6.20. Compound Methods

Compound Methods is a form of sophisticated scripting language that can be used directly in the input of ORCA. Using ‘Compound’ the user can combine various parts of a normal ORCA calculation to evaluate custom functions of his own. In order to explain its usage, we will use an example. For a more detailed description of this module the user is referred to section Compound Methods.

6.20.1. example

As a typical example we will use the constrained optimization describing the “umbrella effect” of \(NH_3\). The script will perform a series of calculations and in the end it will print the potential of the movement plus it will identify the minima and the maximum. The corresponding compound script is the one shown below.

# ----------------------------------------------
# Umbrella coordinate mapping for NH3
# Author: Frank Neese
# ----------------------------------------------
variable JobName = "NH3-umbrella";
variable amin    = 50.0;
variable amax    = 130.0;
variable nsteps  = 21;
Variable energies[21];

Variable angle;
Variable JobStep;
Variable JobStep_m;
variable step;

Variable method = "BP86";
Variable basis  = "def2-SVP def2/J";

step  = 1.0*(amax-amin)/(nsteps-1);

# Loop over the number of steps
# ----------------------------
for iang from 0 to nsteps-1 do
  angle    = amin + iang*step;
  JobStep  = iang+1;
  JobStep_m= JobStep-1;
  if (iang>0) then
      ! &{method} &{basis} TightSCF Opt
      %base "&{JobName}.step&{JobStep}"
      %geom constraints
        {A 1 0 2 &{angle} C}
        {A 1 0 3 &{angle} C}
        {A 1 0 4 &{angle} C}

      ! &{method} &{basis} TightSCF Opt
      %base "&{JobName}.step&{JobStep}"
      %geom constraints
        {A 1 0 2 &{angle} C}
        {A 1 0 3 &{angle} C}
        {A 1 0 4 &{angle} C}

      * int 0 1
      N 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
      DA 1 0 0 2.0 0.0 0.0
      H 1 2 0 1.06 &{angle} 0.0
      H 1 2 3 1.06 &{angle} 120.0
      H 1 2 3 1.06 &{angle} 240.0
   Read energies[iang] = SCF_ENERGY[jobStep];
   print(" index: %3d Angle %6.2lf Energy: %16.12lf Eh\n", iang, angle, energies[iang]);

# Print a summary at the end of the calculation
# ---------------------------------------------
variable minimum,maximum;
variable Em,E0,Ep;
variable i0,im,ip;
for iang from 0 to nsteps-1 do
  angle   = amin + 1.0*iang*step;
  JobStep = iang+1;
  minimum = 0;
  maximum = 0;
  i0      = iang;
  im      = iang-1;
  ip      = iang+1;
  E0      = energies[i0];
  Em      = E0;
  Ep      = E0;
  if (iang>0 and iang<nsteps-1) then
    Em = energies[im];
    Ep = energies[ip];
  if (E0<Em and E0<Ep) then minimum=1; endif
  if (E0>Em and E0>Ep) then maximum=1; endif
  if (minimum = 1 ) then
    print(" %3d  %6.2lf %16.12lf (-)\n",JobStep,angle, E0 );
  if (maximum = 1 ) then
    print(" %3d  %6.2lf %16.12lf (+)\n",JobStep,angle, E0 );
  if (minimum=0 and maximum=0) then
    print(" %3d  %6.2lf %16.12lf    \n",JobStep,angle, E0 );

End # end of compound block

Let’s start with how somebody can execute this input. In order to run it, the easiest way is to save it in a normal text file, using the name “umbrella.cmp” and then use the following ORCA input file:

%Compound "umbrella.cmp"

nothing more is needed. ORCA will read the compound file and act appropriately.

A few notes about this ORCA input. First, there is no simple input line, (starting with “!”). A simple input is not required when one uses the Compound feature, but In case the user adds a simple input, all the information from the simple input will be passed to the actual compound jobs.

In addition, if one does not want to create a separate compound text file, it is perfecly possible in ORCA to use the compound feature as any other ORCA block. This means that after the %Compound directive, instead of giving the filename one can append the contents of the Compound file.

As we will see, inside the compound script file each compound job can contain all information of a normal ORCA input file. There are two very important exceptions here: The number of processors and the MaxCore. These information should be set in the initial ORCA input file and not in the actual compound files.

The Compound block has the same structure like all ORCA blocks. It starts with a “%” and ends with “End”, if the input is not read from a file. In case the compound directives are in a file, as in the example above, then simply the filename inside brackets is needed and no final END.

6.20.2. Defining variables

As we pointed out already, it is possible to either give all the information for the calculations and the manipulation of the data inside the Compound block or create a normal text file with all the details and let ORCA read it. The latter option has the advantage that one can use the same file with more than one geometries. In the previous example we refer ORCA to an external file. The file “umbrella.cmp”, that contains all necessary information.

Let’s try to analyse now the Compound “umbrella.cmp” file.

# ----------------------------------------------
# Umbrella coordinate mapping for NH3
# Author: Frank Neese
# ----------------------------------------------
variable JobName = "NH3-umbrella";
variable amin    = 50.0;
variable amax    = 130.0;
variable nsteps  = 21;
Variable energies[21];

Variable angle;
Variable JobStep;
Variable JobStep_m;
variable step;

Variable method = "BP86";
Variable basis  = "def2-SVP def2/J";

step  = 1.0*(amax-amin)/(nsteps-1);

The first part contains some general comments and variable definitions. For the comments we use the same syntax as in the normal ORCA input, through the “#” symbol. Plase not that more than one “#” symbols in the same line cause an error.

After the initial comments we see some declarations and definitions. There are many different ways to declare variables described in detail in section Variables - General.

All variable declarations begin with the directive Variable which is a sign for the program to expect the declaration of one or more new variables. Then there are many options, including defining more than one variable, assigning also a value to the variable or using a list of values. Nevertheless all declarations MUST finish with the ; symbol. This symbol is a message to the program that this is the end of the current command. The need of the ; symbol in the end of each command is a general requirement in Compound and there are only very few exceptions to it.

6.20.3. Running calculations

# Loop over the number of steps
# ----------------------------
for iang from 0 to nsteps-1 do
  angle    = amin + iang*step;
  JobStep  = iang+1;
  JobStep_m= JobStep-1;
  if (iang>0) then
      ! &{method} &{basis} TightSCF Opt
      %base "&{JobName}.step&{JobStep}"
          {A 1 0 2 &{angle} C}
          {A 1 0 3 &{angle} C}
          {A 1 0 4 &{angle} C}
      ! &{method} &{basis} TightSCF Opt
      %base "&{JobName}.step&{JobStep}"  
          {A 1 0 2 &{angle} C}
          {A 1 0 3 &{angle} C}
          {A 1 0 4 &{angle} C}
      * int 0 1
        N 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
        DA 1 0 0 2.0 0.0 0.0
        H 1 2 0 1.06 &{angle} 0.0
        H 1 2 3 1.06 &{angle} 120.0
        H 1 2 3 1.06 &{angle} 240.0
  Read energies[iang] = SCF_ENERGY[jobStep];
  print(" index: %3d Angle %6.2lf Energy: %16.12lf Eh\textbackslash{}n", iang, angle, energies[iang]);

Then we have the most information dense part. We start with the definition of a for loop. The syntax in compound for for loops is:

For variable From startValue To endValue Do

As we can see in the example above, the startValue and endValue can be constant numbers or previously defined variables, or even functions of these variables. Keep in mind that they have to be integers. The signal that the loop has reached it’s end is the EndFor directive. For more details with regard to the for loops please refer to section For.

Then we proceed to assign some variables.

angle     = amin + iang*step;
JobStep   = iang+1;
JobStep_m = JobStep-1;

The syntax of the variable assignement is like in every programming language with a variable, followed with the = symbol and then the value or an equation. Please keep in mind, that the assignement must always finish with the ; symbol.

The next step is another significant part of every programming language, namely the if block. The syntax of the if block is the following:

if (expression to evaluate ) Then
else if ( expression to evaluate ) Then

The else if and else parts of the block are optional but the final EndIf must always signal the end of the if block. For more details concerning the usage of the if block please refer to section If of the manual.

Next we have a command which is specific for compound and not a part of a normal programming language. This is the ReadGeom command. It’s syntax is:

Read_Geom(integer value);

Before explaining this command we will proceed with the next one in the compound script and return for this one.

The next command is the basis of all compound scripts. This is the New_Step Command. This command signals compound that a normal ORCA calculation follows. It’s syntax is:

New_Command   Normal ORCA input Step_End

Some comments about the New_Step command. Firstly, inside the New_Step - Step_End commands one can add all possilbe commands that a normal ORCA input accepts. We should remember here that the commands that define the number of processors and the MaxCore command will be ignored.

A second point to keep in mind is the idea of the step. Every New_Step - Step_End structure corresponds to a step, starting counting from 1 (The first ORCA calculation). This helps us define the property file that this calculation will create, so that we can use it to retrieve information from it.

A singificant feature in the New_Step - Step_End block. is the usage of the structure &{variable} . This structure allows the user to use variables that are defined outside the New_Step - Step_End block inside it, making the ORCA input more generic. For example, in the script given above, we build the basename of the calculations

  %base "&{JobName}.step&{JobStep}"

using the defined variables JobName and JobStep. For more details regarding the usage of the &{} structure please refer to section & while for the New_Step - Step_End structure please refer to the section New_Step.

Finally, a few comments about the geometries of the calculation. There are 3 ways to provide a geometry to a New_Step - Step_End calculation. The first one is the traditional ORCA input way, where we can give the coordinates or the name of a file with coordinates, like we do in all ORCA inputs. In Compound though, if we do not pass any information concerning the geometry of the calculation, then Compound will automatically try to read the geometry of the previous calculation. This is the second (implicit) way to give a geometry to a compound Step. Then there is a third way and this is the one we used in the example above. This is the Read_Geom command. The syntat of this command is:
Read_Geom (Step number);
We can use this command when we want to pass a specific geometry to a calculation that is not explicitly given inside the New_Step - Step_End structure and it is also not the one from the previous step. Then we just pass the number of the step of the calculation we are interesting in just before we run our new calculation. For more details regarding the Read_Geom command please refer to section Read_Geom.

6.20.4. Data manipulation

One of the most powerfull features of Compound is it’s direct access to properties of the calculation. In order to use these properties we defined the Read command. In the previous example we use it to read the SCF energy of the calculation:

Read energies[iang] = SCF\_ENERGY[jobStep];

The syntax of the command is:

Read variable name = property

where variable name is the name of a variable that is already defined, property is the property from the known properties found in table TablePredefined and step is the step of the calculation we are interested in. For more details in the Read command please refer to section Read.

We note here that Compoud has the ability to also read property files from older calculations. We can achieve this using the command Get_From_Prop_File that works exactly like the Read command but in older compound files. For more details concerning the Get_From_Prop_File please refer to section sec:compound.commands.get_from_prop_file.detailed.

# Print a summary at the end of the calculation
  # ---------------------------------------------
  variable minimum,maximum;
  variable Em,E0,Ep;
  variable i0,im,ip;
  for iang from 0 to nsteps-1 do
    angle   = amin + 1.0*iang*step;
    JobStep = iang+1;
    minimum = 0;
    maximum = 0;
    i0      = iang;
    im      = iang-1;
    ip      = iang+1;
    E0      = energies[i0];
    Em      = E0;
    Ep      = E0;
    if (iang>0 and iang<nsteps-1) then
      Em = energies[im];
      Ep = energies[ip];
    if (E0<Em and E0<Ep) then minimum=1; endif
    if (E0>Em and E0>Ep) then maximum=1; endif
    if (minimum = 1 ) then
      print(" %3d  %6.2lf %16.12lf (-)\textbackslash{}n",JobStep,angle, E0 );
    if (maximum = 1 ) then
      print(" %3d  %6.2lf %16.12lf (+)\textbackslash{}n",JobStep,angle, E0 );
    if (minimum=0 and maximum=0) then
      print(" %3d  %6.2lf %16.12lf    \textbackslash{}n",JobStep,angle, E0 );

Once all data are available we can use them in equations like in any programming language.

The syntax of the print statement is:

print( format string, [variables]);

For example in the previous script we use it like:

print(" %3d  %6.2lf %16.12lf  \n",JobStep,angle, E0 );

where %3d, %6.2lf and %16.2lf are format identifiers and JobStep, angle and E0 are previously defined variables. The syntax follows closely the widely accepted syntax of the printf command in the programming language C. For more details regarding the print statememnt please refer to section: Print.

Similar to the print command are the write2file and write2string commands that are used to write instead of the output file, either to a file we choose or to produce a new string.

Finally it is really importnat not to forget that every compound file should finish with a final End.

Once we run the previous example we get the following output:

1   50.00 -56.486626696200    
2   54.00 -56.498074637200    
3   58.00 -56.505200120800    
4   62.00 -56.508823168800    
5   66.00 -56.509732863600 (-)
6   70.00 -56.508724734300    
7   74.00 -56.506590613800    
8   78.00 -56.504070086000    
9   82.00 -56.501791816800    
10   86.00 -56.500229017900    
11   90.00 -56.499674856600 (+)
12   94.00 -56.500229018100    
13   98.00 -56.501791817200    
14  102.00 -56.504070082800    
15  106.00 -56.506590613300    
16  110.00 -56.508724733100    
17  114.00 -56.509732863700 (-)
18  118.00 -56.508823172900    
19  122.00 -56.505200132200    
20  126.00 -56.498074642900    
21  130.00 -56.486626729200    

with the step, the angle for the corresponding step, the energy of the constrained optimized energy plus the symbols for the two minima and the maximum in the potential.