Automated docking (DOCKER)#

Finding the right interaction pattern of various molecules can be a tedious task and is typically based on chemical intuition. DOCKER is an energy driven algorithm to automatically dock atoms and moleuclar structures to form encounter complexes and aggregates.


Note that the DOCKER algorithm is not fully parallelized at the moment, yet limiting the size of treatable systems. Full parallelization will be added in a future ORCA version.

The DOCKER in combination with Grimmes' efficient GFNn-xTB methods (GFN1-xTB, GFN2-xTB, GFN0-xTB, GFN-FF) can easily be envoked via simple input:


     GUEST ""


Detailed functionality of DOCKER can be controlled via the %DOCKER block, for more information see the ORCA manual.

Example 1: Dimerization of Uracil#

As a simple example, we can use DOCKER to create structure candidates for the uracil dimer. The used sample input looks like:


    GUEST ""


This calculation will dock two uracil monomers at the GFN2-xTB level in the gas-phase. The output of this calculations looks like:

                               * ORCA Docker *

Reading guests from file   
Number of structures read from file  1
Charge and multiplicity of guest     from input
Docking approach                     independent
Docking level                        normal
Optimizing host                      .... -24.614947 Eh
Optimizing guest                     .... -24.614947 Eh

Starting Docker
Guest structure                      .... structure number 1
Guest charge and multiplicity        .... (0 , 1)
Final charge and multiplicity        .... (0 , 1)
PES used during evolution            .... GFN2-XTB
Setting random seed                  .... done
Creating spatial grid
   Grid Max Dimension                12.50 Angs
   Angular Grid Step                 14.40 degrees
   Cartesian Grid Step               0.50 Angs
   Points per Dimension              25 points
Initializing workers
   Population Density                0.50 worker/Ang^2
   Population Size                   123
Evolving structures
   Minimization Algorithm            mutant particle swarm
   Min, Max Iterations               (3 , 10) 

   Iter   Emin          avDE         stdDE            Time
          (Eh)          (Eh)         (ang)           (min)

       1 -49.254341     9.888241     3.233712         0.62
       2 -49.258510    10.477635     3.390259         0.65
       3 -49.258510     9.521873     2.969795         0.65
       4 -49.258510     8.793785     2.942822         0.65
No new minimum found after 3 (MinIter) steps.

Total time for evolution 2.57 minutes

Running final optimization
   Maximum number of structures      11
   Minimum energy difference         0.10 kcal/mol
   Maximum RMSD                      0.25 Angs
   Optimization strategy             regular
   Coordinate system                 redundant 2022
   Fixed host                        false

   Struc   Eopt       Interaction Energy       Time
           (Eh)               (kcal/mol)      (min)

    1      -49.248577         -11.723427       0.07
    2      -49.250442         -12.893751       0.07
    3      -49.245624          -9.870339       0.04
    4      -49.252991         -14.493130       0.06
    5      -49.248470         -11.656256       0.05
    6      -49.259335         -18.474228       0.05
    7      -49.259264         -18.429538       0.08
    8      -49.254913         -15.699019       0.04
    9      -49.254927         -15.708244       0.04
   10      -49.241672          -7.390198       0.03
   11      -49.246534         -10.441269       0.04

Time for  11 geometry optimizations:       0.58 minutes
All optimized structures saved to  :

LOWEST INTERACTION ENERGY: -18.474228 kcal/mol (structure 6)

Total time for docking:       3.19 minutes

The lowest energy structure was 1, with energy -49.259335.
Docked structures saved to


We see that DOCKER generated 11 candidate structures and identified structure 6 as the energetically lowest one which is stored in All other structures after optimization can be found in


Fig. 1: Uracil dimer structures generated by DOCKER (duplicates removed) with relative energies in kcal/mol.

Structures Example 1#


N    -0.2707028    0.7632994    1.0276159
H    -0.5957915    1.3097757    1.8163465
C    -0.3386212    1.3810817   -0.2276640
O    -0.7270425    2.5346295   -0.3329857
N     0.3638189   -1.2896563    0.1949192
H     0.0796815    0.9143946   -2.3190044
C     0.3781329   -0.7736192   -1.0714063
H     0.6499130   -1.4675080   -1.8526542
C     0.0669084    0.5154897   -1.3194961
H     0.4818502   -2.2779688    0.3498201
C    -0.0016589   -0.5616540    1.3117092
O    -0.0864879   -1.0482643    2.4227999

Example 2: Generation of (MeCp)Mn(CO)3#

In our second example, we will automatically generate (MeCp)Mn(CO)3, also known as MCMT, a prominent antiknock reagent. To do so, we will start from a Mn+ ion and use DOCKER to coordinate MeCp- and three CO ligands. For the initial coordination of MeCp-, the input file looks like the following:


    GUEST ""
    GuestCharge	-1

*XYZ 1 1
Mn 0 0 0

In this case, we assume that Mn+ has a closed-shell 3d6 configuration and the charge of the MeCp- is set to -1. After the successful coordination of MeCp-, we want to add three CO ligands to the (MeCp)Mn complex. To do so, we use the NRepeatGuest option in the %DOCKER block.


    GUEST ""
    NRepeatGuest 3


DOCKER now successively adds three CO ligands. The lowest energy structures obtained from the docking tasks are visualized in the following:


Structures Example 2#


C           -3.64427622132568        3.09316683643494        0.01091629612016
C           -3.87999219107613        2.51600304373552        1.25660734396560
C           -2.65274176334490        2.12553705874125        1.78901754813097
C           -1.65193000677097        2.45920643455840        0.87321354895126
C           -2.27129809643429        3.05878854146220       -0.22576830966736
H           -4.39748886822314        3.49586021999700       -0.66020373614263
H           -4.84980591903549        2.38868239855723        1.72914527345892
H           -2.49667408630002        1.64042064054602        2.74824348877019
H            0.32165777036830        2.14198139178304        0.08049985624744
H           -1.76541215415890        3.42885463317223       -1.11296797433561
H            0.30624914501611        3.06684333388484        1.58428181364891
C           -0.17765723116959        2.23720831134323        1.04896114415727
H            0.01898370151214        1.32580055067847        1.62184463601315

C            0.17457487970377        0.17457487970377        0.17457487970377
O            0.82542512029623        0.82542512029623        0.82542512029623

Mn 0.10772025158918877019 0.81212587335336905436 -1.92171687668995194720
C  0.43167555634988569180 2.93675983488815095512 -1.83871863568744564610
C  -0.63752834317906326156 2.66571247544714085009 -2.71909965291139421595
C  -0.13396552236281986104 1.87780830368776330275 -3.78868516508951946875
C  1.25981510310186650692 1.69221580813308847269 -3.59264603016447070516
C  1.59750708039633160240 2.31699309621178395346 -2.36361211321316444511
H  0.40657825604932584795 3.62569053823126674629 -1.00455233931485121701
H  -1.62297332911990621618 3.11079681509173155973 -2.67506328708324714327
H  -0.66985357831151026708 1.64130628469667350089 -4.69871163430750549139
H  2.55690064213908341273 1.95515857280974292287 -5.25054887769718092727
H  2.60580860691424787134 2.47173017653485782574 -2.00214023348514480460
H  3.10260418224006251364 0.71975088588299618308 -4.11234615985394214022
C  2.22543258111944686206 1.14467797515485525395 -4.59710627144102712549
H  1.76131130861969520396 0.37866263578440867432 -5.21584341734327683326
C  0.83920336042927801135 -0.76204682118684241576 -2.33671046519168701394
O  1.34461847467276229828 -1.74307886048269322643 -2.65547492857369826780
C  0.43423449309114875438 0.64416016169359235910 -0.17566096895699659375
O  0.66488528228962273658 0.59271701978585245030 0.94801502974767526410
C  -1.54261490113692767423 0.14793316793256136576 -1.78391727528337851183
O  -2.62372995624129723424 -0.23489302928064861864 -1.72713471935651186051

Example 3: Docking of cyclooctanol to \(\beta\)-CD#

In this example, we will dock cyclooctanol to \(\beta\)-cyclodextrin. For very large molecules, using GFN2-xTB may become too costly. Therefore, we will exemplarily use the GFN-FF force-field in this example. The employed input looks like:


    GUEST ""


DOCKER yields the host-guest complex with cyclooctanol being located in the center of the cyclodextrin as the energetically most favorable structure. Other interaction motifs with the alcohol being located at the outer rim of the cyclodextrin are also included in the file.


Structures Example 3#

 C          -0.630732270324       0.540222793603       1.600761414434
 C          -1.432371159469       0.384302216526      -0.908462854692
 C           1.671939879560       0.611757364766      -0.383488862093
 C           1.551063510269      -0.552164900142       0.625485448688
 C          -0.346477476064      -0.353247209406      -1.713695099990
 C           1.045411187360       0.298908175121      -1.752711207143
 C          -1.632861731037      -0.010632183198       0.575203191529
 C           0.671032349882      -0.242300057237       1.849176839651
 O          -1.681185499105      -1.442691736454       0.751432117782
 H          -2.389914109012      -1.787025754614       0.185107018296
 H          -2.612389568993       0.409188132726       0.855678146000
 H           1.144022454617      -1.433333371366       0.119148972672
 H           1.197707493752       1.509427283252       0.030890091794
 H          -0.273875953996      -1.377678481706      -1.331024077317
 H          -1.149974959929       0.598772588999       2.565183251253
 H          -0.408068891048       1.576204730682       1.316751264090
 H           0.421705955622      -1.184910127026       2.347531382837
 H          -2.397293252906       0.197426701475      -1.400917694821
 H          -0.691153740113      -0.445480421749      -2.750924529479
 H           1.253716468584       0.348058633354       2.569678229592
 H           1.712922614019      -0.377640668532      -2.303755614568
 H          -1.282960754333       1.472215430141      -0.954991499672
 H           2.544099431570      -0.844333451745       0.985769664918
 H           2.723584454521       0.879434706570      -0.537218529100
 H           0.992053566569       1.225519605958      -2.340607064660
 C          -4.768156171798       1.055174471214       0.258034264598
 C          -5.404850114264       1.008927566532      -1.141456596734
 C          -5.701190428586      -0.444101356553      -1.500230499929
 C          -6.566922945568      -1.095132901509      -0.429444412072
 C          -5.944023234260      -0.909251015627       0.961874923878
 O          -5.723964169934       0.476062234654       1.190451853191
 O          -4.520893809964       1.495163779082      -2.156645399046
 C          -4.781180905736       2.785495817758      -2.701659708858
 C          -4.543203871423       2.694075892578      -4.215557614729
 C          -3.048268225489       2.523562281817      -4.505432294779
 C          -2.230087502276       3.551813448387      -3.716578005833
 C          -2.551561939665       3.489720490885      -2.222581311833
 O          -3.970183112270       3.772408736447      -2.088185165969
 O          -0.848972448174       3.220229881563      -3.972823367252
 C          -0.001236389272       4.252226558610      -4.406596252093
 C           0.953480063919       3.686915101775      -5.462648372618
 C           1.895893231101       2.678328559883      -4.825584398224
 C           2.584582025984       3.292442363130      -3.610610243467
 C           1.526609026582       3.791826443334      -2.621742016042
 O           0.757976222371       4.801830284254      -3.328933192582
 O           3.409605715924       2.243002608721      -3.069704656552
 C           4.746389478908       2.564762741477      -2.768795904040
 C           5.633800571134       1.389101419939      -3.201888064843
 C           5.371252224410       0.166533483837      -2.332566235151
 C           5.483102357163       0.525703331709      -0.853546498191
 C           4.528748012529       1.693242161953      -0.551414423438
 O           4.936742216352       2.814573101106      -1.385557869816
 O           5.134487817667      -0.660049995090      -0.132449801880
 C           5.952539099900      -1.031425707446       0.972739342125
 C           6.131861164318      -2.555161365862       0.904908926769
 C           4.802834265041      -3.244913503190       1.224388280876
 C           4.198888590255      -2.665644970437       2.507493746443
 C           4.045312029032      -1.146922608325       2.407433464451
 O           5.379466587217      -0.610254575144       2.197707095291
 O           2.926922822507      -3.330309928538       2.662232421037
 C           2.630614066727      -3.881534426611       3.920907223146
 C           1.922547167522      -5.227229696810       3.707421634115
 C           0.551817638463      -5.016989699782       3.077313634888
 C          -0.260694697751      -4.007511809678       3.882617549830
 C           0.547907479789      -2.706101601676       4.010196667646
 O           1.790366838513      -3.033364246600       4.693387531977
 O          -1.483830121378      -3.815303255694       3.163900076592
 C          -2.699240328740      -3.847465365950       3.904850349300
 O          -3.139021281548      -2.539100508899       4.225857386154
 C          -3.342939889016      -1.709857330277       3.049597486344
 C          -4.474962771158      -2.359636494283       2.252037024700
 C          -4.105225680377      -3.784509478111       1.828894172820
 C          -3.722943770703      -4.615912753874       3.056643749726
 C          -3.594154377510      -0.279783175830       3.552142962223
 O          -2.589818816694       0.642920709410       3.117530044015
 O          -3.236397762468      -5.912242398683       2.749749090131
 O          -5.212042601529      -4.397233960459       1.174118957866
 O          -4.752209880113      -1.653261576766       1.024102271225
 O          -0.184550696744      -6.244343275918       3.034831446110
 O           2.663959772304      -6.099272502801       2.828050722313
 C          -0.112067000745      -1.564788975500       4.798952693676
 O          -0.210337828193      -0.357681537935       4.036867304899
 O           5.024881064493      -4.643095422996       1.382102424732
 O           6.693911888860      -2.929159911725      -0.342283720488
 C           3.466751479823      -0.434295482702       3.639050836220
 O           2.329967007163       0.377175167644       3.324885499243
 O           6.319709114461      -0.869819169395      -2.610127765329
 O           5.385640514138       1.004133738539      -4.573485145543
 C           4.504476233469       2.200136754824       0.898687559110
 O           3.187722254955       2.200260420892       1.457696214264
 O           2.843223282204       2.284149776002      -5.822911591096
 O           0.175552532942       3.105298227672      -6.513301615039
 C           2.045082050159       4.430729003200      -1.323104337841
 O           1.602228075858       3.730031019422      -0.157179893914
 O          -2.828995557128       2.690563243358      -5.900312531915
 O          -5.361450625896       1.680849636558      -4.779032660480
 C          -1.808966539678       4.489684938930      -1.324427633829
 O          -1.121808041149       3.853924846599      -0.239077114847
 O          -6.363062932305      -0.461043290926      -2.769609870138
 O          -6.703112476703      -2.487830136598      -0.783945322535
 C          -4.405296214070       2.446534033100       0.798324514728
 O          -3.036824005234       2.539767647551       1.207129840321
 H           3.282501152588      -6.623909218484       3.359804141215
 H           0.359424928163      -6.877011821849       2.535528733781
 H           6.285133583584      -2.369784363194      -1.033697694396
 H           4.159944176031      -5.032762720855       1.619510868186
 H           6.002521048463       1.486428693729      -5.145449345243
 H           6.231259710207      -1.083463969856      -3.554365563580
 H           0.788936658496       2.578163223515      -7.053446392765
 H           3.480027836996       1.681959070868      -5.386839981618
 H          -5.371711197912       0.926347937718      -4.156101861598
 H          -1.863174074103       2.642813978645      -6.050615131415
 H          -7.559959726253      -2.808110299869      -0.461672686413
 H          -6.559462720613      -1.392607814634      -2.967083790286
 H          -2.274321366049      -5.839797958636       2.584878018179
 H          -5.449368934143      -3.809702710273       0.429090106313
 H           3.544535229553      -3.999963094651       4.515228014857
 H           1.789435496147      -5.704650688585       4.686084074183
 H           0.684231199152      -4.618953148417       2.061116063118
 H          -0.477334697318      -4.413151186556       4.880893070069
 H           0.780290402417      -2.338204097570       3.004421399265
 H           6.922099169647      -0.526333128082       0.908982542462
 H           6.858743114297      -2.846678771786       1.672090333889
 H           4.095892583914      -3.054803281312       0.401743920374
 H           4.843960636187      -2.917231928777       3.360985179551
 H           3.419404232095      -0.906236088796       1.540367590235
 H           5.041055251106       3.492832524909      -3.273354732515
 H           6.682707475842       1.685617035325      -3.081304207251
 H           4.349752102781      -0.193625552349      -2.520990208976
 H           6.516596724781       0.814582460618      -0.615593368930
 H           3.511213703141       1.395402704469      -0.828449405358
 H          -0.580626904781       5.089842049911      -4.808574818070
 H           1.548764530724       4.524212430570      -5.855902194422
 H           1.313210430051       1.809166344325      -4.486677451142
 H           3.221643628606       4.131434935990      -3.923499381229
 H           0.865393985329       2.959655760072      -2.354212277638
 H          -5.815383070098       3.078710183869      -2.492099247336
 H          -4.867013043957       3.639165160245      -4.666897323435
 H          -2.733411744973       1.520642301791      -4.175131113253
 H          -2.439368794773       4.559483474931      -4.101317728275
 H          -2.349902692928       2.476756832706      -1.855119427994
 H          -6.635347699959      -1.224463131275       1.752736462948
 H          -7.550382137333      -0.609081575538      -0.432016396941
 H          -4.745497378323      -0.984004916786      -1.563167159056
 H          -6.335870851237       1.593233867389      -1.149400157337
 H          -3.860506681274       0.440773406235       0.249985210931
 H          -2.540473527584      -4.349942718201       4.864862396316
 H          -4.625940538336      -4.758336220626       3.662070147545
 H          -3.238012752047      -3.725511536294       1.152880872379
 H          -5.386954103015      -2.387565486897       2.865063760371
 H          -2.428692056632      -1.711378877744       2.444669062802
 H           5.102012255112       1.556471784745       1.545395233591
 H           4.930258611752       3.211773749331       0.909875095609
 H           2.595372882778       2.777610263973       0.907162433212
 H           3.119861407675      -1.157260918060       4.378838888133
 H           4.264263574140       0.173756452190       4.085107666173
 H           2.596901075653       1.067977919648       2.663997123316
 H          -1.134374441476      -1.825751068025       5.076314424002
 H           0.474286885712      -1.400575657062       5.712088646951
 H           0.698183953811      -0.048771583135       3.780687207965
 H          -4.538940799705       0.108244537351       3.168270888790
 H          -3.642530759023      -0.309796438195       4.648243716770
 H          -1.705084692274       0.338085853057       3.448205273924
 H           3.136031402146       4.414157741588      -1.285555212577
 H           1.706380582059       5.474367166652      -1.300384402703
 H          -4.536712886388       3.207695474762       0.028489883983
 H          -5.075393688482       2.668265734511       1.638860044508
 H          -2.854558229596       1.872770519756       1.920563322474
 H          -1.044208224952       5.023593958024      -1.890558437435
 H          -2.539646925263       5.215314427524      -0.945212213485
 H          -1.782933735592       3.374553313446       0.326428735765
 H           0.608666636607       3.759812187837      -0.120510919470