(sec:scfstabilityanalysis.detailed)= # SCF Stability Analysis The SCF stability analysis evaluates the electronic Hessian (with respect to orbital rotations) at the point indicated by the SCF solution to determine the lowest eigenvalues of the Hessian. If one or more negative eigenvalues are found, the SCF solution corresponds to a saddle point and not a true local minimum in the space considered in the analysis. A typical case are stretched bonds of diatomics, where the symmetry of the initial guess leads to a restricted solution instead of the often preferred unrestricted one. Several spaces are theoretically possible{cite}`SeegerPopleXVIIIStability`. However, ORCA limits itself to the analysis RHF/RKS in the space of UHF/UKS or UHF/UKS in the space of UHF/UKS. As such, it is on the available for the SCF parts of DFT and HF.{cite}`AhlrichsDFTStability` We mention passing, that a stability analysis is also available for the CASSCF type wave function and is described elswhere in more detail (Section {ref}`sec:casscf.instability`). In the following, HF is used to indicate both HF and KS. Consider the following input (unless indicated otherwise, default values are shown): ```{literalinclude} ../../orca_working_input/C06S06_348.inp :language: orca ``` The determination of the electronic Hessian is structurally comparable to the TDHF/CIS/TDDFT procedure. Thus, many options are very similar and the user is encouraged to read the section on TDDFT (Section {ref}`sec:tddft.detailed`) to clarify some of the options given here. Since one is usually only interested in the qualitative determination "stable or not?", three roots should be sufficient to find the lowest eigenvalue. By the same philosophy, `StabMaxDim`, `StabMaxIter`, `StabNGuess` and the convergence criteria were chosen. The parameter `StabLambda` refers to the $\lambda$ of equation 37 of reference {cite}`SeegerPopleXVIIIStability`, which determines the mixing of the original SCF solution and the new orbitals to yield a new guess. Choosing this value is not trivial, since positive and negative values can lead to different new solutions (at least in principle). The convergence of the ensuing SCF depends on it, as well, since all SCF procedures require a sufficiently good guess to converge in a decent number of iterations (or even at all). The orbital window and the energy window can be specified. Note that the `StabEWIN` will be overridden by the appropriate `StabORBWIN` values. The automatic determination is also influenced by the `%method FrozenCore` settings. Tests have shown that significant curtailing of the actual orbital window can drastically influence the results to the point of qualitative failure. Current limitations on the method are: - Only single-point-like calculations are supported. For geometry optimizations etc., one must use the guess MORead feature {ref}`sec:initguess.detailed` to employ the guess obtained here. Likewise, one must extract a geometry and run a separate calculation if one is interested in the SCF stability. - As for TDDFT, NORI, RIJONX, and RIJCOSX are supported. RI-JK is not supported. - Other, more advanced features like finite-temperature calculations and relativistic calculations (beside ECPs) are not possible at this time. Overall, the user is cautioned against using the stability analysis blindly without critically evaluating the result in terms of energy difference and by investigating the orbitals (by the printout or by plotting). Its usefulness cannot be denied, but it is certainly not black-box. An SCF stability analysis with default settings can be requested via STABILITY, SCFSTABILITY, SCFSTAB or STAB on the simple input line.