7.1. The SHARK Integral Package and Task Driver

7.1.1. Preface

Starting with ORCA 5.0 very large changes have taken place in the way that the program handles integrals and integral related tasks like building Fock matrices. SHARK is a powerful and efficient infrastructure that greatly facilitates the handling of these tasks. This allows developers to write highly streamlined code with optimal performance and a high degree of reliability. Compared to the way ORCA handled integrals before ORCA 5.0, tens of thousands of lines of codes, often duplicated or nearly duplicated from closely related parts of the program could be eliminated. From the perspective of the user, the visible changes to the input and output of the program compared to ORCA 4.2.1 and earlier are relatively limited. However, under the hood, the changes are vast and massive and will ensure that ORCA’s infrastructure is modern and very well suited for the future of scientific computing.

The benefits of SHARK for the users of ORCA are:

  1. Improved code efficiency that is consistent through all program tasks. In particular, complicated two-electron integrals, for example in the context of GIAOs, two-electron spin-orbit coupling and two-electron spin-spin coupling integrals are handled with vastly improved efficiency. Also, integral digestion has been vastly improved with very large benefits for calculations that build many Fock matrices at a time, for example in CIS/TD-DFT, analytic Hessians or response property calculations.

  2. Improved code reliability, since all integrals now run through a well debugged, common interface

  3. Shorter development times. The new infrastructure is so user friendly to programmers that writing new code that makes use of SHARK is much faster than in the past.

  4. SHARK handles basis sets much better than the old infrastructure. Whether the basis sets used follow a segmented contraction, general contraction or partial general contraction is immaterial since the algorithms have been optimized carefully for each kind of basis throughout.

7.1.2. The SHARK integral algorithm

One cornerstone of SHARK is a new integral algorithm that allows for highly efficient evaluation of molecular integrals. The algorithm is based on the beautiful McMurchie-Davidson algorithm which leads to the following equation for a given two-electron integral:

\[({\mu _A}{\nu _B}|{\kappa _C}{\tau _D}) = C\sum\limits_{tuv} { E_t^{\mu \nu ;x}E_u^{\mu \nu ;y}E_v^{\mu \nu ;z} } \sum\limits_{t'u'v'} { E_{t'}^{\kappa \tau ;x}E_{u'}^{\kappa \tau ;y}E_{v'}^{\kappa \tau ;z}{{( - 1) }^{t' + u' + v'} }{R_{t + t',u + u',v + v'} }}\]


\[C = 8{\pi ^{{\raise0.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle 5$} \kern-0.1em/\kern-0.15em \lower0.25ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle 2$} }} } = { 139.947346620998902770103}\]

and the primitive Cartesian Gaussian basis functions \(\{\mu_A\}\) where \(A\) is the atomic center, where basis function \(\mu\) is centered at position \({{{\mathbf{R} }_A} }\). In order to catch a glimpse of what the McMurchie-Davidson algorithm is about, consider two unnormalized, primitive Gaussians centered at atoms \(A\) and \(B\), respectively:

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} { G_A} &= x_A^iy_A^jz_A^k\exp ( - \alpha R_A^2) \\ { G_B} &= x_B^{i'}y_B^{j'}z_B^{k'}\exp ( - \beta R_B^2)\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

By means of the Gaussian product theorem, the two exponentials are straightforwardly rewritten as:

\[\exp ( - \alpha R_A^2)\exp ( - \beta R_B^2) = { K_{AB} }\exp\Bigl( - (\alpha + \beta)r_P^2\Bigr)\]


\[{K_{AB} } = \exp\left( - { \textstyle{{\alpha \beta } \over{ \alpha + \beta } }}{\left|{ {{\mathbf{R} }_A} - { {\mathbf{R} }_B} } \right|^2}\right)\]

\(r_P^2 = { \left|{ {\mathbf{r} } - { {\mathbf{R} }_P} } \right|^2}\) is the electronic position relative to the point

\[{{\mathbf{R} }_P} = { \textstyle{\alpha \over{ \alpha + \beta } }}{{\mathbf{R} }_A} + { \textstyle{\beta \over{ \alpha + \beta } }}{{\mathbf{R} }_B}\]

at which the new Gaussian is centered. The ingenious invention of McMurchie and Davidson was to realize that the complicated polynomial that arises from multiplying the two primitive Cartesian Gaussians can be nicely written in terms of Hermite polynomials \(\left\{\Lambda \right\}\). In one dimension:

\[x_A^ix_B^{i'} = \sum\limits_{t = 0}^{i + i'} { {E_t} }\]

And hence:

\[{G_A}{G_B} = { K_{AB} }\sum\limits_{t = 0}^{i + i'} { E_t^{AB} } \sum\limits_{u = 0}^{j + j'} { E_u^{AB} } \sum\limits_{v = 0}^{k + k'} { E_v^{AB}\Lambda _{tuv}^{AB} }\]


\[\Lambda _{tuv}^{AB} = { \left({ {\partial \over{ \partial{ X_P} }} } \right)^{\!\!t} }{\left({ {\partial \over{ \partial{ Y_P} }} } \right)^{\!\!u} }{\left({ {\partial \over{ \partial{ Z_P} }} } \right)^{\!\!v} }\exp\Bigl( - (\alpha + \beta )R_P^2\Bigr)\]

This means that the original four center integral is reduced to a sum of two-center integrals over Hermite Gaussian functions. These integrals are denoted as

\[{R_{t + t',u + u',v + v'} } = \int{ \int{ \Lambda _{tuv}^{AB}({{\mathbf{r} }_1};{{\mathbf{R} }_P})\Lambda _{t'u'v'}^{CD}({{\mathbf{r} }_2};{{\mathbf{R} }_Q})r_{12}^{ - 1}d{{\mathbf{r} }_1}d{{\mathbf{r} }_2} } }\]

With these definitions one understands the McMurchie Davidson algorithm as consisting of three steps:

  1. Transformation of the Bra function product into the Hermite Gaussian Basis

  2. Transformation of the Ket function product into the Hermite Gaussian Basis

  3. Calculation of the Hermite Gaussian electron repulsion integral

SHARK is the realization that these three steps can be efficiently executed by a triple matrix product:

\[({\mu _A}{\nu _B}|{\kappa _C}{\tau _D}) = { \left({ {{\mathbf{E} }^\text{bra} }{\mathbf{R} }{{\mathbf{E} }^\text{ket} }} \right)_{\mu \nu ,\kappa \tau } }\]

Here \({{{\mathbf{E} }^\text{bra} }}\) and \({{{\mathbf{E} }^\text{ket} }}\) collect the \(E\) coefficients for all members of the shell product on the bra and ket side (\(E_{\mu \nu ,tuv}^\text{bra}\) and \(E_{\kappa\tau,tuv}^\text{ket}\)), respectively, and \({\mathbf{R} }\) collects the integrals over Hermite Gaussian functions (\({R_{tuv,t'u'v'} }\)).

There are many benefits to this formulation:

  1. The integral is factorized allowing steps to be performed independent of each other. For example, the E matrices can be calculated at the beginning of the calculation and reused whenever needed. Their storage is unproblematic

  2. Matrix multiplications lead to extremely efficient formation of the target integrals and drive the hardware at peak performance

  3. Steps like contraction of primitive integrals and transformation from the Cartesian to the spherical Harmonics basis can be folded into the definition of the E matrices thus leading to extremely efficient code with next to no overhead creates by short loops.

  4. Programming integrals becomes very easy and efficient. Other types of integrals as well as derivative integrals are readily approached in the same way. Also, two- and three-index repulsion integrals, as needed for the RI approximation are also readily formulated in this way.

  5. One-electron integrals are equally readily done with this approach.

There is a very large number of technicalities that we will not describe in this manual which is only intended to provide the gist of the algorithm.

7.1.3. SHARK and libint

Up to ORCA 4.2.1, ORCA has almost entirely relied on the libint2 integral library which is known to be very efficient and powerful. Starting from ORCA 5.0, both SHARK and libint are used for integral evaluations and libint is fully integrated into the SHARK programming environment. Integrals that are only available in one of the packages are done with this package (e. g. GIAO, SOC and Spin-Spin integrals in SHARK; F12 or second derivative integrals in libint). For the integrals available in both packages, the program makes a judicious choice about the most efficient route. The reason for this hybrid approach is the following:

The SHARK integral algorithm is at its best for higher angular momentum functions (\(l>2\); \(d\)-functions) which is where the efficiency of the matrix multiplications leads to very large computational benefits. Integrals over, say, four \(f\)- or \(g\)-functions perform much faster (up to a factor of five) than with traditional integral algorithms. However, for low angular momenta, there is overhead created by the matrix multiplications and also by the fact that the McMurchie Davidson algorithm is known to not be the most FLOP count efficient algorithm. To some extent, this is take care of by using highly streamlined routines for low angular momenta that perform extremely well. However, there are penalties for intermediate angular momenta, where the efficiency of the matrix multiplications has not set in and the integrals are too complicated for hand coding. These integrals perform best with libint and consequently, the program will, by default, select libint to perform such integral batches.

7.1.4. Basis set types

One significant aspect of molecular integral evaluation is the type of contraction that is present in a Gaussian basis set. The most general type of basis set is met in the “general contraction” scheme. Here all primitive Gaussian basis functions of a given angular momentum are collected in a vector \(\left\{\phi \right\}\). In general, all primitives will contribute to all basis functions \(\left\{\varphi \right\}\) of this same angular momentum. Hence, we can write:

\[\begin{split}\left(\begin{array}{l} \varphi_1 \\ \varphi_2 \\ ~\vdots \\ \varphi_{{N_l} } \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{llll}{ {d_{11} }} & { {d_{11} }} & \cdots & { {d_{1{M_l} }} } \\ { {d_{21} }} & { {d_{21} }} & \cdots & { {d_{2{M_l} }} } \\ ~\vdots & ~\vdots & \ddots & ~\vdots \\ { {d_{{N_l}1} }} & { {d_{{N_l}2} }} & \cdots & { {d_{{N_l}{M_l} }} } \end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{l} \phi_1 \\ \phi_2 \\ ~\vdots \\ \phi_{{M_l} } \end{array}\right)\end{split}\]

Where \({N_l}\) and \({M_l}\) are the number of actual basis functions and primitives respectively. Typically, the number of primitives is much larger than the number of basis functions. The matrix \({\mathbf{d} }\) collects the contraction coefficients for each angular momentum. Typical basis sets that follow this contraction pattern are atomic natural orbital (ANO) basis sets. They are typically based on large primitive sets of Gaussians. Such basis sets put very demands on the integral package since there are many integrals over primitive Gaussian basis functions that need to be generated. If the integral package does not take advantage of the general contraction, then this integral evaluation will be highly redundant since identical integrals will be calculated \({N_l}\) times (and hence, integrals over four generally contracted shells will be redundantly generated \({N_l^4}\) times). SHARK takes full advantage of general contraction for all one- and two-electron integrals that it can generate. Here, the unique advantages of the integral factorization come to full benefit since all integral quadruples of a given atom quadruple/angular momentum quadruple can be efficiently generated by just two large matrix multiplications.

The opposite of general contraction is met with segmented contraction. Here each basis function involves a number of primitives:

\[{\varphi _\mu } = \sum\limits_k { {d_{k\mu } }{\phi _k} }\]

Quite typically, none of the \({{\phi _k} }\) that occur in the contraction of one basis functions occurs in any other basis function. Typical basis sets of this form are the “def2” basis sets of the Karlsruhe group. They are readily handled by most integral packages and both SHARK and libint are efficient in this case.

The third class of basis sets is met, when general contraction is combined with segmented contraction. Basis sets of this type are, for example, the correlation consistent (cc) basis sets. We call such basis sets “partially generally contracted”. In such basis sets, part of the basis functions are generally contracted (for example, the s- and p-functions in main group elements), while other basis functions (e. g. polarization functions, diffuse functions, core correlation functions) are not generally contracted. It is difficult to take full advantage of such basis sets given their complicated structure. In ORCA 5, special code has been provided that transforms the basis set into an intermediate basis set that does not contain any redundancies and hence drives SHARK or libint at peak performance.

In assessing the efficiency vs the accuracy of different integral algorithms, it is clear that segmented basis sets lead to the highest possible efficiency if they are well constructed. For such basis set the pre-screening that is an essential step of any integral direct algorithm performs best. The highest possible accuracy (per basis functions) is met with generally contracted basis sets. However, here the pre-screening becomes rather inefficient since it can only be performed at the level of atom/angular momentum combinations rather than individual shell quadruples. Thus, as soon as a given atom/angular momentum combination leads to any non-negligible integral, all integrals for this combination need to be calculated. This created a sizeable overhead. Consequently, SCF calculations can never be as efficient as with segmented basis sets. If this is immaterial, for example, because a subsequent coupled cluster or MRCI calculation is dominating the calculation time, general contraction is very worthwhile to be explored. For partial general contraction, our algorithm performs very nearly as efficiently as for segmented contraction in SCF calculations. However, since the intermediate basis set is larger than the original orbital basis, certain limited performance penalties can arise in some job types.

7.1.5. Task drivers

In traditional algorithms, quantum chemical programs frequently contain many instances of nested loops over basis function shells, the integral package is called and the integrals are “digested” for a given task. While these steps are inevitable, programming them repeatedly is laborious and error prone. In addition, improvements, say in the handling of contractions or symmetry, need to implemented in many different places. In the SHARK infrastructure all of this is unnecessary since it is programmed in an object-oriented fashion, where the programmer does not need to take care of any detail. Hence, developers only need to write short code sections that distribute the generated integrals into whatever data structure they need, while the SHARK interface takes care of all technical aspects and triggers the sophisticated and efficient machinery that underlies it.

Given this situation, the future of ORCA will involve SHARK taking care of nearly of the compute intensive, laborious tasks, while ORCA will organize and trigger all of these tasks. ORCA and SHARK communicate via a lean and well-defined interface to exchange the necessary data. In this way, a modern, efficient, easy to use and readily maintainable development environment is created.

7.1.6. SHARK User Interface

While SHARK is a large and complicated machinery, we have deliberately kept the interface as straightforward and simple as possible. There are only a few flags that can be set that are explained below:

In the simple input line there is:

! UseShark
! NoUseShark

This turns SHARK on (default) or off. Note that the option to turn SHARK off, will be unique to ORCA 5.0. Future versions of ORCA will always make use of SHARK and the legacy code will disappear from the program for good.

 UseGeneralContraction false  # turns general contraction algorithm on or
                              # off. There normally is no need to set this
                              # flag since the program will find the
                              # contraction case automatically
 Printlevel 1                 # Amount of output generated. Choose 0 to
                              # suppress output and 2 for more output.
                              # Everything else is debug level printing and
                              # will fill your harddrive very quickly with
                              # unusable information
 PartialGCFlag -1             # Let the program decide whether to use PGC
                0             # do not use it
                1             # Enforce PGC (even for ANO bases)
 FockFlag SHARK_libint_hybrid # default: best of both worlds
          force_shark         # Force Shark where possible
          force_libint        # Force libint where possible
 RIJFlag  RIJ_Auto            # default: program decides the best way
          Split_rij           # new SHARK Split-RI-J algorithm
          Split_rij_2003      # Highly efficient re-implementation of the
                              # Original 2003 algorithm. Mostly used!
          rij_regular         # Use traditional 3 center integrals
                              # (not recommended)