function works on a variable. It will return an integer value in case the variable is integer or double. In all other cases the program will crash providing a relevant message. **Syntax:** *myVar.GetInteger();* *where:* *myVar* is an already initialized variable. **Example** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_variables_functions_getDouble.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getSize.detailed)= ### V.GetSize() This function works on a variable. If the variable is a scalar it will return 1. If the variable is a 1-Dimensional array it will return the size of the array which is the same with the *GetDim1()* . If the variable is a 2-Dimensional array it will return the results Dim1\*Dim2. **Syntax:** *myVar.GetSize();* *where:* *myVar* is an already initialized variable. **Example** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_variables_functions_getDim1.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.getString.detailed)= ### V.GetString() This function works on a variable. It will return a string of the value of the variable. It works for doubles, integers and booleans. **Syntax:** *myVar.GetString();* *where:* *myVar* is an already initialized variable. **Example** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_variables_functions_getDouble.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.variables.functions.printMatrix.detailed)= ### V.PrintMatrix() This function works on variables. It will print print an array on a format with 8 columns. **Syntax:** *myVar.PrintMatrix([NCols=numOfColumns]);* *where:* *myVar* is an already initialized variable. *numOfColumns* is the desired number of columns for the printing. This is not obligatory and if not used then by default ORCA will print using **4** columns. **Example** **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/compound_example_variables_functions_printMatrix.inp :language: orca ``` **NOTE** In case of scalars it will only print the header without any values. **NOTE** It only works for arrays of type *'double'* or type *'integer'*. With all variables of other types the program will exit providing an error message. (sec:compound.commands.variables.with.detailed)= ### With The purpose of the \"with\" command is to add the ability to call compound while adjusting some of the variables that are already defined in the compound file. This means that if there is a variable defined in the compound file and a value is assigned to it, we can during the call change the assigned value of this variable. One can pass numbers, string or boolean variables. It should be noted that it is not possible to call array variables this way. Beside this restriction, the syntax of the variable assignment in the case of with is the same with the variable assignment in a normal *Compound* script. An important note here is that in case we use the *With* command the *%Compound* block should end with an *'End'* even if we call a *Compound* script file.\ **Syntax:**\ **% compound** *\"filename\"*\ **With**\ *var1* = *val1*;\ *var2* = *val2*;\ **End**\ **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/0975.cmp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.write2file.detailed)= ### Write2File With the *Print* command (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.print.detailed`) one can write in the ORCA output. Nevertheless it might be that one would prefer to write to a different file. In *Compound* one can achieve this using the *write2File* command. The syntax follows closely the syntax of 'fprintf' command of the programming language C. The arguments definition and the syntax is identical with the syntax of the *Compound 'Print'* command with the addition that one should define a file object to send the printing. **Syntax:**\ *Write2File(file variable, format string, \[variables\]);* *Where:* *file variable:* is a predefined variable corresponding to an already open, through the *OpenFile* command, file. *format string* and *variables* follow exactly the syntax of the *Print* command, so for more details please refere to section {ref}`sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.print.detailed`. **NOTE** Please remember once everything is writen to the file to close the file, using the *CloseFile* command (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.closeFile.detailed`). **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/ORCA_Test_0955.inp :language: orca ``` (sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.write2string.detailed)= ### Write2String In case one needs to construct a string using some variables, *Compound* provides the *Write2String* command. The syntax of the command is identical with the *Write2File* (see {ref}`sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.write2file.detailed`) command with the only exception that instead of a file we should provide the name of a variable that is already declared in the file. The syntax of the format and the variables used is identical with the *Print* command (please refer to {ref}`sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.print.detailed`. ) **Syntax:** *Write2String(variable, format string, \[variables\]);* *where:* *variable:* is the name of a variable that should already be declared. *format string* and *variables* follow exactly the syntax of the *Print* command, so for more details please refer to section {ref}`sec:compound.commands.stringrelated.print.detailed`. **Example:** ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/ORCA_Test_0955.inp :language: orca ``` ## List of known Properties The name and a sort explanation of all the known variables that can be automatically recovered, from the property file, are given in the next table (knownVariables)= :::{table} Variables, known to the compound block, with short explanation | | | | |:-------------------------------------|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:----| |======================================|=============================================================================================|=====| |======================================|==========================================AUTOCI=============================================|=====| |======================================|=============================================================================================|=====| |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Energies+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++| | AUTOCI_REF_ENERGY | AutoCI Reference Energy | | | AUTOCI_CORR_ENERGY | AutoCI Correlatioin Energy | | | AUTOCI_TOTAL_ENERGY | AutoCI Total Energy | | |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ENERGY Gradient +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++| | AUTOCI_NUCLEAR_GRADIENT | AutoCI Energy nuclear gradient | | | AUTOCI_NUCLEAR_GRADIENT_NORM | AutoCI Norm of the nuclear gradient | | | AUTOCI_NUCLEAR_GRADIENT_ATOM_NUMBERS | AutoCI The atomic numbers of the atoms in the gradient | | |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Electric Properties (Dipole moment) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++| | AUTOCI_DIPOLE_MAGNITUDE | AutoCI The value of the dipole moment | | | AUTOCI_DIPOLE_ELEC_CONTRIB | AutoCI The electronic contribution to the dipole moment | | | AUTOCI_DIPOLE_NUC_CONTRIB | AutoCI The nuclear contribution to the dipole moment | | | AUTOCI_DIPOLE_TOTAL | AutoCI The total dipole moment | | | SCF_ENERGY | SCF Energy | | |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|++++++++++++++++++++++++ Electric Properties (Polarizability) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++| | AUTOCI_POLAR_ISOTROPIC | AutoCI The polarizability isotropic value | | | AUTOCI_POLAR_RAW | AutoCI The raw polarizability tensor | | | AUTOCI_POLAR_DIAG_TENSOR | AutoCI The polarizability diagonalized tensor | | | AUTOCI_POLAR_ORIENTATION | AutoCI The polarizability orientation (eigenvectors) | | |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++++++++++++++ Electric Properties (Quadrupole moment) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++| | AUTOCI_QUADRUPOLE_MOMENT_ISOTROPIC | AutoCI The quadrupole moment isotropic value | | | AUTOCI_QUADRUPOLE_MOMENT_DIAG_TENSOR | AutoCI The quadrupole moment diagonalized tensor | | | AUTOCI_QUADRUPOLE_MOMENT_ELEC_CONTRIB| AutoCI The elctronic contribution to the quadrupole moment tensor | | | AUTOCI_QUADRUPOLE_MOMENT_NUC_CONTRIB | AutoCI The nuclear contribution to the quadrupole moment tensor | | | AUTOCI_QUADRUPOLE_MOMENT_TOTAL | AutoCI The total quadrupole moment | | |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Magnetic Properties (D Tensor) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++| | AUTOCI_D_TENSOR_EIGENVALUES | AutoCI The D Tensor eigenvalues | | | AUTOCI_D_TENSOR_EIGENVECTORS | AutoCI The D Tensor eigenvectors | | | AUTOCI_D_TENSOR_RAW | AutoCI The Raw D Tensor | | | AUTOCI_D_TENSOR_D | AutoCI The final D value for the D Tensor | | | AUTOCI_D_TENSOR_E | AutoCI The final E value for the D Tensor | | | AUTOCI_D_TENSOR_MULTIPLICITY | AutoCI The spin-multiplicity used for the D Tensor calculation | | |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Magnetic Properties (G Tensor) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++| | AUTOCI_G_TENSOR_RAW | AutoCI The Raw G Tensor | | | AUTOCI_G_TENSOR_ELEC | AutoCI The Electronic part of the G Tensor | | | AUTOCI_G_TENSOR_TOT | AutoCI The Total G Tensor | | | AUTOCI_G_TENSOR_ISO | AutoCI The isotropic g value | | | AUTOCI_G_TENSOR_ORIENTATION | AutoCI The G Tensor orientation (eigenvectors) | | | SCF_ENERGY | SCF Energy | | | VDW_CORRECTION | van der Waals correction | | | | | | | SCF Electric properties | | | | | | | | SCF_DIPOLE_MAGNITUDE_DEBYE | SCF dipole moment (debye) | | | SCF_DIPOLE_ELEC_CONTRIB | SCF Electronic contribution to dipole moment | | | SCF_DIPOLE_NUC_CONTRIB | SCF Nuclear contribution to dipole moment | | | SCF_DIPOLE_TOTAL | SCF Total dipole moment | | | SCF_QUADRUPOLE_ISOTROPIC | SCF isotropic quadrupole moment | | | SCF_QUADRUPOLE_DIAG_TENSOR | SCF quadrupole moment diagonalised tensor | | | SCF_QUADRUPOLE_ELEC_CONTRIB | SCF electronic contribution to the quadrupole moment | | | SCF_QUADRUPOLE_NUC_CONTRIB | SCF nuclear contribution to the quadrupole moment | | | SCF_QUADRUPOLE_TOTAL | SCF total quadrupole moment | | | SCF_POLAR_ISOTROPIC | SCF isotropic polarizability | | | SCF_POLAR_RAW | SCF polarizability raw tensor | | | SCF_POLAR_DIAG_TENSOR | SCF diagonaised polarizability tensor | | | | | | | DFT | | | | | | | | DFT_NUM_OF_ALPHA_EL | Number of alpha electrons | | | DFT_NUM_OF_BETA_EL | Number of beta electrons | | | DFT_NUM_OF_TOTAL_EL | Total number of electrons | | | DFT_TOTAL_EN | DFT Total energy | | | DFT_EXCHANGE_EN | DFT Exchange energy | | | DFT_CORR_EN | DFT Correlation Energy | | | DFT_XC_EN | DFT Exchange-Correlation Energy | | | DFT_NON_LOC_EN | DFT Non-Local correlation | | | DFT_EMBED_CORR | DFT Embedding correction | | | | | | | MP2 | | | | | | | | MP2_REF_ENERGY | Reference SCF Energy | | | MP2_CORR_ENERGY | MP2 Correlation energy | | | MP2_TOTAL_ENERGY | Total Energy (SCF + MP2) | | | | | | | MP2 Electric properties | | | | | | | | MP2_DIPOLE_MAGNITUDE_DEBYE | MP2 dipole moment (debye) | | | MP2_DIPOLE_ELEC_CONTRIB | MP2 Electronic contribution to dipole moment | | | MP2_DIPOLE_NUC_CONTRIB | MP2 Nuclear contribution to dipole moment | | | MP2_DIPOLE_TOTAL | MP2 Total dipole moment | | | MP2_QUADRUPOLE_ISOTROPIC | MP2 isotropic quadrupole moment | | | MP2_QUADRUPOLE_DIAG_TENSOR | MP2 quadrupole moment diagonalised tensor | | | MP2_QUADRUPOLE_ELEC_CONTRIB | MP2 electronic contribution to the quadrupole moment | | | MP2_QUADRUPOLE_NUC_CONTRIB | MP2 nuclear contribution to the quadrupole moment | | | MP2_QUADRUPOLE_TOTAL | MP2 total quadrupole moment | | | MP2_POLAR_ISOTROPIC | MP2 isotropic polarizability | | | MP2_POLAR_RAW | MP2 polarizability raw tensor | | | MP2_POLAR_DIAG_TENSOR | MP2 diagonaised polarizability tensor | | | | | | | MDCI | | | | | | | | MDCI_REF_ENERGY | Reference SCF Energy | | | MDCI_CORR_ENERGY | Total Correlation Energy | | | MDCI_TOTAL_ENERGY | Total Energy (SCF + Correlation) | | | MDCI_ALPHA_ALPHA_CORR_ENERGY | Correlation energy from $\alpha\alpha$ electron pairs | | | MDCI_BETA_BETA_CORR_ENERGY | Correlation energy from $\beta\beta$ electron pairs | | | MDCI_ALPHA_BETA_CORR_ENERGY | Correlation energy from $\alpha\beta$ electron pairs | | | MDCI_DSINGLET_CORR_ENERGY | Correlation energy from singlet electron pairs (only for closed-shell)(double excitations) | | | MDCI_DTRIPLET_CORR_ENERGY | Correlation energy from triplet electron pairs (only for closed-shell) (double excitations) | | | MDCI_SSINGLET_CORR_ENERGY | Correlation energy from singlet electron pairs (only for closed-shell) (single excitations) | | | MDCI_STRIPLET_CORR_ENERGY | Correlation energy from triplet electron pairs (only for closed-shell) (single excitations) | | | MDCI_TRIPLES_ENERGY | Perturbative triples correlation energy | | | MDCI_ALL_ELECTRONS | Total number of electrons | | | MDCI_CORR_ELECTRONS | Number of correlated electrons | | | MDCI_CORR_ALPHA_ELECTRONS | Number of correlated $\alpha$ electrons | | | MDCI_CORR_BETA_ELECTRONS | Number of correlated $\beta$ electrons | | | | | | | MDCI Electric properties | | | | | | | | MDCI_DIPOLE_MAGNITUDE_DEBYE | MDCI dipole moment (debye) | | | MDCI_DIPOLE_ELEC_CONTRIB | MDCI Electronic contribution to dipole moment | | | MDCI_DIPOLE_NUC_CONTRIB | MDCI Nuclear contribution to dipole moment | | | MDCI_DIPOLE_TOTAL | MDCI Total dipole moment | | | MDCI_QUADRUPOLE_ISOTROPIC | MDCI isotropic quadrupole moment | | | MDCI_QUADRUPOLE_DIAG_TENSOR | MDCI quadrupole moment diagonalised tensor | | | MDCI_QUADRUPOLE_ELEC_CONTRIB | MDCI electronic contribution to the quadrupole moment | | | MDCI_QUADRUPOLE_NUC_CONTRIB | MDCI nuclear contribution to the quadrupole moment | | | MDCI_QUADRUPOLE_TOTAL | MDCI total quadrupole moment | | | MDCI_POLAR_ISOTROPIC | MDCI isotropic polarizability | | | MDCI_POLAR_RAW | MDCI polarizability raw tensor | | | MDCI_POLAR_DIAG_TENSOR | MDCI diagonaised polarizability tensor | | | | | | | CASSCF | | | | | | | | CASSCF_NUM_OF_MULTS | The number of CASSCF spin multiplicities | | | CASSCF_NUM_OF_IRREPS | The number of CASSCF irreps | | | CASSCF_FINAL_ENERGY | The CASSCF final energy | | | PT2_NUM_OF_MULTS | The CASPT2 spin multiplicities | | | PT2_NUM_OF_IRREPS | The number of CASPT2 irreps | | | PT2_FINAL_ENERGY | The CASPT2 Energy | | | DCDCAS_NUM_OF_MULTS | The number of DCDCAS spin multiplicities | | | DCDCAS_NUM_OF_IRREPS | The number of DCDCAS irreps | | | DCDCAS_FINAL_ENERGY | The DCDCAS Energy | | | CASSCF_ABS_SPECTRUM | The CASSCF Absorption spectrum | | | CASSCF_ABS_SPECTRUM_INFO | Information about the excitations of the CASSCF spectrum | | | CASSCF_ABS_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | The number of Roots | | | CASSCF_CD_SPECTRUM | The CASSCF CD spectrum | | | CASSCF_CD_SPECTRUM_INFO | Information about the excitations of the CASSCF CD spectrum | | | CASSCF_CD_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | The number or roots | | | CASPT2_ABS_SPECTRUM | The CASPT2 Absorption spectrum | | | CASPT2_ABS_SPECTRUM_INFO | Information about the excitations of the CASPT2 spectrum | | | CASPT2_ABS_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | The number of roots | | | CASPT2_CD_SPECTRUM | The CASPT2 CD spectrum | | | CASPT2_CD_SPECTRUM_INFO | Information about the excitations of the CASPT2 CD spectrum | | | CASPT2_CD_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | The number of roots | | | CAS_CUSTOM_ABS_SPECTRUM | The Custom CASSCF Absorption spectrum | | | CAS_CUSTOM_ABS_SPECTRUM_INFO | Information about the excitations of the custom CASSCF absorption spectrum | | | CAS_CUSTOM_ABS_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | The number of roots | | | CAS_CUSTOM_CD_SPECTRUM | The Custom CASSCF CD spectrum | | | CAS_CUSTOM_CD_SPECTRUM_INFO | Information about the excitations of the custom CASSCF CD spectrum | | | CAS_CUSTOM_CD_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | The number of roots | | | DCDCAS_ABS_SPECTRUM | The DCDCAS Absorption spectrum | | | DCDCAS_ABS_SPECTRUM_INFO | Information about the excitations of the DCDCAS absorption spectrum | | | DCDCAS_ABS_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | The number of roots | | | CASSCF_DTENSOR_EIGENVALUES | CASSCF D Tensor eigenvalues | | | CASSCF_DTENSOR_RAW_EIGENVECTORS | CASSCF D Tensor Raw eigenvectors | | | CASSCF_DTENSOR_D | D value of CASSCF ZFS | | | CASSCF_DTENSOR_E | E value of CASSCF ZFS | | | CASSCF_DTENSOR_MULTIPLICITY | Spin multiplicity | | | CASPT2_DTENSOR_EIGENVALUES | CASPT2 D Tensor eigenvalues | | | CASPT2_DTENSOR_RAW_EIGENVECTORS | CASPT2 D Tensor raw eigenvectors | | | CASPT2_DTENSOR_D | D value of CASPT2 ZFS | | | CASPT2_DTENSOR_E | E value of CASPT2 ZFS | | | CASPT2_DTENSOR_MULTIPLICITY | Spin multiplicity | | | CAS_CUSTOM_DTENSOR_EIGENVALUES | custom CASSCF D Tensor eigenvalues | | | CAS_CUSTOM_DTENSOR_RAW_EIGENVECTORS | custom CASSCF D Tensor Raw eigenvectors | | | CAS_CUSTOM_DTENSOR_D | D value of custom CASSCF ZFS | | | CAS_CUSTOM_DTENSOR_E | E value of custom CASSCF ZFS | | | CAS_CUSTOM_DTENSOR_MULTIPLICITY | Spin multiplicity | | | | | | | CIPSI | | | | | | | | CIPSI_SPIN_MULTIPLICITY | The CIPSI spin multiplicity | | | CIPSI_NUM_OF_ROOTS | The CIPSI number of roots | | | CIPSI_FINAL_ENERGY | The CIPSI Final energy | | | CIPSI_ENERGIES | The CIPSI Energies | | | | | | | CIS | | | | | | | | CIS_FINAL_ENERGY | The final total energy | | | CIS_ESCF | The SCF Energy | | | CIS_E0 | The Energy of the ground state | | | CIS_ENERGIES | The singlet energies | | | CIS_ENERGIESP1 | The triplet energies | | | CIS_MODE | One of the CIS modes | | | CIS_NUM_OF_ROOTS | The number of roots | | | CIS_ROOT | State to be optimized | | | CIS_ABS_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | The number of roots | | | CIS_ABS_SPECTRUM | The CIS absorption spectrum | | | CIS_ABS_SPECTRUM_VELOCITY | The CIS absorptioin spectrum in velocity representation | | | CIS_ABS_SOC_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | The number or roots | | | CIS_ABS_SOC_SPECTRUM | The CIS absorption spectrum including SOC | | | CIS_CD_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | The number of roots | | | CIS_CD_SPECTRUM | The CIS CD spectrum | | | CIS_CD_SOC_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | The number of roots | | | CIS_CD_SOC_SPECTRUM | The CIS CD spectrum including SOC | | | | | | | ROCIS | | | | | | | | ROCIS_STATE | ROCIS State | | | ROCIS_REF_ENERGY | ROCIS Reference energy | | | ROCIS_CORR_ENERGY | ROCIS correlation energy | | | ROCIS_TOTAL_ENERGY | ROCIS total energy | | | ROCIS_ABS_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | Number of roots | | | ROCIS_ABS_SPECTRUM | ROCIS Absorption spectrum | | | ROCIS_ABS_SOC_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | Number of roots | | | ROCIS_ABS_SOC_SPECTRUM | ROCIS absorption spectrum including SOC | | | ROCIS_CD_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | Number of roots | | | ROCIS_CD_SPECTRUM | ROCIS CD spectrum | | | ROCIS_CD_SOC_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | Number of roots | | | ROCIS_CD_SOC_SPECTRUM | ROCIS CD spectrum including SOC | | | | | | | MRCI | | | | | | | | MRCI_ABS_SPECTRUM | The MRCI absorption spectrum | | | MRCI_ABS_SPECTRUM_INFO | Information about the absorption spectrum | | | MRCI_ABS_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | The number of roots | | | MRCI_CD_SPECTRUM | The MRCI CD spectrum | | | MRCI_CD_SPECTRUM_INFO | Information about the MRCI CD spectrum | | | MRCI_CD_SPECTRUM_NROOTS | The number of roots | | | MRCI_DIPOLE_MOMENTS | The MRCI dipole moments | | | MRCI_DIPOLE_MOMENTS_INFO | Information about the MRCI dipole moments | | | MRCI_DTENSOR_EIGENVECTORS | The eigenvectors of the MRCI D tensor | | | MRCI_DTENSOR_EIGENVALUES | The eigenvalues of the MRCI D tensor | | | MRCI_DTENSOR_RAW_EIGENVECTORS | The raw eigenvectors of the MRCI D tensor | | | MRCI_DTENSOR_D | The MRCI D value for the ZFS | | | MRCI_DTENSOR_E | The MRCI E value for the ZFS | | | MRCI_DTENSOR_MULTIPLICITY | The MRCI spin multiplicity | | | | | | | EXTRAPOLATION | | | | | | | | EXTRAP_SCF_ENERGIES | The SCF energies with the different basis sets | | | EXTRAP_CBS_SCF | The extrapolated SCF energy | | | EXTRAP_CORR_ENERGIES | The correlation energies with the different basis sets | | | EXTRAP_CBS_CORR | The extrapolated correlatioin energy | | | EXTRAP_CBS_TOTAL | The extrapolated total energy | | | EXTRAP_CCSDT_X | The (T) contribution to the energy | | | EXTRAP_NUM_OF_ENERGIES | The number of energies (basis sets) used for the extrapolation | | | | | | | THERMOCHEMISTRY | | | | | | | | THERMO_TEMPERATURE | Temperature ($^oK$) | | | THERMO_PRESSURE | Pressure (Atm) | | | THERMO_TOTAL_MASS | Total Mass of the molecule (AMU) | | | THERMO_SPIN_DEGENERACY | Electronic degeneracy | | | THERMO_ELEC_ENERGY | Electronic energy (Eh) | | | THERMO_TRANS_ENERGY | Translational energy (Eh) | | | THERMO_ROT_ENERGY | Rotational energy (Eh) | | | THERMO_VIB_ENERGY | Vibrational energy (Eh) | | | THERMO_NUM_OF_FREQS | The number of vibrational frequencies | | | THERMO_FREQS | Frequencies | | | THERMO_ZPE | Zero point energy (Eh) | | | THERMO_INNER_ENERGY_U | Inner Energy (Eh) | | | THERMO_ENTHALPY_H | Enthalpy (Eh) | | | THERMO_ELEC_ENTROPY | (Electronic Entropy)\*T (Eh) | | | THERMO_ROR_ENTROPY | (Rotational Entropy)\*T (Eh) | | | THERMO_VIB_ENTROPY | (Vibrational Entropy)\*T (Eh) | | | THERMO_TRANS_ENTROPY | (Translational Entropy)\*T (Eh) | | | THERMO_ENTROPY_S | (Total Entropy)\*T (Eh) | | | THERMO_FREE_ENERGY_G | Free Energy (Eh) | | | | | | | EPR-NPR Spin-Spin coupling | | | | | | | | EPRNMR_SSC_NUM_OF_NUC_PAIRS | Number of nuclear pairs to calculate something | | | EPRNMR_SSC_NUM_OF_NUC_PAIRS_DSO | Number of nuclear pairs to calculate DSO terms | | | EPRNMR_SSC_NUM_OF_NUC_PAIRS_PSO | Number of nuclear pairs to calculate PSO terms | | | EPRNMR_SSC_NUM_OF_NUC_PAIRS_FC | Number of nuclear pairs to calculate FC terms | | | EPRNMR_SSC_NUM_OF_NUC_PAIRS_SD | Number of nuclear pairs to calculate SD terms | | | EPRNMR_SSC_NUM_OF_NUC_PAIRS_SD_FC | Number of nuclear pairs to calculate SD/FC terms | | | EPRNMR_SSC_NUM_OF_NUCLEI_PSO | Number of nuclei to calculate PSO perturbations | | | EPRNMR_SSC_NUM_OF_NUCLEI_FC | Number of nuclei to calculate SD/FC perturbations | | | | | | | Solvation | | | | | | | | SOLVATION_EPSILON | Dielectric constant | | | SOLVATION_REFRAC | Refractive index | | | SOLVATION_RSOLV | Solvent probe radius | | | SOLVATION_SURFACE_TYPE | Cavity surface | | | SOLVATION_CPCM_DIEL_ENERGY | Total energy including the CPCM dielectric correction | | | SOLVATION_NPOINTS | Number of points for the Gaussian surface | | | SOLVATION_SURFACE_AREA | Surface area | | | | | | | General Job Information | | | | | | | | JOB_INFO_MULT | Job Multiplicity | | | JOB_INFO_CHARGE | Job Charge | | | JOB_INFO_NUM_OF_ATOMS | Total number of atoms | | | JOB_INFO_NUM_OF_EL | Total number of electrons | | | JOB_INFO_NUM_OF_FC_EL | Number of frozen core electrons | | | JOB_INFO_NUM_OF_CORR_ELC | Number of correlated electrons | | | JOB_INFO_NUM_OF_BASIS_FUNCS | Number of basis functions | | | JOB_INFO_NUM_OF_AUXC_BASIS_FUNCS | Number of auxilliary C basis functions | | | JOB_INFO_NUM_OF_AUXJK_BASIS_FUNCS | Number of auxilliary J basis functions | | | JOB_INFO_NUM_OF_AUX_CABS_BASIS_FUNCS | Number of auxilliary JK basis functions | | | JOB_INFO_NUM_OF_AUX_CABS_BASIS_FUNCS | Number of auxilliary CABS basis functions | | | JOB_INFO_TOTAL_EN | Final energy | | | | | | | HESSIAN | | | | | | | | HESSIAN_MODES | The hessian | | | | | | | Math Functions | | | | | | | | ABS | Absolute value | | | COS | Cosine | | | SIN | Sine | | | TAN | Tangent | | | ACOS | Inverse cosine | | | ASIN | Inverse sine | | | ATAN | Inverse tangent | | | COSH | Hyperbolic cosine | | | SINH | Hyperbolic sine | | | TANH | Hyperbolic tangent | | | EXP | Exponential | | | LOG | Common logarithm | | | LN | Natural logarithm | | | SQRT | Square root | | | ROUND | Round down to nearest integer | | | | | | ::: ## List of known Simple input commands The name and a sort explanation of all compound protocols that are know through the simple input line, are given in the next table. The syntax is always: **Syntax:**\ ! compound\[*protocol name*\] (knownProtocols)= :::{table} Protocols, known to the simple input line, with short explanation | | | | |:----------------------------------------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:----| | General Printing | | | | | | | | PRINT-ALLMETHODS | Print all available know protocols | | | PRINT-ALLDESCRIPTIONS | Print only the description of all protocols without the actual protocols | | | | | | | Extrapolation Schemes | | | | | | | | EXTRAPOLATE-EP1-MDCI | Direct two-point extrapolation scheme with MDCI energies | | | COMPOUND\[EXTRAPOLATE-EP1-MP2 | SCF isotropic quadrupole moment | | | EXTRAPOLATE-EP2-DLPNO | EP2 type extrapolation with DLPNO-CCSD(T) as secondary method | | | EXTRAPOLATE-EP2-MP2 | EP2 type extrapolation with MP2 as secondary method | | | EXTRAPOLATE-EP3-DLPNO | EP3 type extrapolation with DLPNO-CCSD(T) as secondary method | | | EXTRAPOLATE-EP3-MP2 | EP3 type extrapolation with MP2 as secondary method | | | EXTRAPOLATE-PETERSON | Extrapolation based on the scheme of Peterson | | | EXTRAPOLATE-XANTHEAS-FELLER | Extrapolation based on the scheme of Xantheas and Feller | | | | | | | Wn Protocols | | | | | | | | W2-2 | The W2-2 version of the Wn protocols | | | | | | | Gn Protocols | | | | | | | | G2-MP2 | The G2-MP2 protocol | | | G2-MP2-ATOM | The G2-MP2 protocol for atoms | | | G2-MP2-SV | The G2-MP2-SV protocol | | | G2-MP2-SV-ATOM | The G2-MP2-SV protocol for atoms | | | G2-MP2-SVP | The G2-MP2-SVP protocol | | | G2-MP2-SVP-ATOM | The G2-MP2-SVP protocol for atoms | | | | | | | ccCA Protocols | | | | | | | | CCCA-DZ-QCISD-T | The CCCA-DZ-QCISD-T protocol | | | CCCA-DZ-QCISD-T-ATOM | The CCCA-DZ-QCISD-T protocol for atoms | | | CCCA-TZ-QCISD-T | The CCCA-TZ-QCISD-T protocol | | | CCCA-TZ-QCISD-T-ATOM | The CCCA-TZ-QCISD-T protocol for atoms | | | CCCA-ATZ-QCISD-T | The CCCA-ATZ-QCISD-T protocol | | | CCCA-ATZ-QCISD-T-ATOM | The CCCA-ATZ-QCISD-T protocol for atoms | | | CCCA-CBS-1 | The CCCA-CBS-1 protocol | | | CCCA-CBS-1-ATOM | The CCCA-CBS-1 protocol for atoms | | | CCCA-CBS-2 | The CCCA-CBS-2 protocol | | | CCCA-CBS-2-ATOM | The CCCA-CBS-2 protocol for atoms | | | | | | | Accurate Energies | | | | | | | | EXTRAPOLATE-PNO | A custom PNO extrapolation scheme to reach the complete PNO space limit. See Ref. {cite}`altun2020extrapolation` and {cite}`altun2021addressing` for more information. | | | DLPNO-CC-ENERGY | A protocol for accurate energies | | | | | | | Ab Initio ligand field | | | | | | | | AILFT_1SHELL | Ab-initio ligand field theory for 1 shell | | | AILFT_2SHELL | Ab-initio ligand field theory for 2 shells | | | | | | | X-Ray spectroscopy | | | | | | | | MRCI-XAS | X-Ray absorption spectroscopy with MRCI | | | CASCI-NEVPT2-XAS-XMCD | X-Ray and XMCD spectroscopies with CASCI-NEVPT2 | | | MREOM-XAS | X-Ray absorption spectroscopy with MREOM.. | | | | | | | Solvation | | | | | | | | DFT-SOLVATION-ENERGY | Calculation of solvation energy | | | COMPOUND\[DFT-DIPOLE-MOMENT-SOLVENT-INDUCTION | Calculate the effect of solvent in the dipole moment | | | | | | | Geometry optimizations | | | | | | | | ITERATIVE_OPTIMIZATION | Iterative Optimization protocol to find structure with no negative frequencies (e.g. real minima) | | | | | | :::