(sec:cpscf.detailed)= # CP-SCF Options The coupled perturbed self-consistent field (CP-SCF) equations have to be solved in many cases, such as when second derivative properties (e.g. vibrational frequencies, polarizability, NMR shielding, indirect spin-spin coupling, hyperfine coupling, g-tensor) or the MP2 relaxed density (in this case they are referred to as Z-vector equations) are calculated. They are a set of linear equations generally expressed as $$\mathbf A \mathbf U^x = \mathbf B^x,$$ where $\mathbf U^x$ is the vector of solutions for perturbation $x$, the right-hand side (RHS) matrix $\mathbf B^x$ is perturbation-specific and the left-hand side (LHS) matrix $\mathbf A$ is perturbation-independent and contains, among other terms, the two-electron repulsion integrals $\left(ij\vert ab\right)$ and $\left(ia\vert jb\right)$. The equations are solved iteratively and the LHS is reassembled at every step, while the RHS does not change. The generation and transformation of the two-electron integrals are therefore the most time-consuming parts of the CP-SCF solution. The ORCA module which solves these equations accepts several options given below with their default values: ```orca %method Z_Solver Pople # (default) Use the Pople algorithm to solve the equations DIIS # Use the DIIS algorithm CG # Use the conjugate gradient algorithm Z_Tol 1e-3 # Convergence tolerance for the residual norm. # Default is 1e-5 for VeryTightOpt # and varies from 3e-3 to 3e-6 from LooseSCF to ExtremeSCF Z_MaxIter 128 # Maximum number of iterations Z_MaxDIIS 12 # Maximum number of DIIS vectors Z_Shift 0.3 # Level shift for DIIS Z_GridXC 1 # XC angular grid used for the LHS Z_IntAccXC 3.467 # XC radial grid accuracy used for the LHS Z_GridX 1 # COSX angular grid used for the LHS Z_IntAccX 3.067 # COSX radial grid accuracy used for the LHS Z_GridX_RHS 2 # COSX grid used for the RHS of MP2 Z-vector eqs (see below) Z_COSX_Alg 0 # (default) choose the best COSX algorithm automatically 1 # better prescreening, more efficient for few densities 2 # uses more memory, more efficient for many densities end ``` Since ORCA 6, the same settings are used for all electric response property calculations as well as for CIS/TD-DFT gradients and relaxed densities. For convenience, the keywords in the `%elprop` input block are still available but they modify the same internal variables as those in `%method`. For magnetic response properties, the solver and convergence tolerance are set separately in `%eprnmr`, because the convergence behavior of the magnetic response CP-SCF equations is sometimes different. ```orca %elprop Solver # Alias, see: %method Z_Solver Tol # Alias, see: %method Z_Tol MaxIter # Alias, see: %method Z_MaxIter MaxDIIS # Alias, see: %method Z_MaxDIIS LevelShift # Alias, see: %method Z_Shift end %eprnmr Solver # Solver for magnetic response, see options at: %method Z_Solver Tol # Convergence tolerance for magnetic response MaxIter # Alias, see: %method Z_MaxIter MaxDIIS # Alias, see: %method Z_MaxDIIS LevelShift # Alias, see: %method Z_Shift end ``` The keywords `Z_GridX` and `Z_IntAccX` are applicable if the RIJCOSX approximation is chosen for the treatment of two-electron integrals. They determine the angular and radial COSX integration grids, as discussed in section {ref}`sec:numint.gridothers.structure`. Analogously, the keywords `Z_Grid` and `Z_IntAcc` determine the integration grid for DFT XC functionals. Integrals on the RHS are evaluated differently for different perturbations - refer to sections {ref}`sec:model.dft.rijcosx.detailed`, {ref}`sec:properties.eprnmr.detailed`, {ref}`sec:mp2.rijcosxrigrad.detailed`, and {ref}`sec:mp2.2ndder.detailed` and {ref}`sec:rimp2.response.detailed` for SCF-level gradients, EPR/NMR calculations with GIAOs, MP2 gradients, and MP2 second derivatives, respectively. For MP2 Z-vector equations, the RIJCOSX Fock-response terms in the RHS are evaluated with the COSX grid specified by `Z_GridX_RHS`. Note that it is used differently to `Z_GridX`: instead, it selects one of the three grids used in the SCF (see Sections {ref}`sec:model.dft.rijcosx.detailed`, {ref}`model.dft.cosxgrid.detailed`, and {ref}`sec:numint.detailed` for details) and it is not recommended to change the default value of 2. If the RIJONX or RIJK approximation is used in the SCF, the same is also employed in the CP-SCF. Note, however, that the RI-K approximation is not efficient for these terms.