7.7. SCF Convergence¶
SCF convergence is a pressing problem in any electronic structure package because the total execution times increases linearly with the number of iterations. Thus, it remains true that the best way to enhance the performance of an SCF program is to make it converge better. In some cases, especially for open-shell transition metal complexes, convergence may be very difficult. ORCA makes a dedicated effort to achieve reasonable SCF convergence for these cases without compromising efficiency.
Another issue is whether the solution found by ORCA is stable, i.e. a
minimum on the surface of orbital rotations. Especially for open-shell
singlets it can be hard to achieve a broken-symmetry solution. The SCF
stability analysis (section
SCF Stability Analysis) may be able to help in
such situations. Please also note that if ! TRAH
is used the solution
must be a true local minimum though not necessarily a global.
7.7.1. Convergence Tolerances¶
Before discussing how to converge a SCF calculation it should be defined
what is meant by “converged”. ORCA has a variety of options to control
the target precision of the energy and the wavefunction that can be
selected in the % scf
block, or with a simple input line keyword that
merges the criterion label with “SCF”, e.g. ! StrongSCF
! VeryTightSCF
Convergence # The default convergence is between medium and strong
Sloppy # very weak convergence
Loose # still weak convergence
Medium # intermediate accuracy
Strong # stronger
Tight # still stronger
VeryTight # even stronger
Extreme # close to numerical zero of the computer
# in double precision arithmetic
Like other keys, Convergence
is a compound key that assigns default
values to a variety of other variables given in the box below. In table
Threshold choices for compound convergence keys we present the chosen values
for each compound key. If the corresponding simple inputs are given (StrongSCF
, …etc), then in addition the values of table
Additional threshold choices set by the simple input keys (strongSCF, …etc.) are also set. The
default convergence criteria are reasonable and should be sufficient for
most purposes. For a cursory look at populations weaker convergence may
be sufficient, whereas other cases may require stronger than default
convergence. Note that Convergence
does not only affect the target
convergence tolerances but also the integral accuracy as discussed in
the section about direct SCF and alike.
This is very important: if the
error in the integrals is larger than the convergence criterion, a
direct SCF calculation cannot possibly converge.
The convergence criteria are always printed in the output. Given below
is a list of the convergence criteria for ! TightSCF
, which is often
used for calculations on transition metal complexes.
TolE 1e-8 # energy change between two cycles
TolRMSP 5e-9 # RMS density change
TolMaxP 1e-7 # maximum density change
TolErr 5e-7 # DIIS error convergence
TolG 1e-5 # orbital gradient convergence
TolX 1e-5 # orbital rotation angle convergence
ConvCheckMode 2 # = 0: check all convergence criteria
# = 1: stop if one of criterion is met, this is sloppy!
# = 2: check change in total energy and in one-electron energy
# Converged if delta(Etot)<TolE and delta(E1)<1e3*TolE
ConvForced # = 0: convergence not mandatory for next calculation step
# = 1: break, if you did not meet the convergence criteria
Sloppy |
TolE |
3e-5 |
1e-4 |
1e-5 |
TolErr |
1e-4 |
Thresh |
1e-9 |
TCut |
1e-10 |
DFTGrid.BFCut |
1e-10 |
TolG |
3e-4 |
TolX |
3e-4 |
Z_Tol |
5e-3 |
Loose |
TolE |
1e-5 |
1e-3 |
1e-4 |
TolErr |
5e-4 |
Thresh |
1e-9 |
TCut |
1e-10 |
DFTGrid.BFCut |
1e-10 |
TolG |
1e-4 |
TolX |
1e-4 |
Z_Tol |
3e-3 |
Medium |
SCFConvMode |
TolE |
1e-6 |
1e-5 |
1e-6 |
TolErr |
1e-5 |
Thresh |
1e-10 |
TCut |
1e-11 |
DFTGrid.BFCut |
1e-10 |
TolG |
5e-5 |
TolX |
5e-5 |
Z_Tol |
1e-3 |
Strong |
SCFConvMode |
TolE |
3e-7 |
3e-6 |
1e-7 |
TolErr |
3e-6 |
Thresh |
1e-10 |
TCut |
3e-11 |
DFTGrid.BFCut |
3e-11 |
TolG |
2e-5 |
TolX |
2e-5 |
Z_Tol |
7e-4 |
Tight |
SCFConvMode |
TolE |
1e-8 |
1e-7 |
5e-9 |
TolErr |
5e-7 |
Thresh |
2.5e-11 |
TCut |
2.5e-12 |
DFTGrid.BFCut |
1e-11 |
TolG |
1e-5 |
TolX |
1e-5 |
Z_Tol |
1e-4 |
VeryTight |
SCFConvMode |
TolE |
1e-9 |
1e-8 |
1e-9 |
TolErr |
1e-8 |
Thresh |
1e-12 |
TCut |
1e-14 |
DFTGrid.BFCut |
1e-12 |
TolG |
2e-6 |
TolX |
2e-6 |
Z_Tol |
3e-5 |
Extreme |
SCFConvMode |
TolE |
1e-14 |
1e-14 |
1e-14 |
TolErr |
1e-14 |
Thresh |
3e-16 |
TCut |
3e-16 |
TolG |
1e-09 |
TolX |
1e-09 |
Z_Tol |
3e-06 |
DFTGrid.BFCut |
3e-16 |
SloppySCF |
5.0e-3 |
1.0e-6 |
1.0e-4 |
1.0e-5 |
1.0e-5 |
1.0e-5 |
1.0e-5 |
LooseSCF |
5.0e-3 |
1.0e-6 |
1.0e-4 |
1.0e-5 |
1.0e-5 |
1.0e-5 |
1.0e-5 |
1.0e-3 |
1.0e-7 |
2.5e-5 |
1.0e-6 |
1.0e-6 |
1.0e-6 |
1.0e-6 |
5.00e-4 |
6.66e-8 |
7.50e-6 |
6.66e-7 |
6.66e-7 |
6.66e-7 |
6.66e-7 |
2.5e-4 |
2.5e-8 |
1.0e-5 |
2.5e-7 |
2.5e-7 |
2.5e-7 |
2.5e-7 |
1.0e-5 |
1.0e-8 |
1.0e-6 |
1.0e-7 |
1.0e-7 |
1.0e-7 |
1.0e-7 |
1.0e-9 |
1.0e-12 |
1.0e-9 |
0.0 |
1.0e-12 |
1.0e-12 |
1.0e-12 |
1.0e-12 |
If ConvCheckMode=0
, all convergence criteria have to be satisfied
for the program to accept the calculation as converged, which is a quite
rigorous criterion. In this mode, the program also has mechanisms to
decide that a calculation is converged even if one convergence criterion
is not fulfilled but the others are overachieved. ConvCheckMode=1
means that one criterion is enough. This is quite dangerous, so ensure
that none of the criteria are too weak, otherwise the result will be
unreliable. The default ConvCheckMode=2
is a check of medium rigor —
the program checks for the change in total energy and for the change in
the one-electron energy. If the ratio of total energy and one-electron
energy is constant, the self-consistent field does not fluctuate anymore
and the calculation can be considered converged. If you have small
eigenvalues of the overlap matrix, the density may not be converged to
the number of significant figures requested by TolMaxP
and TolRMSP
is a flag to prevent time consuming calculations on
non-converged wave functions. It will default to ConvForced=1
Post-HF methods, Excited States runs and Broken Symmetry calculations.
You can overwrite this default behavior by setting ConvForced=0
Irrespective of the ConvForced
value that has been chosen, properties
or numerical calculations (NumGrad, NumFreq) will not be performed on
non-converged wavefunctions!
7.7.2. Dynamic and Static Damping¶
Damping is the oldest and simplest convergence aid. It was already invented by Douglas Hartree when he did his famous atomic calculations. Damping consists of mixing the old density with the new density as:
where \(\alpha\) is the damping factor, which must have a value of less
than 1. Thus the permissible range (not checked by the program) is 0
…0.999999. For \(\alpha\) values larger than 1, the calculation cannot
proceed since no new density is admixed. Damping is important in the
early stages of a calculation where \(P_{\text{old} }\) and
\(P_{\text{new} }\) are very different from each other and the energy is
strongly fluctuating. Many schemes have been suggested that vary the
damping factor dynamically to give strong damping in the beginning and
no damping in the end of an SCF. The scheme implemented in ORCA is that
by Hehenberger and Zerner [911] and is invoked with
. Static damping is invoked with CNVDamp=true
. These
convergers are mutually exclusive. They can be used in the beginning of
a calculation when it is not within the convergence radius of DIIS or
SOSCF. Damping works reasonably well, but most other convergers in ORCA
are more powerful.
If damping used in conjunction with DIIS or SOSCF, the value of
is important: once the DIIS error falls below DampErr
, the
damping is turned off. In case SOSCF is used, DampErr
refers to the
orbital gradient value at which the damping is turned off. The default
value is 0.1 Eh. In difficult cases, however, it is a good idea to
choose DampErr
much smaller, e.g. 0.001. This is — to some extent
— chosen automatically together with the keyword ! SlowConv
# control of the Damping procedure
CNVDamp true # default: true
CNVZerner false # default: false
DampFac 0.98 # default: 0.7
DampErr 0.05 # default: 0.1
DampMin 0.1 # default: 0.0
DampMax 0.99 # default: 0.98
# more convenient:
Damp fac 0.98 ErrOff 0.05 Min 0.1 Max 0.99 end
7.7.3. Level Shifting¶
Level shifting is a frequently used technique. The basic idea is to shift the energies of the virtual orbitals such that after diagonalization the occupied and virtual orbitals mix less strongly and the calculation converges more smoothly towards the desired state. Also, level shifting should prevent flipping of electronic states in near-degenerate cases. In a special context it has been shown by Saunders and Hillier [335, 751] to be equivalent to damping.
Similar to DampErr
described in the previous section, ShiftErr
refers to the DIIS error at which the level shifting is turned off.
# control of the level shift procedure
CNVShift true # default: true
LShift 0.1 # default: 0.25, energy unit is Eh.
ShiftErr 0.1 # default: 0.0
# more convenient:
Shift Shift 0.1 ErrOff 0.1 end
7.7.4. Direct Inversion in Iterative Subspace (DIIS)¶
The direct inversion in iterative subspace (DIIS) is a technique
that was invented by Pulay [702, 703]. It has
become the de facto standard in most modern electronic structure
programs, because DIIS is robust, efficient and easy to implement.
Basically DIIS uses a criterion to judge how far a given trial density
is from self-consistency. The commutator of the Fock and density
matrices [F,P] is a convenient measure for this error. With
this information, an extrapolated Fock matrix from the present and
previous Fock matrices is constructed, which should be much closer to
self-consistency. In practice this is usually true, and better than
linear convergence has been observed with DIIS. In some rare
(open-shell) cases however, DIIS convergence is slow or absent after
some initial progress. As self-consistency is approached, the set of
linear equations to be solved for DIIS approaches linear dependency and
it is useful to bias DIIS in favor of the SCF cycle that had the lowest
energy using the factor DIISBfac
. This is achieved by multiplying all
diagonal elements of the DIIS matrix with this factor unless it is the
Fock matrix/density which leads to the lowest energy. The default value
for DIISBfac
is 1.05.
The value of DIISMaxEq
is the maximum number of old Fock matrices to
remember. Values of 5-7 have been recommended, while other users store
10-15 Fock matrices. Should the standard DIIS not achieve convergence,
some experimentation with this parameter can be worthwhile. In cases
where DIIS causes problems in the beginning of the SCF, it may have to
be invoked at a later stage. The start of the DIIS procedure is
controlled by DIISStart
. It has a default value of 0.2 Eh, which
usually starts DIIS after 0-3 cycles. A different way of controlling the
DIIS start is adjusting the value DIISMaxIt
, which sets the maximum
number of cycles after which DIIS will be started irrespective of the
error value.
# control of the DIIS procedure
CNVDIIS true # default: true
DIISStart 0.1 # default: 0.2
DIISMaxIt 5 # default: 12
DIISMaxEq 7 # default: 5
DIISBFac 1.2 # default: 1.05
DIISMaxC 15.0 # default: 10.0
# more convenient:
DIIS Start 0.1 MaxIt 5 MaxEq 7 BFac 1.2 MaxC 15.0 end
Note that for troublesome or lacking SCF convergence the TRAH
algorithm should be used
(see Sec. Trust-Region Augmented Hessian (TRAH) SCF).
If not turned off explicitly, TRAH
is switched on automatically
whenever convergence problems are present by means of the AutoTRAH
(see Sec. Trust-Region Augmented Hessian (TRAH) SCF).
7.7.5. An alternative DIIS algorithm: KDIIS¶
An alternative algorithm that makes use of the DIIS concept is called
KDIIS (Kolmar’s DIIS[452, 453]) in ORCA. The KDIIS algorithm is designed to bring the orbital
gradient of any energy expression to zero using a combination of DIIS
extrapolation and first order perturbation theory. Thus, the method is
diagonalization-free. In our hands it is superior to the standard DIIS
algorithm in many cases, but not always. The algorithm is invoked with
the keyword ! KDIIS
and is available for RHF, UHF and CASSCF.
7.7.6. Approximate Second Order SCF (SOSCF)¶
SOSCF is an approximately quadratically convergent variant of the SCF
procedure [264, 608]. The theory is relatively
involved and will not be described here. In short – SOSCF computes an
initial guess to the inverse orbital Hessian and then uses the BFGS
formula in a recursive way to update orbital rotation angles. As
information from a few iterations accumulates, the guess to the inverse
orbital Hessian becomes better and better and the calculation reaches a
regime where it converges superlinearly. As implemented, the procedure
converges as well or slightly better than DIIS and takes a somewhat less
time. However, it is also a lot less robust, so that DIIS is the
method of choice for many problems (see also the description of the full second-order trust-region
augmented Hessian (TRAH
) procedure in the next section). On the other hand, SOSCF
is useful when DIIS gets stuck at some error around \(\sim\) 0.001 or
0.0001. Such cases were the primary motive for the implementation of
The drawback of SOSCF is the following: in the beginning of the SCF, the
orbital gradient (the derivative of the total energy with respect to
rotations that describe the mixing of occupied and virtual MOs) is
large, so that one is far from the quadratic regime. In such cases, the
procedure is not successful and may even wildly diverge. Therefore it is
recommended to only invoke the SOSCF procedure in the very end of the
SCF where DIIS may lead to “trailing” convergence. SOSCF is controlled
by the variables SOSCFStart
and SOSCFMaxIt
. SOSCFStart
is a
threshold for the orbital gradient. When the orbital gradient, or
equivalently the DIIS Error, fall below SOSCFStart
, the SOSCF
procedure is initiated. SOSCFMaxIt
is the latest iteration to start
the SOSCF even if the orbital gradient is still above SOSCFStart
# control of the SOSCF procedure
CNVSOSCF true # default: false
SOSCFStart 0.1 # default: 0.01
SOSCFMaxIt 5 # default: 1000
# more convenient:
SOSCF Start 0.1 MaxIt 5 end
For many calculations on transition metal complexes, it is a good idea to be conservative in the startup criterion for SOSCF, it may diverge otherwise. A choice of 0.01 or lower is recommended.
7.7.7. Trust-Region Augmented Hessian (TRAH) SCF¶
The trust-region augmented Hessian (! TRAH
approach[64, 349, 381, 735]
should be used if the standard SCF
solver[264, 608, 703, 704]
DIIS+SOSCF fails or is expected to fail. TRAH-SCF should converge for
any system. Convergence to the electronic ground state is also
guaranteed because information of the electronic Hessian is exploited.
The TRAH approach constructs a quadratic model of the SCF energy as a function of the orbital rotation parameters \(\mathbf{x}\),
and minimizes \(E(\mathbf{x})\) w.r.t \(\mathbf{x}\) with the constraint that orbital rotations should lie within a trust region \(h\)
Such a constraint minimization leads to the level-shifted Newton equations
which have the two unknowns \((\mu, \mathbf{x})\). Instead of solving the level-shifted Newtons equations, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the scaled augmented Hessian are solved,
The TRAH eigenvalue equations are solved iteratively with the Davidson
algorithm until the residual norm for \(\tilde{\mathbf{x} }\) is below a
scaled (by TolFacMicro
) norm of the electronic gradient. The scaling
parameter \(\alpha\) is adjusted in every Davidson iteration (micro
iteration) such that
by using a bisection search within \([\alpha_0,\alpha_1]\) and ensures
that the orbital rotation (update) vectors are within the trust region.
Once \(\mathbf{x}\) is found, the orbitals are updated and a new macro
iteration starts with the SCF energy and electronic gradient computation
\(\mathbf{g}\). TRAH terminates if the gradient norm \(||\mathbf{g}||\) is
below a user-given threshold TolG
The most time consuming steps of the algorithm are the computation of the electronic gradient \(\mathbf{g}\) and the linear transformations of the electronic Hessian \(\mathbf{H}\) with some trial vectors during the Davidson micro iterations. Both intermediates can be computed efficiently in the atomic-orbital basis using AO-Fock matrices as done for TD-DFT or CP-SCF. Hence, TRAH-SCF can be also used for very large molecules. However, in contrast to a standard DIIS approach, difference density matrices cannot be used which makes the shell pair screening based on Schwarz estimates and density matrices less effective for TRAH. To accelerate the various sigma vector computations, we choose for those steps in the micro iterations as for CP-SCF smaller grids for evaluation of XC functionals and semi-numerical exchange COSX, which is controlled via
Z_GridXC 1 // Lebedev Grid
Z_IntAccXC 3.467 // eps parameter of radial grid
Z_GridX 1 // Lebedev Grid
Z_IntAccX 3.067 // eps parameter of radial grid
TRAH-SCF is currently implemented for restricted closed-shell (RHF
) and unrestricted open-shell determinants (UHF
and UKS
) and
can be accelerated with RIJ
. Solvation
effects can also be accounted for with the C-PCM
model. The
implementation is also parallelized with MPI. A restricted open-shell
implementation (ROHF and ROKS) is not yet available.
The default preconditioner (diag
) for the Davidson algorithm uses
approximate matrix element of the diagonal Hessian. We have also added
an improved preconditioner (full
) that uses the exact orbital Hessian
for a subset of the most important occupied-virtual MO pairs (with
smallest orbital-energy difference). This number PreconMaxRed
250) cannot be too large.
Precond Diag # DIAG, FULL, or NONE
PreconMaxRed 250 # maximum dimension of FULL Hessian for preconditioning
Otherwise, additional computational bottlenecks would be introduced when
transforming the two-electron integrals in the MO basis or when
diagonalizing this reduced-space Hessian. Note that for the integral
transformation the RI approximation is used and an auxiliary /C
must be provided. Please also note that, so far, we have only
implemented an XC Hessian contribution for LDA functionals. From our
experience, the “full” precondition is very advantageous for RHF and UHF
calculations of small molecules but does not provide any advantage for
other (TRAH-)SCF calculations.
In cases for which the conventional SCF procedures (DIIS/KDIIS/SOSCF)
struggle, we invoke TRAH-SCF automatically (AutoTRAH
). For this
purpose, we perform a linear interpolation of the norm of the electronic
gradient on the \({\log}_{10}\) scale after a minimum number of SCF
iterations AutoTRAHIter
(default 20). The number of iterations for
interpolations is controlled by AutoTRAHNInter
(default 10). If the
slope \(s\) of the interpolated gradient norm \(10^{-s}\) becomes smaller
than AutoTRAHTol
(default 1.125), conventional SCF is shut down and
TRAH-SCF start from the current set of MOs. Those parameters were
optimized for a benchmark set with the purpose to minimize the
calculation times even for SCF calculations that are hard to converge.
There is not really a need to modify the AutoTRAH
parameters except
for turning TRAH off entirely.
The accuracy of the SCF calculation is controlled by via the simple
keywords NORMALSCF
, etc. The accuracy threshold that
checks the gradient norm for TRAH-SCF calculations is is read from the
SCF input block.
Note that checking the Frobensius norm of \(||\mathbf{g}||\) is the only convergence check in TRAH.
TolG 1.e-6 # gradient norm threshold (converging macro iterations)
Below a complete list of input parameters is given for TRAH
. Please
note that all parameters influence the convergence and should not be
changed carelessly!
# AutoTRAH parameter
AutoTRAH true
AutoTRAHTol 1.125
AutoTRAHIter 20
AutoTRAHNInter 10
# TRAH parameter
MaxRed 16 # maximum number of Davidson micro iterations
NStart 2 # number of start vectors for Davidson (at least 2)
TolFacMicro 0.1 # Scaling factor for Davidson convergence
# threshold = TolFacMicro * || G ||
MinTolMicro 1.e-2 # minimum accuracy of micro iterations
QuadRegionStart 1.e-3 # start Newton-Raphson if || G || < QuadRegionStart
tradius 0.4 # initial trust radius
AlphaMin 0.1 # lower bound of gradient scaling parameter
AlphaMax 1000. # upper bound of gradient scaling parameter
Randomize true # add white noise to Davidson start vectors
PseudoRand false # use pseudo random numbers for comparibility
MaxNoise 1.e-2 # maximum random number magnitude
OrbUpdate Taylor # orbital update algorithm (TAYLOR or CAYLEY)
InactiveMOs Canonical # CANONICAL or NOTSET
Precond Diag # DIAG, FULL, or NONE
PreconMaxRed 250 # maximum dimension of FULL Hessian for preconditioning
OBS.: The maximum number of macro iterations is defined by MAXITER under the %SCF block.
7.7.8. Finite Temperature HF/KS-DFT¶
A finite temperature can be used to apply a Fermi-like occupation number smearing over the orbitals of the system, which may sometimes help to get convergence of the SCF equations in near hopeless cases. Through the smearing, the electrons are distributed according to Fermi statistics among the available orbitals. The “chemical potential” is found through the condition that the total number of electrons remains correct. Gradients can be computed in the presence of occupation number smearing.
%scf SmearTemp 5000 # ``temperature'' in Kelvin
Finite temperature SCF (fractional occupation numbers or FOD analysis, see sections Fractional Occupation Numbers and Fractional Occupation Number Weighted Electron Density (FOD), respectively) cannot be used together with the
methods. Fractional Occupation Numbers¶
Only a very basic implementation of fractional occupation numbers is presently provided. It is meant to deal with orbitally degenerate states in the UHF/UKS method. Mainly it was implemented to avoid symmetry breaking in DFT calculations on orbitally degenerate molecules and atoms. The program checks the orbital energies of the initial guess orbitals, finds degenerate sets and averages the occupation numbers among them. Currently the criterion for degenerate orbitals is \(10^{-3}\) Eh. The fractional occupation number option is invoked by:
FracOcc true
Clearly, the power of fractional occupation numbers goes far beyond what is presently implemented in the program and future releases will likely make more use of them. The program prints a warning whenever it uses fractional occupation numbers. The fractionally occupied orbitals should be checked to ensure they are actually the intended ones.
GuessMode = CMatrix
will cause problems because there are no orbital energies for the initial guess orbitals. The program will then average over all orbitals — which makes no sense at all. Fractional Occupation Number Weighted Electron Density (FOD)¶
Many approximate QC methods do not yield reliable results for systems with significant static electron correlation (SEC) but it is often difficult to predict if the system in question suffers from SEC or not. Existing scalar SEC diagnostics (e.g., the \(T_1\) diagnostic) do not provide any information where the SEC is located in the molecule. Furthermore, often quite expensive calculations have to be performed first (e.g., CCSD) in order to judge the reliability of the results based on a single number. Molecular systems with strong SEC (e.g. covalent bond-breaking, biradicals, open-shell transition metal complexes) are usually characterized by small energy gaps between frontier orbitals, and hence, the appearance of many equally important determinants in their electronic wavefunction. This finding is used in the FOD analysis[327] which is based on finite temperature KS-DFT where the fractional occupation numbers are determined from the Fermi distribution (“Fermi smearing”)
The central quantity of the FOD analysis is the fractional occupation number weighted electron density (\(\rho^{FOD}\)), a real-space function of the position vector \(r\):
(\(\delta_1\) and \(\delta_2\) are unity if the level is lower than \(E_F\) while they are 0 and \(-1\), respectively, for levels higher than \(E_F\)). The \(f_i\) represent the fractional occupation numbers (0\(\leq f_i\leq\)1; sum over all electronic single-particle levels obtained by solving self-consistently the KS-SCF equations minimizing the free-electronic energy).
\(\rho^{FOD}(r)\) can be plotted using a pre-defined contour surface value (see FOD plots). FOD plots only show the contribution of the ‘hot’ (strongly correlated) electrons and can thus be used to choose a suitable QC method for the system in question based on some rules of thumb (see FOD plots). Mulliken reduced orbital charges based on \(\rho^{FOD}(r)\) (see Mulliken Population Analysis) offer a fast alternative to get the information of the FOD plot.
The integration of \(\rho^{FOD}\) over all space yields as additional information a single size-extensive number termed \(N_{FOD}\) which correlates well with other scalar SEC diagnostics and can be used to globally quantify SEC effects in the molecule.
\(\rho^{FOD}\) (and \(N_{FOD}\)) strongly depend on the orbital energy gap which itself depends almost linearly on the amount of the non-local Fock exchange admixture \(a_x\). The following (empirical) function of the optimal electronic temperature \(T_{el}\) on \(a_x\)
is used to ensure that similar results of the FOD analysis are obtained
with various functionals. For example, the SmearTemp
has to be 5000 K
for TPSS (\(a_x\) = 0), 9000 K for B3LYP (\(a_x\) = 20%), 10000 K for PBE0
(\(a_x\) = 25%), and 15800 K for M06-2x (\(a_x\) = 54%). The result of the
FOD analysis is not strongly dependent on the employed basis set (see
supplementary information of the original publication[327]).
TPSS/def2-TZVP/TightSCF was chosen as the default since it is fast and
robust. The FOD analysis is a very efficient and practicable tool to get
information about the amount and localization of SEC in the system of
question. It is called by a simple keyword:
# ground state of p-benzyne
* xyz 0 1
C 0.0000000 1.2077612 0.7161013
C 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.3596219
C 0.0000000 -1.2077612 0.7161013
C 0.0000000 -1.2077612 -0.7161013
C 0.0000000 0.0000000 -1.3596219
C 0.0000000 1.2077612 -0.7161013
H 0.0000000 2.1606260 1.2276695
H 0.0000000 -2.1606260 1.2276695
H 0.0000000 -2.1606260 -1.2276695
H 0.0000000 2.1606260 -1.2276695
The respective output reads:
memory conserving SCF solver
Iteration Energy (Eh) Delta-E RMSDP MaxDP DIISErr Damp Time(sec)
*** Starting incremental Fock matrix formation ***
1 -230.8982516003082139 0.00e+00 5.01e-03 1.01e-01 1.12e-01 0.700 1.7
Warning: op=0 Small HOMO/LUMO gap ( -0.021) - skipping pre-diagonalization
Will do a full diagonalization
2 -230.9463607195993120 -4.81e-02 1.15e-03 2.59e-02 4.06e-02 0.700 1.6
***Turning on AO-DIIS***
... etc.
12 -231.0033984839932089 -5.02e-09 3.33e-07 7.37e-06 7.95e-06 0.000 1.1
**** Energy Check signals convergence ****
Fermi smearing:E(HOMO(Eh)) = -0.201252 MUE = -0.179318 gap= 1.119 eV
N_FOD = 0.920364
The default functional and basis set are TPSS and def2-TZVP respectively.
If the FOD analysis should be done employing a different functional, one
has to explicitly specify the functional and basis set in the simple
keyword line and adjust the SmearTemp
# ozone molecule
! B3LYP def2-TZVP TightSCF
SmearTemp 9000
* xyz 0 1
O 0.00000000017911 0.00000000000000 0.43702029765776
O -1.09512651993192 0.00000000000000 -0.21851064888325
O 1.09512651975281 0.00000000000000 -0.21851064877451
The FOD analysis may also be useful for finding a suitable active space for e.g. CASSCF calculations.
The FOD analysis will be always printed (including Mulliken reduced orbital charges based on \(\rho^{FOD}\)) if
\(>\) 0 K \(\rho^{FOD}\) is stored on disk in the fileBasename.scfp_fod
which is included in the generalBasename.densities
container).Since the \(\hat{S}^2\) expectation value is not defined for fractional occupation numbers, its printout is omitted.