7.44. Simulation of (Magnetic) Circular Dichroism and Absorption Spectra

7.44.1. General description of the program

ORCA can now simulate optical spectra that include spin-orbit coupling contributions at all levels of theory by using a common implementation. [269]

Following the energy-loss approach, the absorption cross section for a transition between states \(\tilde{P}\) and \(\tilde{Q}\) can be expressed as:

\[\begin{split} \sigma_{\tilde{P}\tilde{Q} } = \frac{4 \pi^2}{c (E_{\tilde{Q} }-E_{\tilde{P} }) } |T_{\tilde{P}\tilde{Q} }|^2, \end{split}\]

where c is the speed of light; \(E_{\tilde{P} }\) and \(E_{\tilde{Q} }\) are the energy of the states \({\tilde{P} }\) and \({\tilde{Q} }\), respectively; \(T_{{\tilde{P} }{\tilde{Q} }}\) is the transition moment between states \({\tilde{P} }\) and \({\tilde{Q} }\) and it can be computed with different expressions based on the applied approximation.

Under a dipolar approximation to the light-matter interaction, the transition moment takes the form:

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} T_{{\tilde{P} }{\tilde{Q} }} =& { \sum_{i=1}^N \bra{{\tilde{P} }} \mathcal{E} \cdot \hat{\textbf{p} }_i % \ket{{\tilde{Q} }} }, \\ \end{split}\end{split}\]

where the sum runs over all electrons \(i\); \(\hat{\textbf{p} }_i\) is the linear momentum operator; and \(\mathcal{E}\) is the polarization vector of the incident light.

In order to take into account all the electric and magnetic mechanisms in the transition, it is necessary to use the full field-matter interaction operator (FFMIO). For transition moment, it leads to the equation (7.272).

(7.272)\[\begin{split} T_{{\tilde{P} }{\tilde{Q} }} =& \frac{e}{m_e} \sum_{i=1}^N \bra{{\tilde{P} }} \mathcal{E} \cdot \Big[ e^{i\textbf{k}\cdot \hat{\textbf{r} }_i } %\textbf{\hat{r}_i} } % \hat{\textbf{p} }_i \Big]\ket{{\tilde{Q} }} % \end{split} \]

where \(\hat{r}_i\) is the position operator of i-th electron and \(\textbf{k}\) is the wave vector that points in the direction of the light propagation whose magnitude is related to the wavelength by \(\lambda = 2 \pi / |\textbf{k}|\).

For free-rotating molecules, it is necessary to consider all possible orientations of the molecule with respect to the direction of the incident light. In some cases, such as the absorption of linear-polarized light under a dipolar approximation, the effect of the orientation can be averaged analytically. However, numerical integration over some selected molecular orientations, labeled as \(o\) in equation (7.273), is generally necessary.

(7.273)\[\begin{split} <\sigma_{{\tilde{P} }{\tilde{Q} }}> = \sum_o w_o \frac{4 \pi^2}{c (E_{{\tilde{Q} }}(o)-E_{\tilde{P} }(o)) } |T_{{\tilde{P} }{\tilde{Q} }}(o)|^2 \end{split} \]

where \(w_o\) is the weight of the orientation in the quadrature.

The implementation has been designed to compute the absorption of circularly-polarized light on systems under the effect of an additional external magnetic field, B, which modifies the states \(\tilde{P}\) and \(\tilde{Q}\) for each orientation \(o\) through a Zeeman perturbation. The computed results are presented as the difference in the absorption of the left (-) and right (+) circularly-polarized light (\(\Delta\)f\(_{osc}\)) and as the sum of the oscillator strength (f\(_{osc}\)), which corresponds to the linearly-polarized light absorption. The molecular orientations are constructed by using rotation matrices with three Euler angles: \(\chi\), \(\theta\), and \(\phi\). Herein, \(\chi\) (the rotation angle on a plane perpendicular to the direction of external magnetic field/incident light) is integrated analytically whereas \(\theta\) and \(\phi\) are taken on a grid.

Finally, the states \(\tilde{P}\) and \(\tilde{Q}\) are obtained from QDPT by expanding the states over non-relativistic eigenstates of \(\hat{H}_{0}\) (\(\{I,J\}\)) and the coefficients of the expansion (\(d_{I\tilde{Q} }\)) are obtained from the diagonalization of the complex matrix, which contains \(\hat{H}_{0}\) as well as the SOC and Zeeman contributions (and SSC, if it is implemented in the selected electronic structure theory) expressed in \(\{I,J\}\).

(7.274)\[\begin{split} \bra{\Psi_I^{SM} }\hat{H}_{0}+\hat{H}_{SOC}+\hat{H}_{Zeeman}\ket{\Psi_J^{S'M'} }= \delta_{IJ}\delta_{SS'}\delta_{MM'}E_I^S + \bra{\Psi_I^{SM} }\hat{H}_{SOC}+\hat{H}_{Zeeman}\ket{\Psi_J^{S'M'} } \end{split} \]

7.44.2. Running and analyzing MCD calculations in TDDFT module

A minimum input to compute the Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) requires setting the keyword DoMCD to true and to include an intensity for the external magnetic field B (in Gauss). An example input for the TD-DFT module is as follows:

! B3LYP def2-QZVPP

    TDA False
    NROOTS 10
    DoSOC True
    DoMCD True
    B 50000.0

*xyz 0 1
 O     0.24287127056830      0.00033994295362      0.29479344369591
 C     0.13113617562040      0.00013705972874      1.65093880501262
 C     1.35780003491446     -0.00017874911331      2.22574232397512
 C     2.30247996517358     -0.00017814489451      1.14947275232337
 C     1.57300244613625      0.00013652073221      0.00793218434497
 H    -0.86951534119903      0.00025858475406      2.04160438459058
 H     1.56899490845286     -0.00038874637444      3.28047030533440
 H     3.37570289422870     -0.00038632501973      1.22171814100713
 H     1.83015664610447      0.00025985723335     -1.03506234028415

In the output file of this job, the estimated oscillator strengths (f\(_{osc}\)) and the difference between left and right circularly polarized light absorption (\(\Delta\)f\(_{osc}\)) are provided:

           MCD Transitions via transition electric dipole moments
                B =  50000.00 Gauss  T =   300.000 K

                   dfosc             fosc           dfosc/fosc

 0 -> 1       -0.0000000000       0.0000000003      -0.0663180503
 0 -> 2        0.0000000000       0.0000000005       0.0000209714
 0 -> 3        0.0000000000       0.0000000003       0.0661609417
 0 -> 4       -0.0000000001       0.0000000004      -0.2991916107
 0 -> 5       -0.0000000000       0.0000000006      -0.0009270335
 0 -> 6        0.0000000001       0.0000000004       0.2984154405
 0 -> 7        0.0000000003       0.0000000008       0.3721777693
 0 -> 8       -0.0000000000       0.0000000009      -0.0002960328
 0 -> 9       -0.0000000003       0.0000000008      -0.3689867758
 0 ->10       -0.0000050986       0.1741092913      -0.0000292840

These results may not be accurate when the energetic order of the states changes with respect to the relative orientation between the molecule and the external magnetic field. To obtain accurate results, it is necessary to perform a post-processing step for all orientations using the orca_mapspc program, which saves the results in a file that has the .cis-el.dipole-length.1.mcd extension:

orca_mapspc fur-mcd.cis-el.exact.1.mcd MCD -x050000 -x155000 -n10000 -w2000

In this example, we generate the spectrum (M\(^{-1}\)) between 50000 and 55000 cm\(^{-1}\) (-x050000 -x155000), using 10000 points (-n10000) and including a broadened normalized Gaussian function with a full width at half maximum of 2000cm\(^{-1}\) (-w2000).

Multiple MCD calculations can be performed in one run by setting multiple values for B. Transition moments can be also obtained through ED velocity formulation and FFMIO operator by setting the keywords DoVelocity and DoQuadrupole to true, respectively:

! B3LYP def2-QZVPP

    TDA False
    nroots 10
    DoSOC True
    DoMCD True
    DoDipoleVelocity True
    DoFullSemiClassical True
    B 50000.0, 0.0

The results are printed separately in the output file for each setting:

           MCD Transitions via transition electric dipole moments
                B =  50000.00 Gauss  T =   300.000 K

                   dfosc              fosc            dfosc/fosc

 0 -> 1       -0.0000000000       0.0000000003      -0.0663180503
           MCD Transitions via transition velocity dipole moments
                B =  50000.00 Gauss  T =   300.000 K

                   dfosc              fosc            dfosc/fosc

 0 -> 1       -0.0000000001       0.0000000013      -0.0477214281

           MCD Transitions via full Semi-classical formulation
                B =  50000.00 Gauss  T =   300.000 K

                   dfosc              fosc            dfosc/fosc

 0 -> 1       -0.0000000001       0.0000000016      -0.0731029604

Post-processing results are saved in the files having the .cis-el.dipole-length.1.mcd, .cis-el.dipole-vel.1.mcd, and .cis-el.exact.1.mcd extensions.

\(\textbf{NOTE:}\) It is worth enphasizing that the computed values of \(\Delta\)f\(_{osc}\) correspond to the difference in absorption between left and right circularly polarized light for the selected transition moments. In the case of both ED approximations, \(\Delta\)f\(_{osc}\) corresponds to the MCD signal. The sum of natural circular dichroism and magnetic-induced circular dichroism is obtained when the FFMIO is requested. To obtain only the MCD spectrum in an FFMIO scheme, it is necessary to subtract the natural circular dichroism by setting B to 0.0.

7.44.3. Running MCD calculations in other modules

The MCD implementation can also be used in other modules such as STEOM-CCSD, CAS, ROCIS, and MRCI (see the input file examples given below) by using the same keywords as those described for the TDDFT module. In the case of CAS, ROCIS, and MR-CI modules, it is necessary to include the keyword NewMCD True; otherwise, the previous MCD implementation will be called instead.

         DoSOC True
         DoVelocity True
         DoQuadrupole True
         DoMCD True
         newMCD True
         B 50000.0
    DoDipoleVelocity True
    DoFullSemiClassical True
        DoSOC True
        DoMCD True
        B 50000.0
        Temperature 300.0
        SOC True
        DoMCD True
        B 50000.0
        DoDipoleVelocity True
        DoFullSemiClassical True
        DoSOC True
        DoMCD True
        DoVelocity True
        DoQuadrupole True
        B 50000.0
        Temperature 300.0

It is important to keep in mind that the calculation of the MCD relies on the proper description of the transition moments and angular momentum for calculating the Zeeman perturbation. Therefore, the user is responsible for selecting the proper electronic structure method.