7.27. Frequency calculations - numerical and analytical

In the ORCA program package, the calculation of frequencies through the numerical or analytical Hessian is done via the orca_numfreq module and the combination of the orca_propint, orca_scfresp, and orca_prop modules, respectively.

The parameters to control these frequency calculations can be specified in the %freq-block.


  # Flags to switch frequencies calculation on/off
  NumFreq    false       # numerical frequencies (available for all methods)
  AnFreq     false       # analytical frequencies (available for HF, DFT)
                         # (One of these options has to be set to true,
                         #  to request a freq calculation)
  ScalFreq   1.0         # Scaling factor for frequencies (default = 1.0)
                         # NOTE: Scaling is applied to the frequencies after they are 
                         #       calculated. SCALED frequencies will be stored in the 
                         #       .hess file and printed in the output file. 
                         #       In the .hess file you have accesss to the frequency 
                         #       scaling factor (see below). 

  # Flags to control NumFreq calculation:
  CentralDiff  true      # use central differences [f(x+h)-f(x-h)]/2h - or - 
                         # use one-sided differences [f(x+h)-f(x)]/h 
  Restart      false     # restart a (numerical) frequency calculation
  DX           0.005     # increment h
  Increment    0.005     # increment h

  Hybrid_Hess  {...} end # calculate (numerical) Hybrid Hessian 
  Partial_Hess [...] end # calculate (numerical) Partial Hessian
  # Flags to control subsequent vibrational analysis:
  QuasiRRHO       true   # Evaluate Vibrational Entropy with 
                         # Quasi-Rigid Rotor Harmonic Oscillator
  QRRHORefFreq    25     # reference frequency used in the QuasiRRHO in cm-1
                         # default value is 100 from original paper
  CutOffFreq      1.0    # Threshold for frequencies to be considered 
                         # in spectra, thermochemistry and printout (cm-1)
  Temp        298.15     # run the thermochemistry calculations at user defined
                         # temperatures (max 16 temperatures, separated by ',')
  T    290, 292, 295     # same as Temp
  XTBVPT2     True       # use XTB for the VPT2 correction of the IR 
  Delq           0.5     # the displacement in dimensionless coordinates used 
                         # during the VPT2
  TransInvar  True       # enforce translation invariance while calculating the Hessian?
  ProjectTR   True       # project out translation and rotation degrees of freedom
                         # in frequency calculation and thermochemistry analysis?

At present, analytical Hessians can be calculated for SCF only. However, there are some additional restrictions. Analytical Hessians cannot be performed for

- Double-Hybrid functionals

- RI-JK approximation

Here is what you would do, if you ran a frequency calculation and have a .hess file on disk and want to try different scaling factors for the frequencies

  0.90      <<<---- you change this to whatever you want
orca_vib  myjob_scaled_freq.hess

The program will then read the Hessian, diagonalize it and apply your scaling factor. Whatever scaling factor was used in the actual input that generated the Hessian is irrelevant since the Hessian is re-diagonalized. To avoid confusion, we recommend that if the goal is to play with the scaling factor, then to leave the scaling factor in the input at 1.0. Nothing bad happens if you don’t though.

7.27.1. Restarting Numerical Frequency calculations

To restart a numerical frequencies calculation, use:

  restart true

and ORCA will look for basename.res.{} files in the same folder where the calculation is being run, check for what already has been done and restart where it is needed.

7.28. Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate

The Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate (IRC) method finds a path connecting a transition state (TS) with its downhill-nearest intermediates. The implementation in ORCA follows the method suggested by Morokuma and coworkers.[412]

The IRC method follows the gradient of the nuclear coordinates. As the gradient is negligible at a TS, first an initial displacement from the TS structure has to be carried out, based on the eigenmodes of the Hessian, in order to get to a region with nonnegligible gradient. For the initial displacement the eigenvector of the eigenmode with lowest frequency (hessMode=0) is normalized and then scaled by Scale_Displ_SD (which by default is chosen such that an energy change of Init_Displ_DE can be expected). Two initial displacements, forward and backward, are taken by adding the resulting displacement vector (multiplied with +1 and -1, respectively) to the initial structure. If the user requests the downhill direction (e.g. from a previous unconverged IRC run), it is assumed that the gradient is nonzero and thus no initial displacement is carried out.

After the initial displacement the iterations of the IRC method begin. Each iteration consists of two main steps, which each consist again of multiple SP and gradient runs:

  1. Initial steepest descent (SD) step:

    1. The gradient (grad0) of the starting geometry (G0) is normalized, scaled by Scale_Displ_SD, and the resulting displacement vector (SD1) is applied to G0.

    2. Optional (if SD_ParabolicFit is true): If SD1 increases the energy, a linear search is taken along the direction of the displacement vector:

      1. The displacement vector SD1 is scaled by 0.5 (SD2 = 0.5 x SD1) and again added to G0.

      2. A parabolic fit for finding the displacement vector (SD3) which leads to minimal energy is carried out using the three SP energies (G0, geometry after SD1 and after SD2 step). SD3 has the same direction as SD1 and SD2, but can have a different length.

      3. The keyword Interpolate_only controls whether the length of SD3 has to be in between 0 and and the length of SD1. If that is the case, the maximum length is determined by SD1, the minimum length is zero.

    3. At the resulting geometry G1 (G0+SD1 or G0+SD3) the gradient is calculated (grad1).

  2. Optional (if Do_SD_Corr is true): Correction to the steepest descent step:

    1. Based on grad0 and grad1 a vector is computed which represents a correction to the first SD (SD1 or SD3) step. This correction brings the geometry closer to the IRC.

    2. This vector is normalized, scaled by Scale_Displ_SD_Corr times the length of SD1 or SD3, and the resulting displacement vector (SDC1) is applied to G1.

    3. Optional (if SD_Corr_ParabolicFit is true):

      1. If the energy increases after applying step SDC1, SDC1 is scaled by 0.5 (SDC2 = 0.5 x SD1), if the energy decreases, SDC1 is scaled by 2 (SDC2 = 2 x SD1). SDC2 is then added to G1.

      2. A parabolic fit for finding the displacement vector (SDC3) which leads to minimal energy is carried out using the three SP energies (G1, geometry after SDC1 and after SDC2 step). SDC3 has the same direction as SDC1 and SDC2, but can have a different length.

      3. The keyword Interpolate_only controls whether the length of SDC3 has to be in between 0 and and the length of SDC1. If that is the case, the maximum length is determined by SDC1, the minimum length is zero.

    4. At the resulting geometry G2 (G1+SDC1 or G1+SDC3) the gradient is calculated (grad2).

  3. The gradient at the new geometry is checked for convergence.

  4. Optional (if Adapt_Scale_Displ is true):

    1. If the resulting overall step size is smaller than 0.5 times Scale_Displ_SD, Scale_Displ_SD is multiplied by 0.5.

    2. If the resulting overall step size is larger than 2 times Scale_Displ_SD, Scale_Displ_SD is multiplied by 2.

    3. Scale_Displ_SD may not become smaller than 1/16 times the initial Scale_Displ_SD and not larger than 4 times the initial Scale_Displ_SD.

The following keywords are available:

   MaxIter    20
   PrintLevel 1   
   Direction  both # both - default
                   # forward
                   # backward
                   # down
 # Initial displacement  
   InitHess   read # by default ORCA uses the Hessian from AnFreq or NumFreq, or
                   # computes a new one
                   # read    - reads the Hessian that is defined via Hess_Filename
                   # calc_anfreq  - computes the analytic Hessian
                   # calc_numfreq - computes the numeric Hessian 
   Hess_Filename "h2o.hess"  # input Hessian for initial displacement, must be used
                             # together with InitHess = read
   hessMode   0  # Hessian mode that is used for the initial displacement. Default 0                
   Init_Displ DE      # DE (default) - energy difference
                      # length       - step size
   Scale_Init_Displ 0.1 # step size for initial displacement from TS. Default 0.1 a.u.
   DE_Init_Displ    2.0 # energy difference that is expected for initial displacement 
                        #  based on provided Hessian (Default: 2 mEh)
 # Steps
   Follow_CoordType cartesian # default and only option
   Scale_Displ_SD       0.15  # Scaling factor for scaling the 1st SD step
   Adapt_Scale_Displ    true  # modify Scale_Displ_SD when the step size becomes 
                              # smaller or larger
   SD_ParabolicFit      true  # Do a parabolic fit for finding an optimal SD step
                              # length
   Interpolate_only     true  # Only allow interpolation for parabolic fit, not
                              # extrapolation
   Do_SD_Corr           true  # Apply a correction to the 1st SD step
   Scale_Displ_SD_Corr  0.333 # Scaling factor for scaling the correction step to 
                              # the SD step. It is multiplied by the length of the 
                              # final 1st SD step
   SD_Corr_ParabolicFit true  # Do a parabolic fit for finding an optimal correction
                              # step length
 # Convergence thresholds - similar to LooseOpt
   TolRMSG   5.e-4      # RMS gradient (a.u.)
   TolMaxG   2.e-3      # Max. element of gradient (a.u.)
 # Output options   
   Monitor_Internals # Up to three internal coordinates can be defined 
      {B 0 1}        # for which the values are printed during the IRC run.
      {B 1 5}        # Possible are (B)onds, (A)ngles, (D)ihedrals and (I)mpropers


  • For direction=down (downhill) no initial displacement is necessary, and thus no Hessian is needed.

7.29. Nudged Elastic Band Method

The Nudged Elastic Band (NEB)[384, 416, 585] method is used to find a minimum energy path (MEP) connecting two local energy minima on the potential energy surface (PES) and thereby an estimate of the activation energy for the transition. The two minima are referred to as the reactant and product in the following discussion. The path can have one or more maxima, each one corresponding to a first order saddle point on the energy surface. The NEB method offers an advantage over eigenvector-following methods in that it is guaranteed to find saddle points that connect the given reactant and product states. The minimum energy path is often used to represent the reaction coordinate of the transition between the two states. The methods and implementation outlined below are discussed further in Ref. [4].

The user needs to specify the reactant and product configurations. The reactant energy minimum is inserted into the regular ORCA input file while the product should be in a separate .xyz file (keyword: neb_end_xyzfile). The reactant and product configurations should be optimized a priori by relaxing to energy minima on the PES, see section Geometry Optimizations. This can also be achieved via the ‘preopt_ends’ keyword. It is important to carefully prepare the reactant and product such that the position (or index) of the atoms is the same in the two configuration files, i.e. there should be one-to-one mapping between the reactant and product configurations.

The discretized path between the two minima is represented by a set of \(M\) system configurations that are referred to as images, i.e. \(\textbf{R} = [r_0, r_1, ..., r_{M-1}]\). The number of intermediate images between the end points (i.e. reactant and product) is specified by the user. The general rule of thumb is to include \(M=7-12\), or \(5-10\) intermediate images per energy maximum in order to obtain a high enough resolution of the path and the saddle point. However, calculations can often converge and give accurate results with fewer images but complex paths with multiple maxima or long tails may require more images. During an NEB calculation the intermediate images are iteratively shifted towards the MEP using the component of the atomic force that is perpendicular to the current path as estimated from the tangent to the path at each image. While, the end point images are typically kept fixed. In each step of the iterative process, the energy and atomic forces of each intermediate image need to be computed. One of the main advantages of the NEB method is that the calculations of the images are carried out in parallel, where the electronic structure computations can be distributed over multiple processors (see discussion below for more details on the parallelization). While the CPU time is proportional to the number of images, the number of iterations needed for convergence to the MEP can become smaller when more images are included in the discrete representation of the path.

The tangent to the path at each image, \(\hat{\tau}_i\), can be estimated in two ways (keyword: tangent), either by the original method [416] or by the more numerically stable improved [384] estimate (default option). In the former, the tangent at an image is taken to be a linear combination of the two line segments that connect to image \(i\),

\[\tau_i = \dfrac{r_{i+1}-r_{i} }{|r_{i+1}-r_{i}|} + \dfrac{r_{i}-r_{i-1} }{|r_{i}-r_{i-1}|}\]

In the improved tangent estimate, the line segment from the current image to the adjacent image with higher energy is used, i.e.

\[\begin{split}\tau_i = \begin{cases} \tau^+ & \text{if E$_{i+1} $ $>$ E$_i$ $>$ E$_{i-1} $}\\ \tau^- & \text{if E$_{i+1} $ $<$ E$_i$ $<$ E$_{i-1} $}\\ \end{cases}\end{split}\]

where \(\tau^+ = r_{i+1}-r_i\) and \(\tau^- = r_{i}-r_{i-1}\). With the exception of image \(i\) being at an energy extremum along the path, then an energy-weighted average of the two line segments to adjacent images is used,

\[\begin{split}\tau_i = \begin{cases} \tau^+\Delta V^\text{max}_i + \tau^- \Delta V^\text{min}_i & \text{if E$_{i+1} $ $>$ E$_{i-1} $}\\ \tau^+\Delta V^\text{min}_i + \tau^- \Delta V^\text{max}_i & \text{if E$_{i+1} $ $<$ E$_{i-1} $}\\ \end{cases}\end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \Delta V^\text{max}_i = \max(|E_{i+1}-E_{i}|, |E_{i-1}-E_i|)\\ \Delta V^\text{max}_i = \min(|E_{i+1}-E_{i}|, |E_{i-1}-E_i|)\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Then the tangent is normalized, \(\hat{\tau}_i = \tau_i/|\tau_i|\). With an accurate estimate of the tangent, the perpendicular component of the atom force is computed by,

\[F_i^\perp = F_i - \left(F_i\cdot \hat{\tau}_i\right)\hat{\tau}_i\]

In the free-end NEB method, the endpoint images are optimized simultaneously along with the intermediate images, i.e. \(M\) movable images are used. Three different variants of the free-end NEB method (keywords:free_end, free_end_type) are included in ORCA: where (i) the endpoints are restrained to move along the same (or separate) energy isocontour[5, 920], (ii) according to the atomic force acting perpendicular to the path and (iii) the full atomic force. For the first variant, the ‘reactant’ and ‘product’ endpont images, can be restrained to move along two different energy contours, \(E_0\) (given by keyword:free_end_ec) and \(E_1\) (given by keyword: free_end_ec_end), to keep the path bounded. Then, if the images drift away from the isocontour because of curvature of the energy surface, an harmonic restraint term is used to pull the image back to the contour.[5] The stiffness of the harmonic restraint is given by a user-supplied parameter (keyword:free_end_kappa). It is important to carefully select the energy values and the strength of the harmonic restraint, otherwise the path may become kinked. For the second variant, the endpoint images are unbounded but displaced directly towards the MEP. This is typically acceptable if the endpoint images are already in vicinity to the MEP and is less prone to kinks developing along the path. For the third variant, the endpoint images become optimized to the reactant and product energy minimum.

7.29.1. Spring forces

In order to control the distribution of the images along the path, spring forces are included to act between adjacent images, tangential to the path[416],

\[F^{\text{sp},\parallel}_i = \left(k_{i}^\text{sp}|r_{i+1}-r_{i}|-k_{i-1}^\text{sp}|r_i - r_{i-1}|\right)\hat{\tau}_i\]

The magnitude of the spring forces (i.e. stiffness) is controlled by spring constants, \(k^\text{sp}\). The typical values of the spring constant (keyword: springconst) can be taken to be within the range of 0.01 Eh/Bohr\(^2\) to 1.0 Eh/Bohr\(^2\). If the spring constants are choosen to be the same for all pairs of adjacent images, the images will be equally distributed along the path. However, it is also possible to choose energy-weighted spring constants (keyword: energy_weighted) so as to increase the density of images in the higher energy regions[4, 385]. In an energy-weighted NEB calculation the spring constants are scaled according to the relative energy of the images, from a lower-bound value (keyword:springconst) to an upper-bound value (keyword:springconst2), by

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} k^{\text{sp} }_i &=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{} } (1-\alpha_i)k_{\text{u} } + \alpha_i k_\text{l}, & \text{if} E_i > E_\text{ref} \\ k_l, & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right.\\ \alpha_i &= \frac{E_\text{max} - E_i}{E_{\text{max} }-E_\text{ref} }\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

where \(k_{\text{u} }\) and \(k_{\text{l} }\) are the upper- and lower-bound values for the spring constant. \(E_\text{max}\) is the current estimate of the maximum energy along the path, \(E_i\) is the higher energy image of the pair of images connected by line segment \(i\) and \(E_\text{ref}\) is the energy of the higher energy minimum. The energy-weighted springs will typically serve to improve the tangent estimate in the barrier region and hence stabilize the calculations. The inclusion of energy-weighted springs can be important in reactions where the energy barrier is narrow and/or the pathway is characterized by a long ‘energy tail’, e.g., in rearrangements or dissociation reactions. The choice of spring constants will affect the behavior of a calculation, especially the number of iterations needed to reach convergence. Other formulations for spring forces are also available since ORCA 4.2 (keyword: springtype). These are referred to as the original[416] and ideal[553] spring forces. The original spring forces are estimated by a spring acting on each degree of freedom between a pair of adjacent images. For ideal springs each image is assigned an ideal position along the path based on a linear interpolation of the current location of the images and the individual images interact with the ideal locations via spring forces. The ideal springs are currently not implemented to work with energy weighted spring constants.

While only the component of the spring force parallel to the path is included in an NEB calculation (by default) the user can choose to include a fraction of the spring force acting perpendicular to the path to stabilize calculations (keyword: perpspring. Since, the perpendicular component of the spring force can serve to straighten out the path and is useful for complex pathways with multiple energy extrema and low resolution of the path. The inclusion of the perpendicular component of the spring force is always accompanied by a switching function that is used to scale it according to (i) convergence to the MEP (the ‘tan’ function)[791] (ii) the angle between adjacent images (the ‘cos’ function)[416] or a combination of both. The inclusion of the perpendicular spring force can help to reduce the number of iterations and eliminate kinks on the path. However, it is important to stress that by inclusion of the perpendicular spring forces, the images may not converge on the MEP. Alternatively, the user can choose to use the modified DNEB method[791, 853].

7.29.2. Optimization and convergence of the NEB method

The effective force used in a standard NEB calculations is the sum of the atomic force component perpendicular to the path and the spring force component parallel to the path,

\[F^\text{NEB}_i = F^\perp_i + F^{\text{sp},\parallel}_i\]

The path can be brought to the MEP by moving according to the effective force, as is shown in Fig. 7.21.


Fig. 7.21 Visualization of the effective force, \(F^\text{NEB}\) and its two components: \(F^\perp_i\) and \(F^{\text{sp},\parallel}_i\) for three images along an intermediate path in a NEB optimization. The figure is taken from Ref. [3]

This can be achieved by using any of the three optimization methods implemented (keyword:opt_method): velocity projection optimization (VPO)[416], fast inertial relxation engine (FIRE)[108] and L-BFGS[635]. VPO and FIRE are more robust for regions that are far from the MEP, while L-BFGS converges faster when the images are close to the MEP. FIRE and VPO both have a local and global implementation (keyword:local). In the local variant, all of the images are treated individually when taking an optimization step, while in the latter the whole band is treated as a single point. A constant ‘trust-radius’ is used for all optimization methods, where if the magnitude of the maximum Cartesian component of an optimization step exceeds a user-supplied threshold (keyword:maxmove), the whole displacement is scaled down accordingly. The number of steps stored in the L-BFGS optimization for the construction of the approximate Hessian matrix can be adjusted by the user (keyword:lbfgs_memory). For a more conservative optimization with L-BFGS, the memory can also be erased if a large step is attempted (keyword:lbfgs_restart_on_maxmove).

The convergence of the intermediate images is gauged from the maximum Cartesian component of the perpendicular atom force as well as the root-mean-square, i.e. \(\max(|\textbf{F}^\perp|), \text{RMS}(\textbf{F}^\perp)\). The atomic force on the images perpendicular to the path vanishes as the images are located on the MEP. A typical value of the tolerance for the maximum component of the atomic force perpendicular to the path is \(1\cdot10^{-3}\) Eh/Bohr. Typically the tolerance for the root-mean-square value is chosen to be smaller by a factor of 1/2 or 1/3. Sometimes a tighter tolerance for the maximum component of the force is needed, for example \(5\cdot 10^{-4}\) Eh/Bohr or even \(2 \cdot 10^{-4}\) Eh/Bohr. The maximum number of optimization steps allowed is set by the keyword ‘maxiter’.

The configuration of each image after each iteration is written to a ‘_trj.xyz’ file (see file: basename_MEP\(\_\)ALL_trj.xyz). This file is useful for troubleshooting non-convergent calculations.

7.29.3. Climbing image NEB

In order make the highest energy image converge more accurately to the (highest) energy maximum along the MEP, the climbing image variant of the NEB method (CI-NEB) can be used. [385] In the CI-NEB method, the effective force \(F^\text{NEB}\) acting on the climbing image (i.e. \(i=\text{ci}\)) is transformed to:

\[F_\text{ci}^\text{NEB} = F_\text{ci} - 2\left(F_\text{ci}\cdot \hat{\tau}_\text{ci}\right)\hat{\tau}_\text{ci}\]

where the climbing image is pushed up-hill along the path and relaxed down-hill perpendicular to the path. That is, the energy is maximized with respect to one degree of freedom corresponding to the direction of the tangent while the energy is minimized with respect to all other degrees of freedom. The effective force on the climbing image does not include any spring force and the density of images then becomes different on either side of the climbing image. As long as the tangent estimate is accurate enough the climbing image will converge rigorously to the point of highest energy along the path. An illustration of how the climbing image NEB method works is shown in Fig. 7.22 for a simple two-dimensional energy function.


Fig. 7.22 Illustration of how the CI-NEB method works on a two-dimensional Müller-Brown energy surface, \(E(x,y)\).[539] The calculation is started from a linear interpolation between the reactant (R) and product (P) energy minima, using \(M=10\). The images are displaced in the orthogonal direction to the path (red curves), until they converge to the minimum energy path (white dashed curve). The climbing image accurately locates the higher energy first order saddle point along the path (denoted by SP). The optimization profile is shown as an inset. In such a plot the interpolated energy along the path is plotted as a function of displacement, for each (or selected) optimization step. The figure is taken from Ref. [3]

It can be useful to start the climbing image after the magnitude of the atomic forces perpendicular to the path drops below a given user supplied threshold (keyword: tol\(\_\)turn\(\_\)on\(\_\)ci). Then, the highest energy image along the current path is converted to a climbing image. It is usually most efficient to initiate the climbing image early on or even from the start of the NEB calculation. This applies when using the VPO optimization method. For L-BFGS it is recommended to start CI-NEB when the path has partially converged to the MEP, e.g., around 0.01-0.02 Eh/Bohr. If there are two or more maxima in the energy along the MEP it is possible that the image near the highest maximum is not chosen as the climbing image at an early stage of the NEB calculation. Then, later on the choice of the climbing image can be switched automatically. Also, for barrierless reactions, the climbing image is not turned on. The atom coordinates of the climbing image (in a CI-NEB calculation) or the highest energy image (in an NEB calculation) are written to files ‘_NEB-CI\(\_\)converged.xyz’ and ‘_NEB-HEI\(\_\)converged.xyz’, respectively, when a calculation has successfully completed.

The convergence of a CI-NEB calculation can either be gauged by monitoring the forces on all images or only on the climbing image, (keyword: convtype). The latter option may be used when the objective of the calculation is to locate the highest energy saddle point connecting the reactant and product states and can save significant computational effort. To gauge for convergence on the climbing image, both the root-mean-square and magnitude of the maximum (Cartesian) component of the atom force are monitored, i.e. \(\max(|\textbf{F}_\text{ci}|), \text{RMS}(\textbf{F}_\text{ci})\). When gauging the convergence of all images in a CI-NEB calculation it is typically acceptable to converge the regular images more loosely than the climbing image. By default, the tolerance for the regular images is a factor of 10 larger than that of the climbing image. This scaling of the tolerances is a parameter that can be set by the user (keyword: tol_scale). Typically for an acceptable convergence to the saddle point, the tolerance threshold for the maximum magnitude of an atomic force component of the climbing image can be set to \(5\cdot 10^{-4}\) Eh/Bohr.

7.29.4. Generation of the initial path

One of the most important aspects of any NEB or CI-NEB calculation is the generation of the initial path between the reactant and product energy minima (keyword: interpolation. The recommended method is the image-dependent pair potential (IDPP) method [807]. An alternative and simpler method is linear interpolation in Cartesian coordinates. In either case, the user should always inspect the initial path (see file: basename\(\_\)initial\(\_\)path_trj.xyz) to make certain that it is acceptable.

By default, the endpoint structures are scanned for covalently linked fragments. If two fragments are detected in either of the endpoint structures, the structure is automatically prepared such that the distance between the fragments is no larger than a maximum distance defaulted to 3.5 Angstrom.

The linear interpolation in Cartesian coordinates may result in overlap of atoms leading to large, initial, atomic forces and even divergence in the SCF cycles. The IDPP method solves these problems by interpolating pairwise distances between neighboring atoms in the reactant and product energy minimum. Then, a path is generated to match those distances as closely as possible. Since there are many more pairwise distances than atom coordinates, the initial path is found by minimizing the objective function,

(7.218)\[ S_\kappa^{\text{IDPP} }( r_i) = \sum_A^M \sum^M_{B > A} w(d_{AB}) \left(d_{AB}^\kappa - d_{AB}\right)^2 \]

where \(d_{AB}\) is the pairwise distance between atoms \(A\) and \(B\) for intermediate image \(i\). \(d^\kappa_{AB}\) is the ideal interpolated distance between atoms \(A\) and \(B\) of the same image. \(w\) is a weight-function to give shorter bond distances more weight and make unnecessary bond-breaking unfavorable. The weight function is given as \(w = (d_{\text{AB} })^{-4}\). The IDPP path avoids the overlap of atoms and can also generate a path that is closer to the MEP than the linear interpolation in Cartesian coordinates[807]. The IDPP path is obtained from an NEB calculation using the IDPP objective function starting from a linear interpolation of the Cartesian coordinates between the endpoint structures, but this calculation requires little computational effort since it does not require any electronic structure computations. Note that it is possible that the initial path breaks covalent bonds and that it can be far from the optimal MEP, so the user should always inspect the initial path before starting an NEB calculation. The user can adjust the settings of the IDPP calculations using the ‘idpp’ related keywords, but the default values should suffice for most applications. Note that the units of the IDPP are in Ångströms instead of atomic units. The matrix of ideal interpolated distance between the atoms \(A\) and \(B\) at image \(i\), \(d_{AB,\ i}^\kappa\,\), is most simply obtained by linear interpolation as

\[ d_{AB,\ i}^\kappa = d_{AB}^{initial} + P_{i} * \left(d_{AB}^{final} - d_{AB}^{initial}\right)\,, \]

where \(P_{i} = \frac{i}{n_{im} - 1}\) is the position of image \(i\) on the path between 0, corresponding to the initial image, and 1, corresponding to the final image, and \(n_{im}\) is the total number of images.

As this linear distance interpolation may not be ideal, one can alternatively choose a bilinear distance interpolation scheme that takes atomic bonds into account. Bonds between the atoms \(A\) and \(B\) in the initial and final images are identified if their distance \(d_{AB} < t_{bond} = t_{c}\left(R_{A}^{cov} + R_{B}^{cov}\right)\,,\) where \(t_{c}\) is an input factor impacting at what distances a bond is detected by default taken to be 1.2, and \(R_{X}^{cov}\) is the covalent radius of atom \(X\). If a bond is detected in one of the endpoint structures but not the other, two linear distance interpolations are performed to obtain \(d_{AB, i}^{\kappa}\). The first interpolates the distance between the endpoint structure in which the atoms are bonded and \(t_{bond}\), the second interpolates the distance between \(t_{bond}\) and the endpoint structure in which the bond is broken. The two linear distance interpolations are joined at the path position \(P_{join}\) defaulted to 0.5, corresponding to the midpoint on the path between the endpoint images. If the atoms are bonded in the initial structure but not in the final structure, the interpolation is

\[\begin{split} d_{AB,\ i}^{\kappa} = \begin{cases} d_{AB}^{initial} + \frac{P_{i}\left(t_{bond} - d_{AB}^{initial}\right)}{P_{join}}\,,\ \hspace{11pt}\text{if}\ P_{i} < P_{join}\\ d_{AB}^{final} - \frac{(1 - P_{i})\left(d_{AB}^{final} - t_{bond}\right)}{\left(1.0 - P_{join}\right)}\,,\ \text{if}\ P_{i} \geq P_{join}\,.\end{cases} \end{split}\]

If the atoms are bonded in the final structure but not in the initial structure, the interpolation is

\[\begin{split} d_{AB,\ i}^{\kappa} = \begin{cases} d_{AB}^{initial} - \frac{P_{i}\left(d_{AB}^{initial} - t_{bond}\right)}{1 - P_{join}}\,,\ \hspace{11pt}\text{if}\ P_{i} < 1 - P_{join}\\ d_{AB}^{final} + \frac{(1 - P_{i})\left(t_{bond} - d_{AB}^{final}\right)}{P_{join}}\,,\ \text{if}\ P_{i} \geq 1 - P_{join}\,.\end{cases} \end{split}\]

This bilinear interpolation leads to a slower increase of the atom distance in the bonded region compared to the non-bonded region in most cases, emphesizing the bond breaking process and thus the region where the energy is changed most by a change in the bond distance. If the change in the bond distance in the non-bonded region is slower than the change in the bonded region, the implementation falls back to the regular linear distance interpolation.

In challenging cases, even the IDPP NEB calculation starting from a linear interpolation of the Cartesian coordinates between the endpoint structures may not provide a reasonable initial path. This may happen when the linear interpolation path has atoms come very close to each other in intermediate images, which leads to bond breaking even after NEB optimization using the IDPP objective function. In such cases, a reasonable initial path can often be obtained by avoiding the linear interpolation by sequentially adding images to the path starting from both endpoint structures instead. This method is referred to as sequential IDPP (S-IDPP).[765] The two sets of images close to each endpoint structure are separated by a larger distance than the images in each set by choosing a smaller spring constant than between the images in each set where equal spring constants are used. The images closest to the center are converged in an NEB calculation and an image added at an appropriate distance from the converged image between the two images closest to the center. This process is repeated until the requested amount of images has been added. The tangent of the images closest to the center follows the improved tangent definition and always treats them as extrema on the path, i.e. an average of the normalized distance vectors to the adjacent images is used. The number of images used to form the S-IDPP initial path can be different from the number of images used in the subsequent NEB calculation involving electronic structure calculations. It can be benficial to use an even number of images in the S-IDPP computation since no image is placed at the center of the initial path then and moving to the requested odd number of images in an additional IDPP NEB calculation afterwards. This option is used by default, but can be deactivated. For systems involving very heavy rotations of large groups, the method becomes more robust when twice the amount of images is used in the S-IDPP calculation. Half the images are then removed automatically for the subsequent NEB calculation involving electronic structure calculations. This option is available, but not used by default.

The user may have a preconceived notion of the saddle point configuration or have an estimate of the path from a calculation carried out at a lower level of theory. The initial path can be generated in such a way as to include an intermediate configuration as one of the images using the ‘NEB_TS_XYZFile’ keyword. Since this image will be optimized along with the other intermediate images during the NEB calculation the guess does not have to be accurate.

If inspection of the initial path reveals problems, e.g., unnecessary bond breaking, it is often a good idea to insert a reasonable configuration into the initial interpolation to avoid such problems. Moreover, if an NEB calculation is unable to converge to the MEP (or saddle point) with the given maximum number of iterations, the user can restart the calculation from the ‘allxyz’ file (see file: basename_MEP.allxyz) which is written to the disk after each iteration during the optimization. Note, when starting an NEB calculation from an output from a previous CI-NEB calculation and vice-versa the band may require a few iterations to adjust the distribution of images to achieve the desired distribution, depending on the selected spring type and the choice of NEB method.

If the system can be modeled reasonably well using the GFN-xTB method, another possible choice is the generation of an initial path on XTB level (keywords ‘XTB0’, ‘XTB1’ or ‘XTB2’ for GFN0-xTB[698] GFN-xTB[332] or GFN2-xTB[70]). In this case the initial path on IDPP level is refined using an NEB calculation on the chosen XTB level. If this NEB run is successful, the entire MEP on XTB level is used as the initial path. If the NEB run on XTB level is not successful, the initial path on IDPP level is used instead.

Another keyword that makes use of the XTB method is the ‘XTBTS’ keyword (‘XTB0TS’, ‘XTB1TS’ or ‘XTB2TS’). In this case the initial path on IDPP level is refined using an NEB-CI calculation on XTB level. If the NEB-CI run is successful, the resulting CI structure is chosen as TS guess structure, and the final initial path is generated using an IDPP path from reactant to TS guess and from TS guess to product. If the NEB-CI run on XTB level is not successful, the initial path on IDPP level is used instead.

7.29.5. Removal of translational and rotational degrees of freedom

For NEB and CI-NEB calculations of molecular systems it is important to project out the six (or five in the case of linear molecules) degrees of freedom corresponding to the global rotation and translation of the system. This can be done either at the start of a calculation or for each optimization step (keyword: quatern). For the latter, the center-of-geometry of each image is translated to origin and a rotational matrix is constructed using the quaternion approach[576] to minimize the root-mean-square deviation between any two adjacent images. Depending on whether a fixed center is used (keyword: fix_center), the images are either kept in that place or transferred back to their original position. This procedure is repeated for any pair of adjacent images in each step of the optimization. Also, the net effective NEB force is set to zero (keyword: remove_extern_force).[434]

7.29.6. Reparametrization of the path

In some cases it may be beneficial to enable redistribution of the images along the path every \(N\) iterations (i.e. analogous to the string method[240]) (keyword: reparam). The path is then interpolated using either a linear or cubic polynomial fitted to both the coordinates and the tangent to the path, and the images are redistributed evenly along the interpolated path. Both \(N\) and the type of interpolation are specified by the user (keyword: reparam_type). The cubic interpolation method should be better in calculations where the resolution of the path and hence the estimate of the tangent is good, while the linear interpolation is generally more robust as it does not as dependent on the tangent as much.

7.29.7. Useful output

After each iteration, the energy profile along the path is obtained by making a piecewise cubic polynomial interpolation using both the energy and the component of the atom force tangentinal to the path[384]. The interpolation can reveal important information about the MEP in locations between the intermediate images. The interpolation is written to the file ‘interp’ (see file: basename.interp) in each step of the optimization. Moreover, as NEB and CI-NEB calculations can be quite computationally demanding and in order to properly analyze what may have gone wrong in such a calculation, the user can inspect the ‘.log’ file, which includes information about the type of calculation, energy, length of the path, spring forces, atomic forces etc.

7.29.8. Important warning messages

Some tests are carried out during the optimization in order to detect problems on the fly. The angle between the two straight lines going through an image and its neighbors on each side is calculated. If the angle becomes large e.g. exceeding 90\(^\circ\) the estimate of the tangent has likely become inaccurate and a better resolution of the path is required. If the angle is close to 180\(^\circ\) the ordering of the images may have become incorrect. Especially in the latter case, it may be a good choice of action to terminate the calculation and include a larger number of intermediate images in the subsequent calculation. Some information from the calculation, e.g, a guess for the saddle point, could be incorporated in the new calculation.

Another issue is the identification of an intermediate minimum along the path. If an intermediate minimum is observed in \(M\) subsequent iterations (\(M\) is supplied by the user) a warning is issued to the user that a possible intermediate minimum may exist along the path. It is a good idea to check the status of the calculation, the path and the convergence behaviour. If the calculation appears to be proceeding normally and heading for convergence, the best course of action is to allow the calculation to finish. However, it is in general better to carry out separate NEB calculations for segments of the MEP on either side of the intermediate minimum. Especially, if the intermediate minimum is deep w.r.t to the reactant and product state energy minima.

In such cases, the image closest to the apparent intermediate minimum is selected and a structural minimization carried out. The resulting configuration is then used as the initial state or final state in the subsequent CI-NEB calculations.

7.29.9. Parallel execution

If the number of processes (NProcs) specified in the input is larger than 1, NEB will automatically start up in multi-processes mode:

NProcs <= NImages

NProcs processes will handle NProcs images independently with 1 process per image. Choose NProcs = X*NImages (e.g. X = 1 or 0.5)

NProcs > NImages

NProcs processes will handle NImage images, each image being treated by (NProcs/ NImages) processes. If you want to dedicate more than 1 process to each single image-calculation, choose NProcs = X*NImages (e.g. X = 2, 3, 4, …).

Note: If in the second case multiple compute-nodes are involved, the user will need to define the ORCA specific environment variable RSH_COMMAND, which tells the NEB driver how to connect to the individual nodes (set it to either ‘rsh’ or ‘ssh’). However, this may not work with all queueing systems.

If the energy and force calculations are fast (e.g. with semiempirical methods), there is no gain in using multiple processes per image. Starting up and finalizing MPI may consume more time than the gain from parallel processing.

7.29.10. zoomNEB

A preliminary version of the Zoom-NEB (Z-NEB) method has been included this implementation, where the objective of the method is to locate a saddle point more accurately with a better resolution compared to CI-NEB calculations. The Z-NEB method is an automatic two step procedure, where in the first step a CI-NEB calculation is carried out to obtain a rough convergence towards the MEP. Then, the region surrounding the highest energy maximum along the path is identified and a new set of images distributed along this region. In the second step, a free-end CI-NEB calculation is started from this new path. In this calculation, the endpoints are optimized according to the atom force acting perpendicular to the path. This will ensure that the endpoints of the second CI-NEB calculation will converge to the MEP, as well. Furthermore, to maintain the parallelization of the CI-NEB method, same number of movable images are used in the first and second CI-NEB calculations.

7.29.11. NEB-TS

Probably the most efficient saddle point search methods are obtained when double ended methods (e.g. NEB) are combined with single ended methods (e.g., eigenvector-following). In the current implementation, a combination of EW-CI-NEB and EF P-RFO (eigenvector-following partitioned rational function optimization) methods is presented and referred to as the NEB-TS method [4].

In NEB-TS, the EW-CI-NEB method is used to partially converge to the MEP and hence saddle point, i.e., the optimization of the images along the MEP is halted once the climbing image is converged to a prescribed tolerance. Then, the climbing image is used to provide a subsequent eigenvector-following calculation with an accurate initial guess configuration, as is shown in Fig. 7.23 and the tangent at the CI is used to select the eigenvector to be followed. The tangent estimate should already provide an accurate approximation to the unstable mode at the saddle point. The initial Hessian matrix needed for the eigenvector-following calculation can either be computed analytically (if available) or taken as the Almlöf empirical Hessian matrix [264]. If the Almlöf Hessian matrix is used, the curvature at the CI is estimated by using a finite difference approximation (i.e. using the atom force acting on the neighboring images to CI) and used to scale the corresponding eigenvalue of the selected eigenvector, allowing the eigenvector-following calculation to be started from a Hessian matrix of correct form. The typical ‘%geom’ block can be used to modify the settings of the eigenvector-following calculation.


Fig. 7.23 Illustration of how the NEB-TS method works on a two-dimensional Müller-Brown energy surface, \(E(x,y)\) [539]. The calculation is started from a linear interpolation between the reactant and product energy minima, using \(M=10\). The images are displaced in the orthogonal direction to the path (red curves) using the CI-NEB algorithm, until a rough convergence to the minimum energy path (white dashed curve) is obtained. The climbing image then provides an approximate saddle point configuration that can be used to start eigenvector-following partitioned rational function optimization to accurately (and swiftly) identify the (higher energy) first order saddle point. The figure is taken from Ref. [4]


Since our first NEB-TS implementation, we investigated a lot more settings and variants, see [4]. Based on those findings, two new algorithms and convergence threshold settings have been implemented into ORCA. FAST-NEB-TS corresponds to the IDPP-TS in the paper, and LOOSE-NEB-TS corresponds to the actual NEB-TS defaults, which are defined in the paper. Both features, FAST- and LOOSE-NEB-TS, show slightly lower robustness, but need significantly less NEB cycles.

7.29.13. NEB / NEB-TS and TD-DFT

The NEB and NEB-TS algorithm now also works in combination with TD-DFT. The input:

 product "product.xyz"
 NRoots 1
 IRoot 1

not only computes the MEP and TS of the first excited state, but it also prints out (after NEB convergence) the excited state as well as ground state energies over the MEP:

Image    E0      Root  1
  0   -67.203     0.000
  1   -66.443     1.517
  2   -54.382     5.774
  3   -42.483    10.473
  4   -32.798    14.323
  5   -28.056    16.108
  6   -34.102    13.915
  7   -48.125     8.249
  8   -64.188     2.212
  9   -67.066     0.018

You can even request an NEB-TS calculation on the ground state PES, and at the same time gain information on the excited PES via the input:

 product "product.xyz"
 NRoots 1
 IRoot 0

During this NEB calculation, only ground state energies and gradients are computed. Only after NEB convergence, the additional excited state energies are computed on each image, in order to yield the ordering of the states on the MEP:

Image    E0      Root  1
  0     0.000   121.545
  1     6.281   128.198
  2    21.434   143.835
  3    35.437   151.581
  4    43.223   155.579
  5    43.235   155.501
  6    35.472   151.495
  7    21.498   143.715
  8     6.395   128.060
  9     0.166   121.425

7.29.14. Summary of Keywords

The following keywords are available:

! NEB           # NEB calculation
! NEB-CI        # Climbing Image NEB calculation
! NEB-TS        # NEB calculation plus subsequent TS optimization
! FAST-NEB-TS   # NEB calculation with one iteration only plus subsequent TS opt.
! LOOSE-NEB-TS  # NEB calculation with default convergence criteria from NEB-TS paper
! TIGHT-NEB-TS  # NEB calculation with tighter convergence criteria plus 
                # subsequent TS optimization
! ZOOM-NEB      # NEB calculation plus zoomed NEB calculation
! ZOOM-NEB-CI   # Climbing Image NEB plus zoomed climbing image NEB calculation
! ZOOM-NEB-TS   # NEB calculation plus zoomed NEB calculation plus subsequent
                #  TS optimization
! NEB-IDPP      # IDPP (Initial Path) NEB calculation - for estimation of path
                #  length
   Product "product.xyz" # product structure. Input is mandatory.
   NImages  8         # default 8. Number of images without fixed endpoints, 
                      #  for free_end total number of images
   PrintLevel   1     # default 1. Normal printout. Use 0 for no printout, higher 
                      #  numbers (<=4) for more detailed printout.
   TS "TSGuess.xyz"   # Provide guess for the TS structure. Images 
                                  #  are interpolated between reactant and TS guess
                                  #  and between TS guess and product.
   NEB_TS_Image     3 # default -1. Number of the image the TS guess is used for.
                      #  If not defined (=-1), the image which gives lowest RMSD
                      #  for all image distances is used.
 # Restart option: After each iteration the NEB method stores all image 
 # structures in an .allxyz file. In case of an abort this file can be used 
 # for a restart. File should contain the structures for all images.
   Restart_ALLXYZFile "NEB1.allxyz"# use the trajectory from file if filename is 
                                   #  provided 

 # Alternatively NEB can be started on user prepared wavefunctions for each image.
 # The names of of these wavefunction files should consist of a user-chosen basename
 # and the extension '_imN.gbw', where N is the image number.
 # The basename should be provided in the input, ORCA will add extension '_imN.gbw' 
   Restart_GBW_BaseName "NEB2"     # use the wavefunctions from file NEB2_imN.gbw  

 # Check SCF convergence: If true, SCF convergence is checked for and 
 # calculation aborts if: 
 # -any of the images does not show SCF convergence in four subsequent cycles.
 # -any of the images does not show SCF convergence in two subsequent cycles
 #  after the gradient is converged.
   CheckSCFConv     true           # default true  
 # PDB file input format:
   Product_PDBFile  "product.pdb"  # Product structure in pdb format. If this is
                                   #  given, xyz does not need to be given.
   TS_PDBFile       "TSGuess.pdb"  # TS guess structure in pdb format. If this is 
                                   #  given, xyz does not need to be given. 
   Free_End         false          # Use free-end NEB. In this case the NImages 
                                   #  corresponds to the total number of images.
   PreOpt           false          # do optimization of reactant and product in  
                                   #  internal coordinates before NEB starts
   NSteps_FoundIntermediate  30    # Number of steps the intermediate has to be 
                                   #  present
   AbortIf_FoundIntermediate false # If an intermediate is found abort the run.
   NPTS_Interpol    10             # Number of abscissa in cubic polynomial 
                                   #  interpolation   
   Interpolation    IDPP           # Method to generate the images based on the 
                                   #  reactant, product (and potentially TS guess)
                                   # linear 
                                   # IDPP 
                                   # XTB0TS  - TS on GFN0-xTB level 
                                   # XTB0    - entire path on GFN0-xTB level 
                                   # XTB1TS  - TS on GFN1-xTB level 
                                   # XTB1    - entire path on GFN1-xTB level 
                                   # XTB2TS   - TS on GFN2-xTB level 
                                   # XTB2     - entire path on GFN2-xTB level 
   Prepare_Frags    true           # Analyze endpoint structures for fragments.
                                   #  If two fragments are detected in an
                                   #  endpoint structure, reduce distance to
                                   #  maximum distance given by Max_Frag_Dist
   Max_Frag_Dist    3.5            # Maximum allowed fragment distance. If they
                                   #  are farther apart, reduce the distance to
                                   #  this value (Ang.)
   Bond_Cutoff      1.2            # Factor to multiply sum of covalent radii of
                                   #  two atoms by. If the distance is smaller
                                   #  than the result, the atoms are considered
                                   #  bonded.
  # The formulation used to estimate the tangent to the path
   Tangent improved                # improved (default)
                                   # original

  # The type of the spring interaction parallel to the path. Original springs apply 
  # spring interaction between each degree of freedom of adjacent images, while 
  # 'image' springs apply a spring interaction between the images
  # Spring type  
   SpringType image                # image / distance (default)
                                   # dof / original
                                   # ideal                                    
   SpringConst  0.01               # The spring constant used to scale the spring 
                                   #  forces parallel to the path. If energy-weighted
                                   #  springs are used. This parameter gives the 
                                   #  lower bound value of the spring constant     
   SpringConst2 0.1                # If energy-weighted spring forces are used.
                                   #  This parameters give the value for the upper
                                   #  bound value of the spring constant.
   Energy_Weighted true            # Employ energy-weighted springs. When 
                                   #  energy-weighted springs are used, the
                                   #  images tend to accumlate in higher energy
                                   #  regions of the path. 
  # The type of the spring interaction perpendicular to the path. The perpendicular
  # spring is introduced via a scaling function: cos, tan, costan, which all use 
  # the spring component perpendicular to the path. 
  # DNEB is the doubly nudged elastic band method.                                 
   PerpSpring    no                # no      (default)   
                                   # cos        
                                   # tan        
                                   # cosTan
                                   # DNEB 
    LLT_Cos true                   # Enables the cos-type spring force 
                                   #  acting perpendicular to the band.
  # Translational and rotational degrees of freedom
  Quatern     always           # no, 
                               # startonly
                               # always (default)
  # Fix_center specifies whether the centroid of each image should be
  # constrained to the origin of the coordinate system or to the center 
  # of each image individually.   
  Fix_center  True                

  # Fix_center specifies whether the centroid of each image should be
  # constrained to the origin of the coordinate system or to the center 
  # of each image individually.   
  Remove_extern_Force  True    # Removes the net effective NEB force before
                               #  translation of the path
  # Options for Free-End NEB
   Free_End_Type    Perp       # Type of optimization of endpoints in free-end
                               #  NEB.
                               # contour - constrain end points to a fixed
                               #  contour with energy EC, see below
                               # perp - allow end points to move according to
                               #  perp. spring force
                               # full - allow to move according to full force,
                               #  i.e. relax to energy minimum
   Free_End_EC                 # Energy contour value for image 0 - needed for
                               #  free_end_type = contour
   Free_End_EC_End             # Energy contour value for image N - needed for
                               #  free_end_type = contour
   Free_End_Kappa              # harmonic restraint term - needed for
                               #  free_end_type = contour
 # Monitor convergence for all images or only the CI.                       
 # Convergence type
   ConvType all                    # all   (default)
                                   # CIOnly  

   CI false                        # Do Climbing image NEB

   NEB_TS false                    # Do CI NEB and subsequent TS opt.
 # Convergence tolerance. In Eh / Bohr (except Tol_Scale ).
   Tol_MaxFP_I      1.e-3  # Default. The convergence tolerance for the 
                           #  maximum component of the atomic force 
                           #  perpendicular to the path.
   Tol_RMSFP_I      5.e-4  # Default. The convergence tolerance for the rms
                           #  atomic force perpendicular to the path. Only
                           #  applies to regular images.
   Tol_MaxF_CI      2.e-3  # The convergence tolerance for the maxmimum 
                           #  component of the atomic force acting on the CI. 
                           #  Only applies to (ZOOM-)NEB-CI/-TS calculations.
                           #  Default is 5.e-4 (-CI) and 2.e-3 (-TS)
   Tol_RMSF_CI      1.e-3  # The convergence tolerance for the rms atomic 
                           #  force acting on the CI. Only applies to (ZOOM-)NEB-CI.
                           #  Default is 2.5e-4 (-CI) and 1.e-3 (-TS)
   Tol_Turn_On_CI   2.e-2  # Thresholds for max. atomic force for switching on 
                           #  CI in (ZOOM-)NEB-CI and (ZOOM-)NEB-TS. 
                           #  Defaults: 0.02 for LBFGS, 0.2 for VPO and FIRE
   Tol_Scale        10.0   # For convergence type 'all' the user can scale 
                           #  the convergence tolerance of the regular images 
                           #  relative to the CI values using this 
                           #  multiplicative factor. Only applies to (ZOOM-)NEB-CI
                           #  and (ZOOM-)NEB-TS calculations.
  # Interpolation and redistribution of the path is performed every 'reparam' 
  # iterations. The type of interpolation is set by reparam_type.
   Reparam_type linear   # Cubic
                         # Linear (default)
   Reparam 0             # No. of iterations after which the path should be 
                         #  reparametrized
                         #  0 (default) means: reparametrization is off
   Tol_Reparam 0.0       # User-defined threshold at which the path should be 
                         #  reparametrized
                         # 0.0 (default) means: reparametrization is off 
  # The optimization method used to converge the band on the MEP / saddle point. 
  # The L-BFGS is more aggressive and efficient, but also more error-prone. 
  # VPO is conservative and robust.
   Opt_Method LBFGS      # LBFGS   (default)          
                         # VPO   
                         # FIRE
                         # BFGS  - TODO Villi correct?
 # Options Optim. Method
   Maxmove  0.1    # maximum component allowed per step. Default is 0.1 (LBFGS) 
                   #  and 0.2 (VPO / FIRE)
   Stepsize 1.0    # multiplicative factor to scale the size of the step in each 
                   # optimization cycle.
                   #  Default is 1.0 (LBFGS) and 0.5 (VPO / FIRE)
   MaxIter  500    # Maximum number of iterations. 500 for LBFGS, 1000 for VPO / FIRE.
   Local    false  # Use local optimization. 
                   #  Default is false for NEB, but true for (ZOOM-)NEB-CI/-TS.
 # Options LBFGS 
   LBFGS_Mem      20    # the number of previous steps to be kept in memory and used 
                        #  to construct the approximate Hessian matrix.
   LBFGS_DR 1.e-3       # Size of the finite difference step taken at the 
                        #  initialization of L-BFGS
   LBFGS_Restart_On_Maxmove true  # Re-initialize L-BFGS for the next step when 
                                  #  the 'max-move' limit is reached.
   LBFGS_Reparam_On_Restart false # Re-parametrize when L-BFGS is re-initialized
   LBFGS_Precondition true        # If true, then after initialization, the curvature
                                  #  along direction of the force is estimated and
                                  #  used to determine the first step

 # FIRE parameters 
   FIRE_INITIAL_DAMP 0.1   # Initial value for the damping factor
   FIRE_DAMP_DECR"   0.99  # Decrease of the damping factor
   FIRE_STEP_INCR"   1.1   # Factor to increase the stepsize
   FIRE_STEP_DECR"   0.5   # Factor to decrease the stepsize
   FIRE_MAX_STEP"    5.0   # Default is 10 x Stepsize
   FIRE_RETENTION"   5     # Retention before starting acceleration 

 # Options Zoom
   Tol_Turn_On_Zoom  0.1   # use ZOOM-NEB(-CI/TS)
   Zoom_Offset       1     # if manual selection is chosen, how many
                           #  images away from CI should be chosen
   Zoom_Auto         true  # automatically select zoom region
   Zoom_Alpha        0.5   # determines how much of the barrier 
                           #  zoom-auto should select
   Zoom_Interpolation      # linear (default)
                           # cubic
   Zoom_PrintFullTrj       # print full trajectory including fixed region during Zoom
 # Set of parameters to adjust the IDPP pre-optimization when generating the initial 
 # path.
 # Options IDPP 
   IDPP_NMax                     7000  # maximum number of cycles allowed in IDPP
   IDPP_Tol_MaxF                 0.01  # tolerance on the maximum component of the
                                       #  atomic force perpendicular to the path.
                                       #  For S-IDPP, this setting is used in the
                                       #  final IDPP optimization after all images
                                       #  have been added to the path
   IDPP_ksp                      1.0   # spring constant used to scale the spring
                                       #  force parallel to the path.
   IDPP_Alpha                    0.01  # multiplicative factor to scale the size
                                       #  of the step in each opt. cycle
   IDPP_MaxMove                  0.05  # maximum component allowed per step
   IDPP_Debug                    false # will print out the convergence of IDPP 
                                       #  and also the optimization trajectory and
                                       #  the log file for the IDPP run.
   IDPP_Quatern                  true  # Whether quaternions should be used in the
                                       #  IDPP optimization
  # Interpolation scheme between the endpoint images to use for the pairwise atom
  # distances to obtain the ideal distances. Bilinear identifies bonded atoms in
  # one endpoint structure that are not bonded in the other and leads to a smaller
  # change in the bond distance in the bonded region than in the non-bonded one.
   IDPP_Dist_Interpolation             # Linear (default)
                                       # Bilinear
   IDPP_Bilinear_Partition       0.5   # Path position at which to join the two
                                       # linear distance interpolations. The default
                                       # corresponds to the midpoint of the path.
   SIDPP                         false # Whether the IDPP optimization should use a
                                       #  Cartesian linear interpolation initial
                                       #  guess or sequentially add images to the
                                       #  path
   SIDPP_Tol_MaxF                0.01  # Tolerance on the maximum component of the
                                       #  atomic force perpendicular to the path
                                       #  acting on the images closest to the center
                                       #  of the path. This setting defines when
                                       #  new images are added to the path
   SIDPP_Reparam                 true  # Whether to reparameterize the path once
                                       #  after all images have been added to it
                                       #  (uses Reparam_type setting) before the
                                       #  final IDPP optimization of the full path
   SIDPP_Energy_Weighted_Tangent false # Whether to use an energy weight in the
                                       #  tangent definition of the images closest
                                       #  to the center of the path
   SIDPP_Even_NIm                true  # Whether to perform S-IDPP with one image
                                       #  less than requested until all images
                                       #  have been added to the path and then
                                       #  add the last image afterwards. This
                                       #  setting increases robustness of the
                                       #  method since no image is placed in the
                                       #  center of the path during image addition
   SIDPP_Double_NIm              false # Whether to perform S-IDPP with twice the
                                       #  amount of images and then remove half of
                                       #  them automatically. This setting
                                       #  increases robustness of the method for
                                       #  systems involving very heavy rotations of
                                       #  large groups
   SIDPP_Ideal_Springconst       false # Whether the spring constant between the
                                       #  images closest to the center of the path
                                       #  should be scaled according to the ratio
                                       #  of the number of images that have been
                                       #  placed on the path already and the
                                       #  requested number of images. This is a
                                       #  more aggressive setting pulling the
                                       #  images closest to the center of the path
                                       #  together more.
 # Extra Output options   
   Monitor_Internals # Up to three internal coordinates can be defined 
      {B 0 1}        # for which the values are printed during the NEB run.
      {B 1 5}        #  Possible are (B)onds, (A)ngles, (D)ihedrals and (I)mpropers

Output files:

  • Configuration and trajectory files:

    • basename_initial_path_trj.xyz: The initial path generated at the start of the NEB run and after minimization of RMSD between the reactant and product states.

    • basename_MEP_trj.xyz: The final converged MEP trajectory.

    • basename_MEP_ALL_trj.xyz: The configurations of each image is appended to this file for each step of the NEB optimization.

    • basename_trj.xyz: The trajectory of TS optimization.

    • basename_MEP.allxyz: Restart file that includes the configuration of each image from the last iteration of an NEB or NEB-CI iteration.

    • basename_NEB-CI_converged.xyz: The configuration of the climbing image after a successful NEB-CI calculation.

    • basename_NEB-HEI_converged.xyz: The configuration of the highest energy image after a successful NEB calculation.

    • basename.xyz: The configuration of the optimized saddle point using the TS optimization.

  • Log files:

    • basename.interp: The interpolated energy profile of the path for each iteration during the NEB/NEB-CI optimization.

    • basename.interp.final: The energy profile for the converged path of an NEB/NEB-CI optimization.

    • basename.log: A general log file containing essential information regarding the run e.g., energy, forces and step size.